Ch. 7 - Flesh Tantrum

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"You're a bad man, Master Tolstoy!"

- Litizia

Chapter 7 - Flesh Tantrum

▪️A L E K S A N D R▪️

Nine days.

It had been exactly nine days since Litizia had moved into the mansion. Suffice to say, these last few days had been nothing short of interesting.

We had fallen into a sort of ritual; we would have breakfast and dinner together daily.

During the day, if she was not painting in the garden, Litizia could be found riding her motorcycle up and down the long driveway, practicing dangerous stunts that near gave me a heart attack.

Though I would be lying if I did not confess that I was proud of how skilful she was.

When she was not engaged in such daredevil activities, she was out with Jade and Natasha, looking over stuff in preparation for our wedding which would be taking place in just under three weeks.

At the moment, however, Litizia was leaning into me as I led her up the stairs.

Tonight, I had taken her out to the club to meet the other heads of the Aelbank City mafia alliance. Of course, once that was done, Jade had wasted no time in whisking her off onto the dancefloor.

Naturally, by the end of the night, Jade was as drunk as a skunk and had managed to encourage my future wife into downing a couple of drinks herself.

"I should've stopped after that eighth Purple Rain," Litizia slurred, swaying from side to side.

Shaking my head, I chuckled as I led her to her room, "You don't say... Although, I will give you credit, you hold your liquor a lot better than Jade does."

Giggling, she said, "Jade is a lightweight, but yay for me being able to beat her in something! She's the perfect mafia wife, I want to be a badass wife for you too!"

Frowning slightly at her words, I questioned, "What? Why would you think you'd not be a good wife?"

Snorting, she retorted, "Erm hello! First of all, were it not for the arrangement, you'd have never even looked my way."

At her words, my eyes widened.

Not bothering to wait for a reply, Litizia added, "Secondly, Jade is a badass! Have you seen how amazing she is with those guns of hers? She kicks ass! I mean sure, I can use a gun too, but nowhere near her level. You're a strong mafia boss, just like Dominic, you deserve a strong female by your side!"

Unknown to me, it would seem that Litizia had felt inferior compared to Jade.

Which I thought was ridiculous as there were things that my future wife could do that no one else I knew could even attempt. The stunts I had watched Litizia perform on her motorcycle never ceased to amaze me and left anyone who saw them in awe.

Even Jade herself would gush about how awesome Litizia was and had even recommended some jobs within our organisations where we could put her unique riding skills to use. So, I was not sure why Litizia felt like she was not good enough to be at my side.

Needing to reassure her, I immediately countered.

"You do deserve to be at my side..." I stated while making her hold on to my shoulders as I proceeded to bend down and help her out of her shoes.

Litizia made weird sounds with her mouth in an attempt to scoff, "Yea right! I'm not like Jade, she's perfect at everything!"

"No, she's not, she definitely can't ride like you..." I told her, hoping she heard the pride in my voice.

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