Ch. 33 - Ready To Play

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"I can do that thing with
my tongue that you like..."

- Aleksandr

Chapter 33 - Ready To Play

▪️L I T I Z I A▪️

Over the next month, there was definitely a shift in the air.

I knew that I had the respect of Aleksandr's peers, but ever since the incident with Patel, it would seem that I was being viewed in a new light. Even Dominic had a glint in those icy blue eyes of his whenever he looked my way.

However, one of the most shocking new developments occurred between Sergey and Natasha.

Aleksandr's second in command was not as cold where the young woman was concerned. While they were not dating or anything–at least that is what they were telling people–Sergey certainly was not avoiding Natasha like the plague anymore.

It would seem that whatever happened down in the dungeon between Patel and the women caused something to shift between them as Sergey was clearly looking at Natasha differently.

Jade complained, wanting to know what was going on between them. But as I had told her, if Natasha and Sergey were indeed in a relationship, they would let us know when they were ready.

From my observation, it would not be much longer before Sergey and Natasha became an official item. After all, the blonde woman had not been shy in stating her interest in him and I had not been blind to the subtle looks that they exchanged when they thought no one was looking. 

Natasha may not have been as aggressive as Jade, but she knew what she wanted and I had no doubt that she would eventually get it.

At the moment, I was sitting in my painting room.

My eyes were focused on a large painting of Aleksandr that I had been working on since we returned from our honeymoon.

To my surprise, when I had asked him if he would pose for me, he easily agreed.

I had Aleksandr sit naked on an ottoman placed in front of one of the massive floor-to-ceiling windows with his back leaning against the wall. The position I placed him in was a simple one. His left knee was bent, blocking his crotch, while his right foot was stretched out. Where his arms were concerned, his left rested on his left knee and his right was hidden.

With his face angled slightly upwards, I was able to get such a beautiful line of his neck. His entire physique was just exquisite and I had complimented him numerous times, telling him that his body was art in itself.

Of course, I did not need him to be in position all the time, having taking a few reference photos. But I enjoyed having my husband pose naked for me and I knew that he enjoyed it too. It was an ongoing project that would take many more weeks to complete, nonetheless, I was enjoying myself immensely.

Tilting my head, I continued to observe the portrait in front of me.

It depicted a man full of authority and strength, the shadows across his face accentuating his strong jaw. I made sure that I had enough light to capture as many of his tattoos as possible while also highlighting the powerful lines of his muscular body.

"So beautiful..." I whispered.

I wanted to hang the painting in our play room, the one he had built for us on the third floor.

It had been a complete surprise for me when he showed me the room last week.

Aleksandr had blindfolded and escorted me towards the large double doors. I noticed that the room's décor resembled closely to what we had talked about in the event that we did plan to get a playroom for the house.

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