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Here's what the author had to say:

I wanted to write a BDSM book that focused less on the typical "whips and chains" and more on the trust and communication that is needed between a dom and sub. Don't be fooled though, this book is full of spicy scenes 😉 –KimberlyTanithMarie

Here's what some readers had to say:

IF I COULD GIVE THIS BOOK 100 MILLION STARS I WOULD! The plot is fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone!!! This book shows how even people who may seem heartless have stories too and not everyone is as they seem to be! I love how this book explains the loyalty of friendship and family and how even with it being fiction it explain real life situations that some people may have some comparisons too! I love it and there's nothing anyone could do to change my mind!!💕❤️❤️❤️🥺 –SassyZ21

I told you I was gonna show somelove!! Y'all this author is so talented! The way she turned a character I had my doubts about in Dom's Absolution into one of my favorite Wattpad men!! I'm so happy that Aleksandr got his own story and that it showed us that he's so much more than a guy who would chase a woman who doesn't like him. My girl Zia is so great for him and honestly way better for him than Jade lol so (love Jade though). Zia and Xander are just the cutest I CAN"T. Both their development as a couple and as individuals was chef's kiss. The pacing of the story I liked, because we already knew they had chemistry. Nothing was dragged out imo they fell in love in a very natural way. Anyways, loved this book and I'm excited for the new book!! –ShayneToppUsuiTakumi

The first book of the series of Aelbank that I read was Aleksandr instead of Dom's Absolution because I first saw the recomendation in Tiktok so I decided to go for it.... I don't regret that decisión at all. This book has a special place in my heart because of how we see Litizia grow so so much and Big Bear too. –LaurelisAnais

This is definitely my favourite book in the series. Reading Dom's Absolution and then getting to read more about Aleksandr was great. Of course I really loved Zia's character, she's sweet but badass. Just lovedd itt!! –SD_70712

Finished this one very fast and enjoyed it. I was looking for a mafia book with a brown fmc and this definitely checked my box and higher. –crustyzee

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