Ch. 5 - Meat Hook Sodomy

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"We all know what happens to those
who try to fuck with my city..."

- Dominic

Chapter 5 - Meat Hook Sodomy

▪️A L E K S A N D R▪️

I was standing in one of the large freezers located inside my meat packing factory.

With the sleeves of my black shirt rolled up to my elbows, my eyes slowly trailed over the dead body in front of me. The man was a spy and had tried to infiltrate into the Calvetti organisation.

His name was Fabio, or at least that was what he claimed it to be. We had caught the young man sneaking around the docks about a week ago. As usual, whenever someone needed to disappear, regardless of them being dead or alive, Dominic left the bodies with me.

Since then, I had been keeping Fabio inside the factory, coming up with creative ways to distress his body as we pried whatever information we could out of him.

Dominic and I had spent the last two hours torturing the young man.

Much to our surprise, he barely cracked. But as he drifted in and out of consciousness, he slipped up, revealing his true accent. It was clear that he was from Detroit.

This led us to believe that perhaps he had been a scout working for Michele Lombardo, but without any concrete evidence we could only go on assumptions. However, when he mentioned Litizia's name, that was all the proof I needed.

Fabio had laughed and said to enjoy my new whore wife while I could. Just hearing him talk about her in that way ignited something within me and Dominic had to all but pull me off of him.

I spat on the floor as I watched Fabio hang there in nothing but his soiled underwear. His arms were tied above him as he hung lifelessly from one of the metal hooks, large chunks of his flesh missing from various parts of his bruised and battered body.

"Michele had to have sent him! Why else would he have made such a comment about Litizia?" I deduced with a frown on my face.

"It seems likely... Do you think Carlo lied to us?" Dominic asked as he began to expertly dismember the corpse.

I removed the large plastic bib apron from around my neck and hung it up to the side before looking down at my blood-stained gloves, "No, he might be stupid, but he's not that imprudent."

Dominic's soft cackle filled the quiet freezer as he stated, "Perhaps, but it seems that he may have underestimated Lombardo's resentment in being denied Litizia's hand."

Scoffing, I said, "Michele has no one to blame but himself. Litizia should have stabbed him in the neck."

"Heh! That's what Jade said," the pale man commented as he made quick work of removing Fabio's legs, blood splattering onto the black plastic bib apron he was wearing.

The limbs landed on the floor with a dull thud while Dominic continued to expertly move about the corpse. His face was impassive as his pallid skin and silvery-white hair seemed to glow under the bright lights, while the blue of his eyes attentively focused on his current task.

"I guess it may not be such a bad thing if a little bit of Jade rubs off on her after all," I murmured more to myself while moving to sit on one of the metal chairs

Dominic made a clicking sound with his mouth before speaking, "Be careful what you wish for, Tolstoy. It just might come back to bite you in the ass, literally."

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