Neville Longbottom - Daisy Crowns & Paper Rings

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A/N- This is probably going to be on the shorter side but I plan on the next one being super long! Hope you all enjoy it! 

Everybody knew that Neville had a knack for Herbology. He was the best in the class, possibly better than most upperclassmen. He could go on for hours about the different types of plants, what their similarities and differences were, how and when to use them, why they looked the way they did, and so on and so forth. But what everybody didn't know was that he also enjoyed the simpler side of plants. Just admiring them, seeing how beautiful they looked but perhaps his favorite thing to do was make flower crowns with his girlfriend Y/N. Although Y/N didn't have as much of a keen liking for Herbology as Neville did, she loved that her boyfriend loved it and she loved how happy he looked when they fashioned flower crowns together. Seeing the passion and love he held for the activity reminded her of all the reasons she loved him. And now more than ever, when the world was being taken over by the Dark Lord and Dumbledore was dead, their little escapades to the meadow meant all that much more. 

But today was about to change Y/N's life. Neville was going to propose to her. He knew that a war was coming and he wanted Y/N by his side for as long as possible if something were to happen to either of them. 

*Y/N POV* 

Thank Merlin Harry left his invisibility cloak with Neville. It had come it quite handy for escaping to the Meadow without letting those bloody Carrows catch us. Hogwarts had become almost like Azkaban. There was torture for any student who stepped even a toe out of line and the rules were worse than they were with the Pink Toad. Us 7th years had been trying our best to take the brunt of all the Crucios and Sectumsempras for the little ones, and my poor Neville was taking quite the heavy load of it.

But no matter how bleak it seemed, we always had our time together. Just sitting and talking. Making those daisy crowns Nev loved so much and savoring each other's presence. Today was a beautiful day considering the times at hand. It was still cloudy and dreary but the Sun managed to peek through here and there.

Currently, Neville and I were sitting next to each other and talking about our future while I wove a small ring of Poppy Flowers together. Suddenly it got quiet and I realized Neville had stopped talking. I turned my focus from my ring to look at him. 

"Nev? What's wrong, why did you get so quiet all of the sudden?"

"Y/N, can I see that ring." I furrowed my eyebrows but handed him the ring none the less. 

Suddenly he got up from his sitting position and was kneeling instead. 

"Y/N, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately."

I looked at him with confusion written all over my face. 

"Ok... What is going on Neville, is everything alright?"

"Y/N L/N I have loved you ever since you stepped onto that train in first year. You are my whole world, the light of my life, and I love you more than you'll ever know. I know that things have been hard lately and there is a war coming so I have to ask you this now."

I was shocked. Neville was never this good with words unless he was talking to you privately or he felt extremely comfortable around you. 

"Y/N L/N will you marry me? I know we are young but with everything happening-"

I interrupted him. 


He looked up at me with shock in his eyes. 

"You're serious?" 

"Yes. I am 100% serious. I will marry you, Neville Frank Longbottom." 

His face grew into the biggest smile I have ever seen as he picked me up into a hug. After he put me down, he gave me a soft kiss and took my hand.

Putting the Poppy Ring on my hand, he began to speak in a soft tone. "I know this ring isn't much but for right now, it's all I have." 

" I don't care Nev. I could marry you with a paper ring and still manage to be the happiest witch alive." 

He looked at me with glistening eyes. 

"I love you, Y/N" 

"I love you more, flower boy."


Yes. The possibility that the world could end was looming on the horizon and yes they were young. 

But for all Y/N and Neville cared, they could get married with Dasiy Crowns in their hair and Paper Rings on their hands. Because all that mattered was their love for each other. 

A/N - This was so soft and I'm 100% here for it. I love Neville so much so I figured I had to add him into the mix! I hope you all enjoyed it. Don't forget to comment and vote! Stay lovely - Grace. 

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