Draco Malfoy - Pregnancy Pains - Part 2

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A/N - Wow, it has been way too long since I've written. Junior year is kicking my butt as of late so I don't want to guarantee fast updates but I have a lot of new ideas I am very eager to write about. I've been dying to write this second part for a long time now and I finally have time so here we go!!


The days following my walking out on Draco were some of the hardest of my life. I loved him with everything I had in me but I knew I couldn't allow him to treat me like that and believe it was okay. Thanks to Harry, who I put in charge of checking on Draco for now, I knew he was hurting and struggling as much as I was but I was far too stubborn to be the first to run back. I knew Draco loved me and I hoped he loved this child but for now, staying at Hermione's is doing my stress level much better. Not to mention, I got to help Mione with her dating life and keep up to date on everything in the Ministry (Ron owes me 15 galleons on the account of Hermione being the one to ask Oliver out and not the opposite way around like he had thought). All in all, as heartbroken as I was and as much as I loved and missed Draco, I knew this time apart was something we both needed. I just wish it wouldn't have happened under such...hurtful circumstances . 

On the brighter side of things, my bump was growing by the day and the baby was almost due. Hermione, Ginny, Fleur, and Mrs. Weasley were all constantly at my side, monitoring me and checking in, ready to call the Healer at any moment. Draco and I had both agreed that we were going to wait to find out the sex of the baby until I actually gave birth. I think I'm having a boy but Draco is convinced he's going to get a little girl to spoil rotten. 

I smiled sadly at the thought of Draco and I's many late night conversations about various baby related things at the beginning of my pregnancy. Before he got busy. Before he got angry. 

"Y/N? Is everything alright? You keep dazing off." Hermione interrupted my tragic reminiscing with the sound of her voice. I quickly put a smile on my face and looked at her worried face.

"I'm alright Mione, don't worry about me. Just thinking is all." 

She put her hand overtop of mine and gave me a small squeeze. 

In an almost whisper, she said, "I promise he is going to make this right. And if he's too cowardly to do it on his own, I'll give him a little push" A real smile accompanied with a light giggle erupted on my face. 

"I appreciate you and your thirst for letting Draco know he's a right foul git Hermione. I'll take that into consideration." 

"I believe the words you're looking for are foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach however I will be happy to set him straight either way" 

We both burst out into laughter as the memory of Hermione knocking Draco on his ass came into the front of my mind. As I was laughing, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and a sudden release of pressure. I heard Hermione gasp and the next thing I knew, she was running around in a frenzy gathering things for the hospital. 

"Oh Merlin Y/N! Your waters broken! I'll call Draco and Ginny and Mrs. Weasley and Ron and Harry an-"

I slowly stood up, wincing as another contraction shot through my body and interrupted Hermione, "Mione, take a deep breath, it's alright, I'm okay, calm down. My contractions are still far apart and I'm sure I am only 1-2 centimeters dilated."

"Right, of course, you're right. None the less, we are going straight to the hospital this instant."

Feeling another contraction riddle through my body, I quickly nodded my head and slipped my shoes on. 

*Time Skip To The Hospital Brought To You By Harry Potters Birthday*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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