Bill Weasley - Mother Knows Best - Part 1

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Ever since they were little, Y/N and Bill had been best friends. They grew up together, seeing as their mothers were as good as sisters, and it certainly helped that they happened to be born on the same day. So it made sense that Y/N was like a big sister to Charlie. And Percy. And Fred and George. And Ron. And finally, Ginny, who Y/N was closest with besides Bill, seeing as she was the only girl. It also made sense that when the pair arrived at Hogwarts, they were both sorted into Gryffindor, they both ended up Prefects, and in their 7th year, they became Head Girl and Boy together. It seemed as though they were soulmates, right? Their mothers thought so, especially Mrs. Weasley, and everybody around them was waiting for the moment they got together. 

Well, there were two things that got in the way of Y/N and Bill being together. Their difference in profession led to the difference in their love lives. Y/N was one of the top Healers at St. Mungos and Bill was one of the best Curse-Breakers that the Wizarding World had seen. But Bill had a little bit more-uh- help than Y/N did. You see, Bill had a coworker named Fleur, who happened to take a strong and not so subtle liking to Bill and as everybody knew, except for Y/N and Bill, of course, Bill was in love with Y/N and the feelings were more than mutual. But for some reason, when Fleur asked Bill out on a date, he accepted. To say Y/N was hurt was an understatement and not to mention the fact that the whole Weasley family was just about ready to kick Bills arse. Charlie threatened to bring a Norwegian Ridgeback down upon Bill, Fred and George had an arsenal of pranks ready to go, Ginny had her Bat Bogey Hex waiting to be used, Ron was prepared to fistfight Bill if he had to, even Percy was ready to take Hogwarts a History and smash it right over Bills head, but perhaps the angriest out of all the Weasleys was Mrs. Weasley. When she got word that Bill was officially dating Fleur, she lost it. Things were set on fire, howlers were written, and she ended the day holding a sobbing Y/N in her arms. What made it worse, was that her daft son had slowly begun to drift further and further from Y/N as Fleur brainwashed him more and more. It was as though Y/N had just stopped existing to him. All he seemed to care about was Fleur. 

Did you notice the catch? Seemed. 

Yes, Bill Weasley was indeed both an amazing Curse-Breaker and apparently an actor as well. Bill had decided that there was no possible way Y/N would ever love someone like him the same way he loved her, so he decided that he had to move on and the only way he knew how to was to date another girl and push Y/N away. Of course, this hurt him. A lot. He would often find himself wondering if Y/N was doing okay or if she had moved on yet (No obviously not you daft idiot it's been like 3 days, calm down Jamal). Bill knew his family was mad at him, his mother's Howlers had sent that message loud and clear. What he couldn't understand is why. All he did was start dating Fleur, or Phlegm as Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, and Hermione liked to call her. 

But that was the exact problem. 

And when Christmas time was thrown in the mix, things were about to get quite messy at the Burrow. 


The past few weeks have been hard. I had managed to lose my best friend and the man I love all at once. All to some French girl, who was beautiful, smart, and had Bill wrapped around her finger. She was the opposite of me. I was more sarcastic and a bad bitch most of the time with a little bit of soft girl in her that only certain people brought out. Fleur was- let's just say if Gilderoy Lockhart was a girl, it would be Fleur. 

Molly was a huge help to me this last week, seeing as she was practically my second mom and I was staying with the Weasleys for Christmas Break as Mum and Dad were over in America visiting Dad's side of the family. Having her to lean on whenever I needed to cry was wonderful and having Ginny and Hermione to talk about how much we despised Fleur also made me feel much better. It was the day before Christmas and Charlie was coming home along with Bill, who was, unfortunately, bringing Fleur, who didn't even want Bill to go home in the first place. I had been distracting myself all day, baking, cleaning, and trying to prepare dinner with Mrs. Weasley. I needed to get my mind off of the wonderful man that I was going to see for the first time in months (A/N- really quick I wanna clear something up. Earlier I said that they had only stopped talking for about 3 days, which has now turned into about 2 weeks, and while they may have only stopped talking a short while ago, Bill and Y/N have not seen each other because of their jobs and Fleur happened to add to this issue. Ok, I'm done continue). To say I was scared would be an understatement. I was practically shaking and about to have a mental breakdown. I loved Bill in more ways than one and I could barely take hearing it from a letter, let alone seeing him with her in person. 

"Y/N!", Ginny yelled at me. I hadn't realized I was just standing there with the wooden spoon in my hand and the potatoes began to boil over. 

"Shit!" I quickly grabbed a towel, took the pot off of the stove, drained the water, and set them on the wood counter. 

Still holding the towel in my hands, I leaned on the counter as I felt the tears come to my eyes. I began to hyperventilate and my vision officially clouded over. 

"Y/N!" Ginny, Fred, and George came rushing to help me before I collapsed to the floor. 

I began to sob and hiccup as they sat me down on a chair and got me some water. Fred and Goerge began to rub my back as Ginny sat in front of me, held my hands, and calmed me down.

"Shhhh breath Y/N, it's okay, you're going to be alright. Nice, deep, slow breaths for me alright? Remember your counting okay? In and out for me."

"G-Gin... Bill, he-he's bringing her... he doesn't love me, Ginny. He doesn't love me as I love him. I just want Bill back. I want him back." I was able to blubber out in between sobs. Fred spoke next. 

"It's alright Y/N, we know. And he's a bloody fool to not love you, okay? You're an amazing girl Y/N, who anybody would be lucky to call theirs."

I just whimpered quietly and nodded my head, as I continued to sob into my hands. 

"Hey, guys I- Y/N? What happened love, why are you crying?" I heard the voice of Charlie speak as he walked through the door. 

George was quick to speak up. "Bill is bringing Fleur home and Y/N is in love with him and our daft brother is too fooking blind to see it."

I looked up to see Charlie's gaze harden and turn murderous before he looked back at me and it softened. Charlie knew about my panic attacks and how bad my anxiety was. He and Bill had helped me through quite a few back at Hogwarts. He quickly ran over to give me a hug. I started crying even harder. Wonderful. Thank Merlin I wasn't dressed yet or I would have been even more of a mess. 

"He's a blind fool if he can't see how magnificent you are Y/N. You remember your counting, yeah? 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste."

As I began to countdown, my breathing began to slow, the tears seemed to stop falling, and I was slowly able to stand again. 

"Thank you, guys. So much. I am so sorry to be such a bother, I- I don't know what came over me." 

Fred spoke up. "Nonsense, Y/N, you will never be a bother to us. We love you like our older sister, yeah?"

Ginny was quick to add on, "Yeah Y/N, you have been there for all of us and we all love you so it's no problem at all."

"GROUP HUG" Charlie was quick to yell.

Suddenly I was surrounded by 5- wait 5, oh Ron had joined, redheads who were all squeezing the life out of me. 

Suddenly the door squeaked open. 

"Having a family hug without me I see?" spoke a voice from the door. A voice that would forever remind me of my best and worst memories. The most love and pain I've felt. Bill Weasley. 

He was here. And he wasn't alone. 

A/N- I have never done a 2 part imagine before so I thought why not? Anyways, Bill Weasley can kill me and I would say thank you. And that's on PERIODT. Also just to clarify, I AM IN LOVE WITH FLEUR. I am only hating on her and making her seem like the bad guy for the sake of the imagine. So don't get it twisted because Fleur is truly one of my favorite, underrated HP characters. See yall (hopefully) in part 2. Peace and love. - Grace

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