Cedric Diggory - My Hero

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Y/N and Cedric were in love. That was obvious to anybody who looked at them. The couple was so in love that it was almost disgusting. Cedric always stared at Y/N as though she was the only person in the room, and when Cedric smiled at her Y/N practically melted into a puddle. Everyone expected them to get married, have a few kids, and be one of those fairytale couples you see in the muggle films. 

But things changed when Cedric entered the Tri-Wizard Tournament. 

The pair became distant. They were still "together" but every time they were by each other, there was this awkward tension that seemed to suffocate everyone in the room. Both Cedric and Y/N were extremely stubborn people so when they got into a fight over the fact that Cedric had been chosen as champion, neither of them wanted to admit they were wrong, meaning they just continued to avoid each other as much as possible. Y/N was hurt by the fact that Cedric didn't even think to ask her how she felt and put his name in based on impulse, not truly thinking about the consequences the actions could have. Cedric was upset that Y/N couldn't be happy for him and was essentially being a stick in the mud. To add insult to injury, Cedric began to get closer to Cho Chang, the same girl who had despised Y/N for years. 

Y/N was heartbroken and angry, and everyone knows that's never a good mix, especially Y/N had the infamous Weasley temper. Y/N and her mother were very closely matched when it came to who could tell the loudest. Seeing as Y/N came from a large family, she had many shoulders to lean on when her and Cedric were going through a bump in their relationship, but Y/N relied on Percy the most. Everyone else in the family never seemed to understand their relationship seeing as Percy had the reputation of being a prick, but the two of them were like peas in a pod. So it made sense that Y/N wrote letters to Percy about how she felt and surprisingly, she revived some advice back. And it was good advice too.  Percy had told her that she needed to give both Cedric and herself a few days to calm down and think. Clear their minds and then reevaluate. Y/N did just that, but for her it was hard. Cedric was he rock, her yellow, the thing that kept her going, so not having him around her caused some drastic changes in Y/N's personality. Cedric was the same way. They both seemed to have had the light sucked out of them, but the both of them were too stubborn to say anything.

Who knew the thing both of them were fighting over, would bring them back together. 

*Y/N POV* 

I was in the library currently trying to help Harry find a way to breathe underwater for whatever task was tomorrow. I suppose I wasn't really focused though. My mind kept going back to Cedric. Was he okay? What was going through his head right now? Does he have a way to breathe underwater? I couldn't stop worrying. My hands had been shaking all day and bad thoughts kept going through my head. What if he drowned? Or got hurt? What if he died knowing I was mad at him? I loved Cedric more than anything but I was hurt. He didn't even think to ask me about entering and now he spends all of his time with Cho, but that certainly didn't stop me from worrying about him. I must have been so lost in thought because Harry had been calling my name for the past few minutes. 

"Y/N! Hello? Anybody in there? Y/N Weasley" 

I shook my head and looked to where Harry, Hermione, and Ron were standing. 

"Sorry guys, I was just lost in thought" 

"That's okay. Uh sorry to ask but are you crying Y/N?" 

I hadn't felt the tears slipping down my cheeks until now. I let out a dry chuckle.

"I guess I am Hermione. Oh well, that's what happen when you get involved with boys I suppose." 

"Y/N do you maybe think you're overreacting just a bit?" 

I turned to Ron with a fierce look in my eyes. 

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