Sirius Black - Daft Pretty Boys

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This imagine is dedicated to @thisisnotafamilyshow becasue we all know how much Alex loves Sirius and without her, I wouldn't be nearly as far as I am. So truly from the bottom of my heart, thank you. 

Everyone knew who Sirius Black was. He was 1/4 of the Marauders, a notorious prankster, and one of the best looking guys at Hogwarts. He was popular among 99% of the student body, though the opposite could have been said about his popularity among the teachers. It was true, Sirius Black was not the best at paying attention in class and he was known for being among the chatty, ruckus-causing kind. He was focused on putting effort into his pranks and ladies than his school work. If you asked Y/N, it was ridiculous. Y/N was very much the opposite of Sirius. She strived for perfection in her school work and was often ridiculed by the Slytherins for it. She certainly wasn't "popular" by any means, but she did have a few good friends in her small circle and she would prefer to keep it that way. She thought Black was a foolish, ignorant male who played all the girls he went out with and focused on himself 99% of the time. 

But there was something else Y/N didn't know about her housemate. He was incredibly good at hiding his true emotions. Sirius had been through a lot with his Mother and Father's constant abuse, and finally running away to the Potters, meaning he had gotten good at masking how he truly felt. Sirius had watched Y/N from afar throughout their school years. Not in a creepy way per se, but he was quite infatuated with the girl, or that's what Moony had told him. Sirius had been trying to tell her how he felt for years but never quite found the courage to do so. Pretty ironic considering what house he's in. 

As their 6th year comes about, Sirius finally decides to reveal how he feels and is quite shocked with the reaction he receives. 

*Y/N POV* 

I was trying to sit and do my homework with Lily in the Common Room. Notice how I said trying. Unfortunately for us, Black, Potter, Remus, and Pettigrew were fooling about in the middle of the room, arguing over what Quidditch team was the best. 

"I'm telling you Prongs, the Scottish are the best." 

"Not a chance Padfoot, the Irish are the far superior team." 

I huffed out a breath and turned to face them. 

"How about both of you shut up. Some of us," I gestured to Lily and me, "are trying to get our work done." 

James immediately shut up as soon as I mentioned Lily, while Sirius just smirked at me. 

"No need to get your panties in a twist, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes and made a face of disgust. Who did he think he was? I mean sure he's insanely attractive, and he seems hilarious, and I'm sure he was a huge softie on the inside but he was the Sirius Black and he had quite the reputation. Besides the arrogance got in the way of all the "good" qualities he had. 

I snapped my book shut and began to pack my stuff up in a huff as Lily did the same. After I was done, I took my bad on my shoulder and turned around to face the Marauders once more. 

"For your information Black, I am not, nor will I ever be, your "sweetheart", meaning I would appreciate it if we kept the pet names to a minimum." 

"We could very easily change your status to being mine, doll." 

"Only in your dreams, Black. But even then, I'm too good for you." I said with a sickly sweet smile and Sirius began to blush. 

Everyone around me snickered quietly to themselves as I exited the Common Room to head towards the Library. Along the way, I met up with Sev, who was nice to me and one of my closest friends, along with Lily, even despite his house. I explained everything to him, including what Sirius had said. 

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