Requested - Harry Potter - Power Of Family

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A/N - This imagine was requested by the lovely @JulzLovDraco4Eva and it will also be my first ever brother-sister imagine. I hope you all enjoy it (also Sirius does not go to Azkaban in this imagine because I can.)

Ever since Y/N was little, she had always felt that she had something missing in her life. Like there was a part of her that was missing or she wasn't quite whole. Y/N was a Malfoy by last name but she looked nothing like the rest of her family. She had the most unruly, curly auburn hair that was often all the place and her eyes were not the bright grey that the Malfoy family was most commonly known for having. No Y/N had striking emerald green eyes that most people, even those with green eyes as well, couldn't compare to. Her eyes looked as though a lush garden was growing in the iris of her eye or as though there was a mine full of emeralds waiting to be discovered. There was only one person at Hogwarts who could rival the color of Y/N's eyes and that was Harry Potter, and not only did Harry and Y/N share their eye color, but they also shared a very similar scar on their body. While Harry's was on his forehead, front and center, out in the open, Y/N's scar was on the back of her neck, more private and personal, much like Y/N. Now as odd as all of these "coincidences" may sound, they are not coincidences at all. You see, Y/N may be a Malfoy by last name, but she was a Potter by blood and to those who knew of this, the similarities between the two were very obvious and not hard to spot if you spent enough time around them. Both Harry and Y/N had a talent for always being in the middle of the storm of chaos that seemed to happen every year at Hogwarts, both of them had very similar personalities, meaning they had short tempers when wound up and like to push people away when they were upset. The two also shared very similar good characteristics and happened to both be Gryffindors and happened to be best friends along with Hermione and Ron, which once again was another alarming discovery for Draco, due to the fact that she was raised by the Malfoy family. 

But there was a catch. Y/N and Harry didn't know that they were twins, let alone brother and sister. 

There were few people who knew, those people being Dumbledore, Sirius, Remus, Molly & Arthur, Snape, McGonagall, Hagrid, and of course the Malfoys. But now that Dumbledore was dead, and the Death Eaters were on the rise, it was getting more dangerous for Y/N whether she stayed a Malfoy or found out that she was a Potter. Either way, Voldemort was suspicious of her heritage and intentions. He had tried multiple times to recruit her to be a Death Eater, and she had boldly refused him every time. You would expect that Y/N would be killed, or punished at the very least but Snape happened to be her saving grace. It was quite odd seeing as Snape despised Harry, but Y/N was one of his favorite students. Alas, it was perhaps due to the striking resemblance of Y/N to her mother, Lily. Snape had loved Lily all those years ago, and he swore to himself that he would protect Y/N, his last living (in his eyes) of Lily, with his life. 

Before Dumbledore had passed, he left a note for Harry. One that said to search his office for a vial that would contain the answers to why he and Y/N had felt like they were missing something their whole lives. This brings us to where our "Fantastic Four" were currently at. 

*Y/N POV* 

 Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I sat in Dumbledore's office, y searching for a memory vial that Dumbledore had left behind for Harry and strangely myself to watch in the Pensive. We had been searching for about 20 minutes when Hermione jumped up.

"Oi, you guys, I've found it!"

Harry spoke up. "Brilliant job, Hermione. Does it have any specific instructions?"

"It just says to only allow Y/N and Harry to watch it and that's it."

The room went silent and I looked at Harry nervously. Dumbledore was a curious man, who held many secrets and I was beginning to worry that there was something drastic that Harry and I had yet to find out. 

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