James Potter - The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

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Being married to James Potter was an all-inclusive package. With the inclusive being 3 other men constantly at your house, eating your food, constantly breaking your things, and annoying the life out of your very pregnant body. It was a miracle you hadn't gone into labor already. If you were being completely honest, Sirius, Remus, and Peter may annoy you occasionally, especially Sirius, but you wouldn't trade them any day of the week (Except for Sundays, which were normally the days, you and James took for yourselves, but Sirius had other ideas. Remus really needed to keep his boyfriend under control). And when the rest of the Mauraders found out you were pregnant, let's just say it was like having 3 very overprotective older brothers and one very, very, very, very, very overprotective husband. You loved them you really did, but it was getting a little bit much and you wanted some private time with James to tell him the gender of your baby. So, on Christmas Eve, you kicked everyone out early so you could tell James. 

*Y/N POV* 

I waddled into the living room to make sure that the envelope was still under the tree and everything was in place. I made sure the lights were on and the candles were lit. 

I was extremely nervous to tell James the gender of our baby. I was scared he would be disappointed and that was the last thing I wanted. Taking a deep breath, I sat down the best I could and called James over to the living room. 

"James? Could you come in here please, I have something for you?"

He walked in and sat next to me on the couch "Yeah of course love, what's up?" 

"Well, I wanted to give you a sort of early Christmas present. I know how bad you have wanted to know the gender of our sweet little peanut so I got the doctor to put it in an envelope." I said while handing him the gift at the same time. His eyes widened as he looked at me in fear and awe. 

"Y/N, are you sure you want me to open it and not you? I mean you are the mother after all."

"Yes and you're the father I though we established this by now. In all seriousness James, I want you to be the one to open it. I know how excited you are to find out."

He took a shaky breath, "Alright my love, if you're sure." I nodded my head once more and he began to open the envelope. His hands were shaking quite bad as he opened it up. Finally he got the paper out and as he scanned it over, his eyes widened and his face broke out into the largest smile I had ever seen, even rivaling the one he wore on our wedding day. 

"Well come on then, I want to know too."

His eyes met mine again and this time they were full of tears. Happy tears. 

"Y/N... We are having a boy, a little boy, a little Prongs."

My eyes began to water. James and I had talked about how badly we had wanted a boy to be the gender of our first child. He scooted towards me and took me into his lap as we hugged each other. Pulling away, he knelt down on the ground, pulled my shit over my belly, put his hand on my bump and began to talk to him. 

"Hiya there little Prongs. I'm your dad, James. I cant wait to meet you. I hope you are smart, strong and caring just like your mother and have her beautiful eyes."

"And I hope he is as handsome and hilarious as his father and has is messy hair."

"Just know that we love you little fella and we can't wait to meet you and spoil you tons. Well, we can't wait for your Uncle Sirius to spill you a ton."

I chuckled as he stood up and brought me up with him. He gave me a small kiss before I noticed he was crying. 

"Thank for carrying our baby Y/N. You never fail to amaze me, my love. Thank you for making me a father and most importantly a better man. I love you so much Mrs. Potter."

"I love you more Mr.Potter." and I pulled him into a deeper kiss than before. 

Abruptly, he broke the kiss (and the moment) to tell me what you ask?

"Oh Merlin, I have to go tell Sirius." and then he ran away. 

I looked down at my bump. 

"Merlin help me if you have half as much energy as that man- JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER IF YOU DONT GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE IN THE NEXT 10 SECONDS I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD."

*Third person POV dramatic ending thingy*

All was well at the Potter house, because after all, it was the most wonderful time of the year. 

A/N- I actually quite like this one and am pretty proud of it. I hope everybody is having a good holiday season. Stay lovely - Grace. 

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