Young Remus Lupin - A Little Kindness Can Go A Long Way

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Ever since she was a child, Y/N was gifted with an incredible amount of empathy and compassion. She had a heart of gold and always managed to see the best in others. She accepted everyone around her and always seemed to spread positivity wherever she went. Although she was incredibly kind, she was not weak nor naieve. She knew that there were cruel people in the world, she had first hand experience with it. Death Eaters killed her parents right in front of her. She knew that the world held monsters in it, but she simply chose to look at the good and treat people with kindness. When Y/N arrived at Hogwarts, she expected to be sorted into Hufflepuff, but she was in fact a Ravenclaw. She may have had an overwhelming sense of kindness, but she was one of the cleverest witches in Hogwarts and tied for first in her class with Lily Evans and one person who caught her eye the most. Remus Lupin. 

Y/N met Remus Lupin on the Hogwarts Express and from the moment they began talking, the two hit it off. Later on, when Remus became part of the Marauders, Y/N became great friends with the rest of the boys and Lily as well. She was even made a honorary Gryffindor and Marauder. Y/N was still, and quite obviously if you asked James and Sirius, closest with Remus. They were together as much as possible, knew each other like the backs of their hands and told each other everything... Well, almost everything. You see, Remus was keeping quite a large secret from Y/N, well really two large secrets. 

One, Remus Lupin was a werwolf. Two, he was in love with Y/N.  

Remus had already told Sirius, James, Peter, and Lily but he hadn't told Y/N. He was afraid. No, scratch that (you see what I did there 👀), he was terrified. He had talked himself out of telling her so many times. With Y/N, it was different. She had a different meaning to him. She provided him with light and happiness in his dark days and when life was especially hard. Of course, Y/N was a brilliant, curious person meaning she often asked Remus why he disappeared for so long, but he always found a way to cover it up. 

Little did he know Y/N had figured one of his secrets out long ago. She knew Remus was a werewolf, she was a bloody Ravenclaw for Merlins sake. She had refrained from telling Remus because she knew it was a sensitive subject and she didn't want to cause alarm. She figured if he wanted to tell her he would. Of course it did hurt knowing that he didn't trust her but she knew it  was a hard subject, so she left it alone. 

Until she didn't. Y/N was not a very patient woman and she was well. She felt more than friendly feelings for Remus and she was upset he didn't trust her. So naturally, she decided to do something about it. She had requested that Remus meet her in the Room Of Requirement after they were done with Prefect patrols and to her shock yet delight, he accepted. 

So here Y/N is, in the ROR, pacing back and forth, trying to figure out how to tell the love of her life that she knows his biggest secret. 


What. The. Hell. Was. I. Thinking.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

I knew how insecure and frightened Remus was about his condition and I was going to tell him that I knew. What were you thinking Y/N?

"Oh hey Remus, I know you're a werwolf and I accept you because I'm also in love with you." 

You've really done it this time you idiot. Why was I put in Ravenclaw, because I am obviously the opposite of intelligent. I knew I was going to have to confront him at some point but I didn't expect him to actually accept my invite. I suppose I could play it off and tell him something random, but I hardly doubt that would work, seeing as how brilliant he was. So I guess it was now or never. I just hoped he wasn't angry at me for figuring it out and not telling him. I don't think I could go through losing him. That would hurt too much. 

My pacing came to a halt as I heard the doors rumble open and the shuffle of footsteps enter the room. 

"Y/N? Are you here?"

"I'm back here, Rem." My voice came out meek and wavering. I was about ready to vomit. 

Remus came around the corner and right up to me. Before I could even think about what I was doing, I pulled him into a hug. 

"What's- whoa, nice to see you too Y/N" He chuckled before hugging me back ever so slightly. I blushed the same color as the Gryffindor crest and pulled away. 

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to give you a hug in case you- well never mind that, why don't you sit down." 

He looked at me with a confused and curious look on his face. 

"Y/N, what ever is going on or bothering you, you can tell me you know." 

I began to play with my hands in my lap. 

"I know Rem, I just don't want to lose you," He finally took a seat in front of me and grabbed my hands in his. 

Whoa, he's never been the froward before. 

"Y/N, you could never lose me, yeah? You're my best friend alright? Forever and always." 

I nodded my head and took a deep breath. 

"Well then I suppose this is a good time to tell you. Remus I know you're a werwolf and-"

He dropped my hands and turned a ghost white. 

"Remus, please listen to me I-"

"How long?"


"How long have you known?" 

"A few months now, but you have-" 

He stood up and started pacing, while muttering to himself and running his hands through his hair. 

"Great, now you've lost her too. Shit, shit, shit. She's probably disgusted with you. You mon-" 

Hearing enough, I stood up with a newfound fire and passion in my heart. Remus Lupin was an amazing man and lycanthropy didn't change that. If the rest of us could see it, then I had to help him see it too. 

"REMUS JOHN LUPIN." His head snapped towards me, as his eyes met mine. "SIT DOWN RIGHT THIS INSTANT." 

He quickly shook his head yes and sat down. I could be quite scary when I needed to. 

"Thank you. Now that I have your attention, you may not interrupt me until I am finished. Understood?" He nodded his head again. 

"Right. Now, you know I know you are a werwolf but you never let me express how I feel about it. I don't care, Remus. You're a wonderful friend, and an ever better person. You are brilliant, your sense of humor never fails to make me laugh, and you make me smile more than anybody I've ever known can. Your lycanthropy does not define you. It does not change who you are on the inside. Your scars do not define you, they only make you more beautiful and show how strong you are." 

At this point, his eyes had clouded over and he was smiling ever so slightly. 

"I am in love with you Remus John Lupin. All of you. Every scar, every mark, every part of you. Inside and out. You are no monster, Remus Lupin, so I never want to here those words come out of your mouth again and if I do-." 

He interrupted me. "I love you too." 

I looked at him with wide eyes. 

"You're what?" 

"I'm in love with you too. I love you Y/N." 

Then he scooped me into his arms and kissed me. I was frozen for a moment, before I melted into the kiss. 

Have you ever had fresh baked cookies, and when you bite into them, they melt in your mouth and make you feel all fuzzy and warm inside? 

Imagine that feeling, but from a persons lips. 

Remus and I may not be the perfect couple, nor are we perfect people, but all of takes is a little bit of kindness and love to change a persons life. 

A/N- I feel like this one is too similar to any Draco one but I love Remus and I like this one a fair amount. I hope you guys enjoyed it!! Don't forget to comment and vote! All the love- grace. 

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