Percy Weasley - Prefect Perfection

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A/N - I'm making a tiny change to the plotline. 

Percy Weasley was commonly called a git, stuck-up prick, or his siblings favorite, Percy the Prefect. Percy knew it was all in good fun most of the time, but it was hard for him to act like it didn't hurt him. All he wanted was to be accepted by his family. He wanted to make the Weasley name proud. Y/N, his loving girlfriend, saw how much it hurt him. Percy rarely cried, but when he did, Y/N was his shoulder to lean on, meaning she listened to everything he was feeling. It frustrated her that his family constantly teased him. Sure, he could come off hostile sometimes, and yes it was true he took school very seriously, but underneath all of that callousness, Percy had a big heart and once he opened up, he was a giant teddy bear. Plus, Percy had always felt like nothing compared to the rest of his siblings, especially his brothers. He wasn't as good looking as Bill (Y/N went on for days about how wrong Percy was about that), he wasn't as strong as Charlie, wasn't as funny as the twins, and as daring as Ron. Y/N was his rock and always there to remind him why she loved him. To Y/N, Percy was her knight clad in curly ginger hair and glasses, but she certainly didn't mind. Y/N wouldn't trade being with Percy for anything. He was her happiness just as she made his world spin. The two were perfect for each other. 

But sometimes those negative voices, just get a little too loud. 

Fred And George seemed to find great humor in making fun of Percy, but one day, it went too far. They brought Y/N into it. Told Percy that she deserved better than "Percy the Pissy Prefect". Normally, Percy just managed to shake off what the twins said, knowing they made a joke out of everything, but this time, they played to his biggest insecurity. That Y/N was going to find someone better and leave him. 

From that day on, Percy began to distance himself from Y/N. It started small, shorter hugs, kisses, that sort of thing, but within a week it got to the point where he wouldn't even acknowledge her existence, let alone their relationship, leaving Y/N both hurt and confused. She was afraid Percy had finally gotten bored and left, or she had done something to upset him that she didn't know about. She loved Percy with everything she had, meaning she knew she had to get to the bottom of whatever he was feeling. 

And she knew exactly where to start. The twins. 

*Y/N POV* 

I ran through the hallways, searching through every corner, crack, and crevice, trying to find those blasted twins. I knew they had to have some idea as to what was wrong with Percy seeing as they were most likely the ones who caused the problem in the first place. I finally turned down the corridor that led to the DADA room, when I heard a set of whispers along with the shuffling of some parchment. 

"Okay, so if Filch comes around the Potions hallway at..." The voice of one George Weasley filled my ears. Brilliant, I had found them now I had to get the answers out of them. I began to walk further down the hallway and eventually found the twins huddled in an abandoned room, which they had managed to turn into their workshop. I entered the room and cleared my throat, their heads snapping towards mine. 

"Good afternoon, Fred, George, I need something from you." 

"What we can help you with?" 

"Percy has been acting off lately, he isn't himself."

"You mean he isn't a stuck up git as usual?"

I squinted my eyes to glare at the both of them. 

"Shut it, the both of you. You have no idea what you're brother goes through, so leave him alone."

"Oh, please, how hard could it be to live like Percy. All he does is schoolwork and boss people around." 

I finally heard enough. Pulling out my wand, I raised it to meet their necks and hardened my glare on them. 

"Shut. Up. You two have no idea the shit your brother goes through. Between your stupid "pranks" and constant down talk on him, mixed with the expectations put on him based on Bill and Charlie's achievements, he has so much pressure on him. Percy isn't a pompous git, or stuck up Prefect, he is your older brother, who is trying to look out for you. All he wants to do is make your family proud and you constantly make fun of him for it, and I have had enough." My eyes began to tear up, "You guys don't understand how many times I've been his shoulder to cry on because he was so worried that if he didn't change, you guys were going to hate him. He's scared to lose you, and all you do is constantly make it worse. You blubbering idiots make him feel like he's not good enough for your family or me. I love Percy more than I think he understands, more than I myself understand, and I cannot lose him, so if you said anything to him, please just tell me." I finally took a deep breath, wiped away the tears streaming down my face, took my wand down from their faces, and took in their distraught faces. 

I had never seen the twins this upset, not even when their pranks went bad. Their jaws had dropped, eyes glossed over and skin paled.

"W-we didn't realize it had that big of an effect-"

"Yeah, all we wanted was to have a laugh, we didn't mean to hurt 'im"

"He's our big brother, we would never hurt him on purpose."

Suddenly, a new voice spoke.

"I know you wouldn't."

It was Percy. Y/Ns face morphed into one of shock.

"Darli- I mean, Percy what are you doing here?"

Percy winced as Y/N kept herself from using his nickname. 

"I was out on patrol and I heard you guys," He turned to Fred and George first, "I know you guys' intentions were purely joking, but after a while, I began to take it to heart. I am sorry if I ever behaved like a git."

"We should be the ones apologizing Perc."

"Yeah, we were absolute shite brothers."

"We're really sorry Percy, and we promise that we'll stop with the stupid remarks"

"But we can't promise there won't be any pranks" 

Percy's face broke out into a grin.

"Wouldnt have it any other way. Now if you 2 wouldn't mind, I need to talk to my girlfriend." 

The twins smirked at each other and walked away, giving one final "goodbye".

I had my head turned down, was playing with my hands, and biting at my lip. I felt Percy's soft hand reach up and gently grab my chin, tilting my face up to meet his. His eyes locked with mine and a slow smile began to creep onto my face. I hadn't realized just how much I had missed his beautifully freckled, rosy face. He smiled back at me. 

"Hi Y/N"

"Hi Percy"

"I missed you"

"I missed you too" His whole body seemed to relax and he pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back with twice as much force. 

"My love, I am so sorry, I should have never have listened to them, and more than anything, I should have talked it out with you. I truly hope you know how sorry I am." 

"I know you are, and I know how hard it gets to block the fear out sometimes, but I promise you that you are the only one for me. Always, remember?"

"Of course, darling, of course." 

I pulled him in for a chaste kiss, all we needed to tell each other that everything was going to be just fine. We were going to be good. 

"I love you, Y/N"

"I love you too, Perc, but if you ever think about doing something like that to me again, I will not hesitate to call your mother." He just chuckled at me/

"Yes, dear, whatever you say." 

A/N - This one was kinda meh, but I love Percy and have been dying to share it with you!! I hope everyone is having an amazing day/night! All the love - grace. 

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