Draco Malfoy - Pregnancy Pains - Part 1

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IM OFFICIALLY BACK!! It's been such a long time and a very, very emotional past few months, but I am hoping to rediscover my love of writing!! Now, onto the story!

Y/N Malfoy. An ironic name to be completely honest. When people heard the name, Y/N, everyone's immediate thought was of a field of the most magnificent flowers. Y/N represented everything good and pure in the world, she had the kindest soul around and would stand up to every problem that faced her. She truly was the representation of both her houses. You see, when Y/N arrived at Hogwarts, she had a peculiar set of circumstances surrounding her from the moment she was sorted. For the first time in Hogwarts history, the Sorting Hat had so much trouble deciding which house to put Y/N in that she was declared into two houses. Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. She shared characteristics of each house so equally that it was impossible to place her in just one house. Y/N could see the best in everyone. Including the Dark Prince himself, Draco Malfoy. It seemed so cliche. Kindest girl in the school falls for the asshole bad boy. But it was more than that. Y/N could see that Draco had a good heart and was a very intelligent boy, who truly did fit the word "cunning" as given to him by his house. However, Y/N could also tell he was being held back. Many blame his father, Y/N argues there was another culprit added into the mix. Fear. In its most pure and miserable form. Draco was scared beyond his wits. He truly was just a boy who was scared to lose everything he had left. Y/N took Draco's fear and turned it into strength. She gave him motivation to resist his father, the Dark Lord and anybody else who stood in his way. So it was no shock to everyone when Y/N and Draco got married after the war. Draco had made amends with the Golden Trio, Weasley Family, and everyone else he had hurt around 3 months after him and Y/N first got together in 4th year. In fact, Draco, Harry, and Ron might as well be their own trio. It took a lot of convincing and building of trust to get to where everyone was now, but it was true that the group of Gryffindor's, a Slytherin, and a Huffledor, couldn't be closer. Which brings us to today. Y/N and Draco have been happily married for 3 years and are expecting. Harry and Ginny had also gotten married after the war and already had James Potter the second and were expecting another very soon. Ron and Hermione were the only couple of the 6 that did not get together, in fact Ron had reconnected with a mellowed-out Lavender Brown shortly after her recovery from her... attack  and they are currently going a year and 7 months strong. Hermione is slowly working her way up to being Minister of Magic and although she claims she isn't interested in anybody, I think she needs to go over her definition of interested after the way she acts with Oliver Wood. All this to be said, Y/N and Draco were happier than ever. Y/N was the top Healer in her field and Draco was a bestselling author, and to add icing to the already wonderful cake, they were expecting their first child. Everything was perfect.

Until it wasn't.

Draco had been facing a lot of issues from his publishers about writing another book and getting it out on the shelves ASAP, which meant overtime, which meant Y/N was even more alone than normal. Madame Pomfrey, with whom Y/N had been working with due to the pregnancy, had insisted Y/N take an early maternity leave to be sure the baby stayed healthy. One Thursday afternoon in December made Y/N wish she had stayed at Hogwarts just a little longer. 


I curled up on the couch with my 5 blankets, 3 pairs of sweatpants, 2 jumpers, and 4 pairs of fuzzy socks. The winter weather at 2 in the morning was really not doing it for my pregnant self. I was always peeing, throwing up, or cold. Or I was experiencing all three at once. That was something I never want to relive again. Today had been a rather relaxed day, seeing as the little munchkin growing inside of me felt like being particularly aggressive, however I had spent most of the week cleaning, getting prepared for the baby, and looking through everything Draco had asked my help with. 

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