Harry Potter- The Boy Who Loved

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Everybody knew who Harry Potter was. Savior of the Wizarding World, 1/3 of the Golden Trio, and most famously the Boy Who Lived. From a young age, Harry was thrown into a world of chaos and fame. All he wanted was to be a normal boy that didn't have to worry about dying every two seconds or who was going to come after him next. He wanted normalcy. And for him that normalcy was Y/N. Y/N was Harrys best friend and eventual girlfriend. Harry has known Y/N since 1st year when she was a fierce and passionate young girl who was placed into Gryffindor, and rightly so. Y/N made Harry feel normal and like he wasn't facing possible doom around every corner. 

As the years went on and the Golden Trio + Y/N matured, Harry began to notice Y/N in a different light. In his eyes, she was his light in the dark, his safe place, and most of all she was the girl he loved. This brings us to our current situation in 4th year with an oblivious Y/N and head over heels, Harry. 

*Y/Ns POV* 

I knew that today was going to be different from the second I woke up. Don't get me wrong, sharing a room with Hermione, Parvati, and Lavender meant that you never knew how your morning would start off, especially with Lavender and Hermione at each other's throats all the time, but today felt especially different. It was a good feeling though. Almost as if something big was coming today. We were in the midst of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, so I suppose I would not be surprised if something was coming. Oh well, it was time to set the feeling aside for now because- oh Merlin! it was already 8:15 meaning I had 45 minutes to get ready and eat before starting classes.

After showering quickly and putting my robes on, I ran down to the Great Hall to meet up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Oh yeah, I suppose I should mention that I have a huge crush on my best friend. Yep, you guessed it the one and only Harry Potter, but I suppose I might as well just get in line, though I know Harry would never see me in a romantic way. Maybe when Snape finally got Lily to date him ( Too soon?). Anyway, I quickly arrived in the Great Hall and sat down with the trio before piling some eggs and toast onto my plate. Ron was, as per usual, stuffing his face with endless amounts of food, Hermione was reading (again big shocker) and Harry was staring at me? 

¨Good morning to you to Harry¨ I said. 

He blushed and replied with a quite ¨Good morning Y/N¨ I turned towards Hermione and Ron ¨Good morning guys¨

Hermione answered me with a cheerful morning and Ron said something along the lines of, and I quote, ¨Mirnebfojdg Y/N¨. It's hard to tell seeing as he had sausage and hashbrowns stuffed in his mouth. 

Hermione began to run through our day today while yelling at Ron to quit eating so much and start to focus on getting ready for class as Harry and I sat back and laughed to ourselves. I caught his gaze and Godric how I could get lost in those eyes of his. He looked a bit more tired than normal and the bags under his eyes were more prominent than normal, but can you blame him? His name was forced out of a cup and now he had to compete in a series of trials that put his life in even more danger than normal. In my eyes, he still looked like he was sculpted by Merlin himself. I quickly snapped out of my daze after Hermione cleared her throat. After turning away from Harry, mind you while looking like a tomato, Hermione said that she had some news to share.

¨I heard that McGonagall was going to announce that there is going to be a Yule Ball in honor of the Tri-Wizard Tournament.¨ 

Just as Hermione finished her sentence, Dumbledore called for our attention. 

¨Can I have your attention, please. Thank you, now that I have your attention, I would like to inform you that there is going to be a Yule Ball as a celebration of the tournament. 3rd years and younger are not allowed unless invited by an older student. Rather than having classes this morning, you are going to meet with your Head of House, where they will inform you more about the ball. You are dismissed.¨

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