Fred Weasley - Little Things

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A/N - This one is going to be a little bit different than normal. I do want to put a quick trigger warning because this is going to be an intense chapter and there will be mentions of very serious topics that can make people uncomfortable. There is going to be another A/N at the end of this chapter. You do not have to read it but I am going to be addressing some things talked about in this chapter. I love you guys. 

*Y/N POV* 

Ever since I had arrived at Hogwarts, it always felt like an escape from the outside world. I mean, I was a Gryffindor, best friends with the Weasley Twins, and I was the smartest witch in my class. Everything should be perfect right? Wrong. You see I had one "flaw" that many in the Wizarding World saw as fatal. I was a muggle-born, or mudblood as they called it. Because of something so simple as blood status, I was seen as a disgusting, vile thing, rather than an intelligent human being. Being best friends with the Weasley Twins and practically adopted by the Weasley family, didn't exactly help either but I wouldn't trade it for the world. At school, however, it made me look even more disgusting to the Slytherins. So them being the snakes they are, they decided to bully me. It started with the basic name-calling, stupid, ugly, fat, etc. I didn't really let it get to me, we were just kids and I knew my worth at the time. But as we got older, things only started to get worse. They turned to worse phrases, whore, fatass, mistake, and then it multiplied where they began to tell me it would be better if I pitched myself off of the Astronomy Tower and just left everybody alone. Their words finally got to me. I didn't come from the best situation at home, which is why I was with the Weasleys so often. 

But I had a saving grace. A light in all of this darkness. 

Fred Weasley. 

You see I had always been best friends with Fred and George, but Freddie and I had always been closer than me and George. And in our 6th year, when Fred finally asked me to the yule ball, we ended up kissing and well the rest is history. 

I suppose that brings us to now. You see, we were under the rule of that bloody toad, I mean Umbitch, whoops I mean Umbridge, and that meant the Slytherins had even more power than normal. They could harass whoever they wanted and get away with it. Fred and George were utterly pissed and they turned to what they knew how to do best, prank. Yes, the Weasley Twins reign of terror and pranks was quite fun to experience as long as you weren't a Slytherin or that Pink Toad. Fred had told me how he felt about leaving. They had the money that Harry had given them and we all knew that they would make a ton of money from their joke shop. Fred wanted me to come with him. I suppose it made sense, seeing as I was the mastermind behind many, many pranks and I could always force Fred to wait until after I finished my N.E.W.Ts to leave, just in case I wanted to become a healer down the road. I made him promise to wait until after Christmas to start planning and at least let me take my N.E.W.Ts. After a lot of whining and complaining, he eventually agreed. 

But as per usual, my plans were derailed. You see some Slytherin, who I assume was Draco Malfoy, started the rumor that I had cheated on Fred. With George. In all reality, I was planning on surprising Fred to tell him I had bought him a shop in Diagon Alley and George, who had helped me come up with the idea, was figuring out a way to help me tell him. You see, I was able to figure out a way to take all of the muggle money my mom had left me after she uh passed away, and convert it into Wizarding currency. So, George and I had been going to the Room of Requirement to set up the surprise reveal and I assume Draco, who was out "patrolling" had seen us. 

At first, it wasn't a big deal, nobody really believed it, I mean it was Draco after all and he had a reputation for spreading rumors, but after about 2 weeks, it began to catch on and soon, everybody seemed to be talking about it. To be truthful, Fred and I hadn't really spent a ton of quality time together like we normally do, mostly because I was beginning to study for my N.E.W.Ts and he was off pranking people all the time or attempting to practice Quidditch without being banned by Umbridge. 

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