Bill Weasley - Mother Knows Best - Part 2

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A/N - Here's part 2 I hope you guys like it!

Previously - "Having a family hug without me I see?" spoke a voice from the door. A voice that would forever remind me of my best and worst memories. The most love and pain I've felt. Bill Weasley. He was here. And he wasn't alone. 

*Y/N POV - Picking up from where the last chapter left off*

My eyes widened and I quickly turned my head down to the floor. All of us separated from the hug as Bill and Phlegm, I mean Fleur entered the house. I awkwardly began to make my way towards my room so I could get ready for dinner seeing as I was dressed in what was practically PJ's which were covered in water, flour, batter, and all other sorts of mess, I had no makeup on, and my hair was in a disgraceful mess of a bun on top of my head. All of the other Weasleys, including Molly who had come down from getting Charlie and Bills rooms ready, and Aurthur plus Percy who had just returned from work, began to greet Bill with hugs and showers of love and for Fleur, uh let's just say she got some looks and a handshake from Ron. I was about two feet away from the stairs, from my escape when his voice called me from the other side of the room. 


I froze. This could not be happening, not like this. I slowly began to turn around and pick my head up. I made eye contact with Bill and I saw his face etch worry and fear onto it when he met my red and bloodshot eyes. 

"Hello, Bill. It's wonderful to see you again. You must be Fleur, a pleasure to meet you. If you'll excuse me I have to go fix myself up for dinner."

My voice came out meek and fragile. I seemed scared. Probably because I was. I was scared to see the man I loved with someone else. Someone who wasn't me. I was scared of the pain it would cause. I was scared I would break. 

"Wait, Y/N? Were you cry-"

Charlie cut him off by awkwardly chuckling and slapping him on the back.

"Billy boy, we've got some catching up to do, don't we?"

Charlie quickly glanced at me as if saying "now's your chance". 

Without looking back, I ran upstairs with tears burning in my eyes. As soon as I got to Ginny's room, I shut the door and collapsed against the back of it. I had tears leaking out of my eyes as the pain in my chest intensified. I laid my head against the back of the door as I shut my eyes. 

I wanted to fade away. To forget the pain. 

*Bill POV*

As soon as I entered the house I could tell something was off. There wasn't nearly as much noise as there should be. The Twins weren't being screamed at by Mum, Charlies booming laugh couldn't be heard across the house, Ginny and Ron weren't arguing over who was the better Quidditch player, Dad and Percy weren't back yet and most importantly, Y/N's beautiful voice couldn't be heard singing above all of the clutter. 

And then I saw it. 

5 of my siblings surrounding a shaking Y/N in a massive hug. Oh Merlin she must have had a panic attack. My poor girl. 

Shit. I can't think like that anymore. She isn't yours Bill. 

Well not yet. Or at least I hope. Fleur knew the plan. She was the one who had come up with the idea. Make Y/N jealous to see if she truly loved me. I'm beginning to think it was a bad idea. 

Deciding to make my presence known, I spoke up. "Having a family hug without me I see?"

I saw everyone freeze for a second only confirming my suspicions. I was most likely the reason she was crying (Geez Bill, stuck up much). My heart began to crumble. Fleur must have sensed something was off because she squeezed my hand and gave me the look. The hug began to break apart and I saw Y/N began to shuffle towards the stairs. 

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