Oliver Wood - Happily Ever After

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Ever since Y/N could remember, she had been obsessed with Quidditch. She lived and breather Quidditch and if she could marry it she would. Y/N firmly believed that nobody could love Quidditch more than she did... until she met Oliver Wood. Y/N and Oliver were the same person. They agreed on almost every matter of Quidditch. Except for what team they played for. Y/N was a Hufflepuff. Scratch that, she was a proud Hufflepuff. Most thought Y/N was a Gryffindor upon meeting her, but that girl had a heart of pure gold that matched her fighting spirit. This mere separation of house caused an intense amount of "hatred" between the two of them. But if you asked the Weasley Twins, that supposed hatred was just sexual tension waiting to be released. Whether the feelings between the two were positive or negative, they were always there. And when you throw the Quidditch Cup into things, well let's just say it can get a little messy. 

*Y/N POV* 

"Oi, Diggory, catch the snitch a little faster next time why don't ya." 

Ced grinned back at me and said "Aye, aye Captain"

"And don't you forget it" 

Being Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team was no easy task but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Quidditch was my life and being Captain of this team was my pride and joy. Each of my teammates was like my children. We were all one big family. Of course, sometimes I wanted to strangle them, and yes I had to use tough love quite often, but my team really was the best. 

"Alright you lot, practice is dismissed for the day. Be ready for double training tomorrow. You better have your arses out here by 5:45 am, do I make myself clear?"

"Merlin Y/N, you sound like Wood." 

"Oh please Diggory, as if I could ever be like that arrogant, stuck up prick" 

"What about me being a prick?" 

Bloody hell. I turned around to see Wood and his team standing at the entrance of the pitch. They must have had it looked after us. Bollocks, there goes my plans to practice solo for a while. 

Flashing Wood my award-winning sarcastic smile I said "Ollie how wonderful to see you"

He hated it when I called him Ollie. Meaning I made it a point to do it whenever I had the unfortunate luck of running into him. 

He glared up at me from the ground as he continued to walk towards my team and I. 

"I wish I could say the same to you Puffball." he snarked at me. 

This time it was my turn to glare at him. I hated being called a Puffball. It made me sound all soft. 

Still glaring at him, I proceeded to harden my voice as I spoke to him "What the hell do you want, Wood?"

"Well, Y/L/N, I believe it is my team's turn on the pitch, is it not?"

Shit. He was right it was. My team was technically done with practice, meaning his team was up next, but I wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction. 

"Actually Wood, I was hoping to stick around and get some solo practice."

"Why? Scared you'll lose to us? Or are you just that bad?"

If I wasn't angry before, I certainly was now. All I wanted to do was grab him by the collar and kiss those- wait what. Did I just say kiss? No. Not possible. I hate him. Right?

"As a matter of fact Wood, I am trying to get back the 3 days of practice I missed, when the wonderful Marcus the Troll, knocked me off of my broom and I was forced to stay in the Hospital Room.", then I gave him another one of my most sarcastic smiles. 

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