*Request* Ron Weasley - Stand By You

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*This was requested by the lovely JulzLovDraco4Eva, I hope you like it*

Within minutes of sitting down at the Gryffindor table, Y/N, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley became best friends. It was almost as if the universe had purposely placed the of them to be in that exact moment at that exact time. As though there was an outside force compelling them to sit by each other. Regardless, of how the 4 of them ended up meeting each other, they became best friends and were practically inseparable. Sure, Ron and Hermione constantly fought and they had almost been killed a few times, but Y/N wouldn't trade it for the world. To her, Hermione, Harry, and Ron were her home. They were her safe place. Even though Y/N was close with all of them, she was closest with Ron. She and Ron seemed to understand each other best. It was almost like their whole friendship was an inside joke that only those two knew about. 

As the years went on, the 4 only got closer and the bond they had grew stronger. For Y/N, things were a little different when 6th year began. She started to see Ron in a different light. No longer was he the awkward, lanky, redhead, he looked more mature, like he had changed as a person. So Y/N decided to tell Hermione and Harry how she was feeling because she knew she couldn't keep it a secret and she was dying to tell someone. To her surprise, Hermione and Harry were very supportive. In fact, they told Y/N they had a bet going with Fred, George, Ginny, Dean, and Seamus as to when the two of them would get together. Y/N knew it was all fun and games but it made her wonder, could Ron really feel something for her? As 6th year went on, Y/N continued to keep her feelings to herself and just allowed herself to focus on her studies, friendships, and unfortunately, the possibility of war in the coming months. 

What Y/N didn't expect was to be in the middle of the Forest of Dean, with just Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Hunting Horcruxes. Trying to not get caught by Snatchers. Trying to keep the thoughts of losing everybody she loved away. She had already lost her parents to a car crash. She couldn't bear the thought of losing anybody else. But as we all know, some things are just inevitable. 

*Y/N POV* 

Hermione set up the tent as I worked on the protective enchantments. Harry was tending to Ron still and making sure he was okay. I felt horrible because I knew it was my fault. If I hadn't rushed, Ron wouldn't have splinched and we would be just fine. Tears came to my eyes at the thought of losing him. I still hadn't told him how I feel and now I might lose him. 

"Y/N? Are you alright? You look upset and the enchantments started to disappear." Harry quickly brought me out of my thoughts as I turned around and gave him a slight, shaky smile. 

"Sorry Harry, I was just lost in my own thoughts is all. The enchantments will be up soon I promise."

He smiled at me and said "It's alright Y/N I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I don't want you to blame yourself for what happened to Ron. All you were doing was trying to save us. And I know Ron knows that too." 

My eyes started to water again as I looked down at Rons' bruised and bloodied body. All I wanted was for him to be okay and wake up. Sighing loudly, I gave Harry a quick thank you and turned back around to focus back on putting up the enchantments. 

*Time skip to around 2 hours later* 

Night had now fallen and all of us were inside of the tent Hermione had packed. Harry was playing with Slytherins Locket, another Horcrux, Hermione was reading as per usual, and I was holding Ron's hand as he laid on the bed. He still hadn't woken up and I was starting to get anxious. All I wanted was to hear his voice and see those crystal blue eyes of his. Figuring it was no use anymore, I began to get up and walk away when I felt Ron squeeze my hand. I turned around, eyes wide, as he began to stir in the bed. 

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