Tom Riddle - Dark Queen

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Even at a young age, most people, both adults, and children could tell that Y/N was going to be one of the brightest witches to waltz about the Wizarding World, whether they liked it or not. She was cunning and ambitious, always found a way to get what she wanted and if you dared to cross her, you were lucky to be alive the next morning. She was extremely intelligent yet so cold and ruthless that she was frowned upon by most of her peers. She only had one weakness. Tom Riddle. She was actually a half-blood yet she walked around Hogwarts as though she was the pureblood Queen. As fate would have it, a one Tom Riddle also happened to be a young wizard living at Wool's, just like Y/N. Y/N and Tom were oh so similar, so much so that they were often mistaken for siblings. They were, however, far from that, simply best friends, who found a small, small place in their cold hearts to wish for something slightly more. It was fitting that they both ended up in Slytherin, to nobody surprise one might add, were tied for the highest marks in their class, and wherever they went, it was almost as though a veil of dark yet powerful magic swept over you. 

The two were inseparable.

That meant double the power but also double the darkness that consumed both of them. 

A recipe for disaster. 

*Y/N POV* 

I sauntered down the hallway, with books in hand, looking around at the foolish, ignorant idiots who waltzed around me. I rolled my eyes at the daft bimbos throwing themselves at the guys and perhaps my eyes rolled back further at the sight of the guys, or rather pigs, who were basking in the attention as though they were some God. 

"These are small-minded people Y/N, pay no attention to them. Focus on your goal. Remember what Tom said."

You see, Tom and I had been best friends for years. It was true, I had managed to become friends with the boy who had no feelings. And even worse for me and my stone-cold heart, I had managed to have more than friendly feelings for the Dark Lord himself. 

But there was a catch. You see, Tom and I were both equally evil. We both had the same goal. Rid the world of mudbloods and make the Wizarding society pure once again. He was the Dark Lord, and I... well I wanted to be his Queen. 

"Psst. Psst. Y/N." I was disrupted out of my thoughts when Tom grabs my arm. I hadn't even noticed him, but I assume that was the point. Tom was extremely cunning, and fittingly so considering his, or rather our house placement. 

"Bloody hell Tom, you can't just do that," I said with a roll of my eyes. 

He glared back at me, "Watch your tone little one, and don't roll your eyes at me." 

All I did was scoff, "Oh please, as if you could ever hurt me." 

Once again, I was answered with a harsh glare. 

"I could, but that brain of yours is far too twisted, darling, and I'm going to use that to my advantage." That beautiful, evil smirk flashed across his face and suddenly, I was hooked, falling into a deep, dark spiral, with no way out. Tom Riddle was like a drug. I needed him to live. 

"Now, follow me, we have somewhere to go and some important business to attend to." Despite my brain telling me to say no and go to class, I begrudgingly followed behind him. 

"Where are we going? You do realize that we have class, you daft man." Once again I was met with a glare.

Through gritted teeth, he spoke, "I am well aware, but this is far more important, trust me." I just sighed and continued to walk. We eventually reached...the girl's bathroom? 

"Tom what the hell are we doing here? You know what this is stupid, I'm leavi-" As soon as I turned around, a cold hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around with so much force that it felt as though I had gone through a storm. That same cold hand reached up, took my chin, and forced it to meet its owner's cold, dark green eyes. 

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