Draco Malfoy - Hidden in Plain Sight

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 When you hear the name Draco Malfoy, most people tend to think of one phrase. Death Eater. Yes, everybody knew how Draco went from the arrogant bully to working for the most feared wizard of his time. But to Y/N, he was just Draco. Her loving boyfriend. When Y/N was with Draco, he took his walls down, opened up, and became the best type of vulnerable. Of course, the couple had to keep their relationship a secret for 2 years, with Y/N being a Hufflepuff and all, but when they did reveal their relationship, which in Y/Ns opinion was way too extreme (Draco got on a table at breakfast and shouted it), nobody had the heart to say anything because one, they would get pummeled into a pulp by Draco and two, anybody who saw them with each other could tell that they were in love. The best kind of love. You could see the adoration in Dracos gaze and the devotion in Y/Ns. Draco loved Y/N and Y/N loved Draco. It was that simple. 

Except for it wasn't. 

In 6th year, Y/N began to notice how Draco began to distance himself. He became almost a recluse. Whenever he talked to her, it was for a short amount of time and he never called her pet names anymore. He barely even touched her. Maybe a kiss on the cheek here and there, but no more hugs, cuddling, kisses, or hand-holding. To say Y/N was worried would be an understatement. Y/N was scared. Most of all, she was afraid that she already knew what was going on. Draco had told her many times about how he wanted to be like his father, but Y/N knew that he was scared. He's just a boy. After 4 months of barely any interaction, Y/N had enough and decided to investigate what was really going on for herself. 

*Y/N POV* 

Something has been going on with Draco, I could feel it. He refuses to talk to me half of the time and can barely even look at me. I tried confronting him this morning at breakfast but was once again blown off. Then again after DADA and this time he snapped at me and told me to leave him the hell alone. Now, I am not only confused and worried, but I am also extremely angry. If there is one thing I have learned from being a Hufflepuff, it is to NEVER EVER get us angry. I knew he regretted it right after he had said it, but at that point, it was too late. I had to figure out a way to find out what was going on with him without being directly involved with my oh so loving boyfriend if I can even call him that anymore. 

After DADA, we had potions. Slughorn was being his normal odd self, but today he announced that we were brewing our potions for a prize. A vile of Felix Felicis, better known as Liquid Luck. I had to win that vial. It could help majorly with my attempt to figure out what Draco is doing behind my back. We are brewing the Draught of Living Death and although I am a Hufflepuff, I happen to excel in Potions. Let's hope I'm able to win that Liquid Luck because Helga knows I need it. 

*Time Skip brought to you by Moldy Voldys missing nose* 

It turns out, that Harry fricken Potter, happens to suddenly be good at Potions as well, meaning he won the Liquid Lucks. Bollocks, this is not good. I suppose something good did come out of this seeing as Sluggy invited me to his club or whatever you want to call it so maybe I could get Draco to go with me to that, and finally have a real conversation with him. I guess I better confront Draco sooner rather than later. Helga wish me luck. 

I found Draco sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall during lunch. It was now or never. I shyly went up to him. Shyly? What the hell Y/N you've been dating for 3 years. Whatever that was beside the point seeing as I was now standing directly behind Draco. Here goes nothing. 

¨Draco? Could I talk to you for a second?¨

He only responded with a small grunt at first and didn't even look at me. 

¨Draco, please? This is important.¨ 

He huffed and said ¨Fine. Let's go out in the hallway¨

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