Hermione Granger - Love Lasts A Lifetime

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Everybody knew that when Hermione Granger went missing, there was only one place you could find her. The library. Hermione had a notorious love of books and all things literature, meaning the library was practically her second home at Hogwarts. Y/N was the exact opposite. Y/N Wood was very much the female version of her older brother, meaning she lived and breathed for Quidditch. Quidditch was by far the most important thing to Y/N, exceeding most things in her life, but especially school. Y/N turned in her assignments most of the time and was caught up most of the time, but she didn't aim to overachieve in any subjects besides that of Quidditch. Unfortunately for her, she had to have a passing grade in order to play in games, and let's just say, her Potions grade was far from passing. Snape, being the wonderfully pleasant person he is, was going to have Y/N permanently removed from the team, but both McGonagall and Dumbledore, much to Snape's dismay, saw it fit that she only got a tutor and bring her grade up before she be allowed to participate in any sort of practice, scrimmage, game, or otherwise. Y/N begrudgingly agreed, only doing it because she knew she would go mentally insane without Quidditch. It also helped that her tutor happened to be one Hermione Granger, the same Hermione Granger Y/N happened to have a not so little and not so secret crush on. Once again, if there was anything besides Quidditch the Wood siblings shared in common, it was their naturally flirty demeanor. Y/N was beyond excited to have Hermione as her tutor, they were already close friends but Y/N wanted more than than. 

So did Hermione. 

The question is, will the bookworm finally let the golden girl get her? 

*Y/N POV* 

I dragged my feet down the hallway towards the library. My hands were itching to get on a broom and my mind was going over plays. I couldn't think about anything but Quidditch. All I wanted was to get back out there and play. Stupid Snape, with his stupid potions and stupid greasy hair. I suppose there was one positive about this whole "tutoring" thing. I got to spend more time with Hermione. She was fantastic in every way possible. That head of big, bushy, beautiful curls held so many brilliant ideas, not to mention she was practically a goddess. She truly was beautiful in every way. But she definitely did not feel the way I did. Hogwarts was limited on the LGBTQ+ population. Let me rephrase, Hogwarts was limited on the outed LGBTQ+ population. Everybody knew Draco and Harry had a huge thing for each other, Cedric and George were snogging every chance they got, Ginny and Luna definitely had some sort of chemistry, and don't even get me started on Demus, whos 10/10 my favorite couple but don't tell Draco and Harry that. There was no way that Hermione could feel anything but platonic feelings for me. 

I sighed to myself as I approached the doors to the library. Here we go, two hours of me not trying to get too flustered and acting like I'm not completely clueless. I walked to the back table that Hermione told me to meet her at. Of course, she was already here, a massive book in front of her, as her eyes seemed to be completely focused in on the words, completely ignoring the world around her. She looked adorable. I walked up to the table and set my stuff down. She didn't look up from her book, yet began to speak. 

"Excuse me, if you are too daft to notice, I am currently sitting here, now if you would be so kind as to-" She finally looked up at me and her mouth stopped halfway through her sentence. She began to blush as red as my Quidditch robes and look down at her hands. 

"Oh uh, Y/N, I'm so sorry, I just assumed it was someone trying to disturb me, I-I'm so sorry again." 

"That's quite alright Hermione, it was actually quite adorable to hear you get angry at someone, even if it was me." 

If it was possible, she blushed even harder, "T-thank you Y/N, you l-look quite good yourself."

Now it was my turn to blush. "Thanks 'Mione," I grabbed the first book on the top of my pile "Let's get started, shall we." She nodded her head, grabbed my hand (A/N - whoa, none of that pre-marital hand-holding stuff. no sir, not in my lobby.), sat me down, grabbed the first book, and suddenly I was taking notes on what the properties of Draught of Living Death were. 

*Time Skip brought to you by Ron Weasley stepping another toe out of line*

"And that's why Draught of Living Death is so hard to brew." Two hours had past and I was finally beginning to understand Potions and the concepts that went along with them. Hermione Granger really was a miracle worker. 

"I think I actually get it now." 

"That's great Y/N! Gryffindor will have our star player back in no time!" I blushed again. I knew I was good, but I certainly wasn't a star player. 

"Thanks, Mione, but this is all you. You truly are an amazing woman, Hermione Granger." 

She looked down, blushing, and began to play with her hands, "You flatter me too much Y/N, I'm just trying to help." 

"Please, if anything I don't flatter you enough."

She just shook her head.

"I mean it, Hermione Jean Granger. You are such an amazing witch. You are so strong and insanely intelligent, you never fail to amaze me, put a smile on my face, or remind me why there is sunshine in my day. You are my sunshine and I truly don't think I could ever find a more beautiful person than you. I know this may make our friendship weird but I love you, Hermione, I always have." I finally allowed myself to meet her eyes and I saw...tears? 

Wonderful, way to go Y/N, you made her cry. 

"I-uh, I'm sorry, I know you don't feel the same so I-I think I'm just going to go then, yeah, I'll leave." 

I began to turn around and finally felt the tears come to my eyes. I had just screwed up the one good thing I had going for me besides Quidditch. Brilliant, great job Y/N, you couldn't help but fu- I felt someone grab my arm. 

"Y/N? Please don't leave, I-I was just in shock. I love you too Y/N, so much. I was just so scared. I never thought someone like the Y/N Wood would ever love someone, well, like me. I'm just a stupid know it all." She was looking down at the floor, with slumped shoulders. Very un-Hermione-like posture. 

I cupped her face in my small hands and brought her eyes to meet mine. 

"Never say that about yourself, Hermione Granger. When I came out as bisexual and the Slytherins started to bully me, who was there? You. You have been my rock, the best and most consistent thing in my life besides Quidditch and my brother. I am eternally grateful for you Hermione, so please don't ever think you are a stupid know it all, because you are so much more than that." She tackled me into a bear hug. 

I felt a whisper in my ear. "Thank you Y/N, for giving me the confidence to be myself, and for loving me." 

"No, thank you, my bookworm, thank you." 

*3rd Person POV* 

Y/N and Hermione had a rocky relationship, that was for sure. Some at Hogwarts weren't so accepting, but Y/N and Hermione inspired many more to come out, including both Harry and Draco, and eventually, Hogwarts became a place of love and acceptance. 

When the War struck, the last words Y/N and Hermione promised to each other were always and forever. 

5 years later, Hermione visits Y/N's grave every day to hold her true to that promise. 

After all, some love lasts a lifetime. 

A/N - This was my first one with a girl character, so let me know what you guys thought! I loved writing this and I'm definitely hoping to do more in the future. Don't forget to comment and vote! All the love in the world -grace. 

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