George Weasley - Another One?

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Y/N and George had been happily married for about 5 years now. They met at Hogwarts, fell in love, got married and had a beautiful baby boy, Freddie William Weasley, or Fred for short. Fred was named after his Uncle, Fredrick Gideon Weasley, Georges twin brother, who had died in the Second Wizarding War. Getting over Fred's death was the hardest thing George and Y/N, along with the rest of the Weasley's, had ever gone through. Fred and George were two halves of a whole and without Fred, George didn't know what to do with himself. He wouldn't eat, come out of his room, talk, and every time he tried to sleep, he woke up with nightmares. It didn't help that Y/N, who was his wife, had found out she was pregnant with their first child just a month before the battle. George was a mess and even though Y/N was pregnant, she found a way to be his rock, his safe place. his light in the dark, especially after he lost Fred. It took a long time, and George still wasn't completely healed, but with the help of Y/N and the rest of the Weasley clan, George was able to get back to somewhat normal. He was much more vibrant and had his signature mischievous look back in his eyes. He had fully accepted that Y/N was pregnant and was extremely excited to have a child of his own. Growing up, George had always wanted a large family, after all, he came from a large one himself. He was ecstatic as Y/N's due date got closer and when little Fred was born, George fell in love all over again. He was perfect. Bright red hair, the signature Weasley look, and beautiful hazel eyes, a combination of both his parents. 

He was perfect. 

So, naturally, George wanted another kid, as did Y/N. Y/N grew up an only child and always wondered what it would be like to have siblings, meaning she too wanted to have a large family to surround herself with. Her and George had already been a perfect family, but when Fred was born, the love seemed to grow. 

Fast forward 4 years, to when Y/N and George have been trying to get pregnant for the past few months. Y/N knew that getting pregnant wasn't easy and every women's body was different. She got frustrated a lot and many tears were shed but then the fateful day came. 

Y/N was pregnant. For the second time. They had done it. They were having another child. 

Y/N was over the moon and couldn't wait to tell George, and with their 5 year anniversary coming up, she knew the perfect way to tell him. 


I was currently hunched over the toilet throwing up the contents of my stomach. I couldn't even hold toast in, let alone a whole meal, but I suppose it wasn't the worst thing because I did have a little nugget growing in me. The thought made me smile. George and I have been trying for so long to expand our family and it was finally happening. I couldn't wait to tell him and I had the perfect way. My little Freddie was going to wear a shirt that said "Big Brother In Training" and wear it to give George the box that has my pregnancy test in it. I decided to take a muggle one as well as going to St. Mungos because I wanted to be 100% positive I was pregnant. I slowly began to stand up from the floor and grabbed the glass of water I had set on the counter, taking a sip from it. I checked the time on the wall to find that it was 5:30 meaning Georgie was going to be home soon. He was coming home early for our anniversary dinner. I walked out of the bathroom and down to the kitchen. 

"Freddie, daring, could you come see Mummy please?" I heard the pattering of a set of little feet run towards the kitchen from the play room? 

"Hi Mummy!" I smiled fondly at my 4 year old. He looked so much like his father it was unreal. 

"Hi bubba. Do You remember what Mummy told you last week?" 

"Yeah. you have a baby in your belly! I'm going to be a big brother!" 

"That's right Freddie. Now Mum hasn't told Daddy yet so I'm going to need your help, alright?" 


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