Chapter 15 | Haunting stress

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Taemin's POV

"Taemin! What is the problem!"

"I just have a few questions to ask you," I could feel Kai's worry for me, as if his heart was bleeding into mine. I know that even to the doctor it looked bad, a mate having to be carried to the doctors, probably tear stained and looking exhausted. I sigh, I just need to know if my baby could be hurt by this, or what it can be hurt by. I look into the doctors eyes.

"Okay, ask away," I mentally thank him for not pressing the concern of my physical state.

"What are the major things that could hurt my baby?" I didn't want to tell the full story of what happened last night, so I decided that I was to ask what the big things are, and if it doesn't include what happened last night, well then maybe I'd feel a bit more reassured.

"Well...major factors of dangerous things to do when pregnant, just in general, right?" I nodded.
"Well, alcohol, smoking, exhausting yourself and basically anything that gives you a lot of stress,"

Stress, but I'm always stressed.

"Ah, thank you, that's all I wanted to know," I smiled the way I always do.
"Put me down, Kai" he did as told, still daunted by worry. I decide, that all I need is just a bit of rest, heading back to the bedroom. Kai was on my tail, focused on every slip of my foot.

"Taemin! What was that? You can't expect me to believe that you rushed to the infirmary, just to ask some questions!" He was shouting after me.
"Yah! Didn't you hear what he said, I'm just a bit stressed, that's all that it is, okay," I started to get upset, my eyes pooling tears. He noticed, "Sorry Taeminie, I'm just worried."
"It's okay, I just need some rest,"
"Oh, okay then, do you want me to stay?" He asked.
"No, it's fine, I'm pretty sure my father wanted to talk to you anyway," I arrived at the bedroom, going in and climbing into bed, watching as Kai dressed up and went downstairs.

I close my eyes and go to sleep...


I woke up around half an hour later. I go to the bathroom, trying to avoid the mirror at all costs.

Breakfast is probably done by now, thank goodness no one came to fetch me. I guess even they think it's best if I go on a diet. I wonder what diet should I do? Hmmmmmm...

I get dressed in a nice suit, with little accents here and there, I love this suit, it's a nice velvet texture, and it always looks expensive on me.

I get dressed in a nice suit, with little accents here and there, I love this suit, it's a nice velvet texture, and it always looks expensive on me

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(With blonde hair)

I look in the mirror I was trying to avoid.

Maybe not... if I wear this everyone will see my fat.

I decide to change into something more baggy, hoping that it would take the attention away from my stomach.

I decide to change into something more baggy, hoping that it would take the attention away from my stomach

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( with blonde hair again )

I settled on this one, knowing that everyone will just think I'm in one of my comfortable moods. I decide to head downstairs, searching for Kai.

I found him in the library, he was reading one of the dusty books on pregnancy, the first trimester. My heart couldn't help but swell, knowing that he cared so much for our little one. I approach him.

"Kai, there you are, I was looking for you," he looked at me jumping up to hug me.
"Awww my little Taeminie is so soft,"

You mean fat.

"Did you sleep well? I made sure to not let anyone disturb you, how are you feeling?" His eyes still held the same worry as in the morning.
"I'm fine, happy as ever,"
"That's good to hear, I'm glad," his eyes were sparkling in adoration, I started to feel bad for the way I pushed him away this morning, after all he was probably just as worried about our child as I was. I glance down at the book he was reading.
"What are you reading?" I sat down, he taking the seat beside me.

( What the library looks like btw )

"It's a book on the first trimester, apparently you're supposed to go to your first pregnancy checkup within 6-8 weeks, so how long is that?" He started thinking

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"It's a book on the first trimester, apparently you're supposed to go to your first pregnancy checkup within 6-8 weeks, so how long is that?" He started thinking.

Pregnancy check up, will that mean that we'll be able to see our little rose then?

"I'd say it's been about a week right? So that means in about a few weeks! I'm so excited!" He was smiling widely, eyes filled to the brim with seemingly everlasting happiness.
"So am I, but until then, I think we should keep reading up on all this stuff beforehand, don't you agree?"
"Yes, I already brought a pile back to our room so we can read there," Kai was overjoyed, the idea of becoming a father becoming more and more realistic.
"Why don't we read them before sleep then? I feel like a walk in the garden, care to join me?"
"My pleasure future king of Exodus,"
"Oh right, I'm gonna become the king of your country aren't I? Well, your country's gonna be in for a big revolution isn't it," I laughed.

Huh? I laughed genuinely? It's been a while since I've done that, I should do that more often. Maybe I should go back to prancing Key again.

"I'll be there to see it through then as well, I can imagine the looks on my parents faces already," he laughed as well, the entire corridor echoing with the resounding of our laughter.

When we reach the garden I breath the fresh scent of the flowers, they calm me down in such a way it is indescribable. I turn towards Kai, he seeming to do the same.
"Let's sit down," I say, leading him to the bench.
"I've never been here before, it's lovely, stunning,"
"Well everyone is probably too busy with everything that's going on,"
"Probably," I turn at the sound of his restless voice, he looked troubled. It pains me to see my mate like this.
"What's wrong Kai?"
"Taemin can I ask you a question?"
"Of course,"
"Answer me honestly, do you think I'll be a good father?" The question took me by surprise, his aura completely contrasting the excited one he had before.
"Of course, Kai. I wouldn't have it any other way, and plus, if you're a bad father, then I must be a bad mother. Am I a bad mother?" His eyes flashed.
"No! No! No, you're not! You're the best mother the role has ever known, even if the baby hasn't been born yet!" I laugh, Kai is adorable sometimes.
"See, then you must be the best father the world has ever seen, even if the baby hasn't been born yet," we laugh together, and at that moment all the anxiety had dissolved into nothing as we focus not on the the way we had no clue what we were doing, or on how the world views us, but simply on each other.

I guess this is how it's like to have a mate.

Shame it can't last forever.

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