Chapter 6| its my show time

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Taemin POV

Dinner rolled around, it was more lively then breakfast. Yoongi was next to me and we were talking, I could feel the stares from his parents, but we ignored them.
"So when are you performing tonight?"
"After dinner. The other omegas are going to dance with me as well so you'll see them as well!
"Really?! I can't wait to see you guys, I bet it will be amazing." He said smiling. I'm happy, he's finally opening up to himself and having fun with everyone. He's smiling a lot more now, and he gained a lot of confidence, it's evident in his posture.
For dinner we were having pork cutlets, and they tasted so good. Definitely not going to stuff this into fathers face.

"Taemin, how was the day outside?" Speak of your parents and they shall appear.
"Great, I met a lot of new friends and we had milkshakes together!" Yoongi exclaimed smiling. My father smiled.
"That's good, was it fun?" He replied gently, it's amazing how he can make someone feel included at just the tone of his voice.
"Yeah! I wanna do it all the time!" Yoongi replied. I looked at his parents, they seemed to be fuming with anger at the fact that he spoke and more that he went outside.

"Yoongi! You had a milkshake! Are you trying to make yourself fat! And who said that your allowed to go outside and talk with others, you worthless omega!" Yoongi started to cry. I can tell what will happen next. It's easy to pick out on my parents face.

"You worthless alpha! How dare you treat your child like that, are you so sad that you can't be better then an omega that you lock them away in a dungeon that you call home because your a prisoner to your own stupidity! I can't believe an alpha would say such a thing! Truly worthless to your kind, I bet your dick is as small as your brain you dumb, stupid inconsiderate alpha," Key went into full raging mama bird at that.

"How dare you speak to an alpha like that! You are the worthless kind here, can't even cook I bet!" This is one of the few moments you'll see the angry big brother and daddy birds. My father got up and threw him to the ground, his eyes gleaming with absolute disgust. Onew went over to him and kicked him in the ribs as if to say "fuck future alliances, you just disrespected one of the most important people in the world".

"How dare you say that! You are truly worthless! More worthless then the dust that sits atop one of the books in the library!" My father said. Yoongi looked up surprised. It was the first time he's seen an alpha stand up for an omega even if it was their mate, and an omega speak up to his father. It was the first time in his life that he had people that actually cared for him.

Yoongi snuggled into my clothes, Key had reverted back from raging mama bird and started to cuddle with me and Yoongi. Then Jimin joined, then Onew and finally the now nice daddy bird.

"Yoongi dear, if he says anything to you, tell us and we'll make sure he'll never say it again okay?" Key said warmly. Key being warm was the most dangerous Key, we've all learnt that over the years. Yoongi nodded.

"Okay! Taemin why don't you get ready for your performance with the others while we take care of Yoongi," said Onew. I nodded and got changed into a white suit. We were all chatting backstage until the curtain started going up. It's my show time!!!

As I danced I looked around at everyone dancing with me. I saw Father grinding happily on Minho while Key sat with Yoongi laughing at how stupid his husband was. Onew started dancing with a vase he found, I have the weirdest brother. Jimin was dancing near Hoseok on his own, and smiling.

It was really fun dancing with the other omegas, what would be considered sexual was just fun for us, we smiled and danced to the music as I sung. It was sad as it ended.

I looked at Yoongi, he had a bright smile on his face. At least he's smiling now. I turn over to see Kai dancing, he was good, but not as good as I was. I decided that I would walk to over to him.

"Hey Kai, how are you?"
"Pretty good! It's so fun and lively here,"
"It's always like this,"
"Well, in my palace the last thing anyone said to me is that I needed to rape you,"
"I would like to see you try," we both laugh and start dancing together. I look back to check on Yoongi and see him dancing along with the omegas having fun. We took his father to the royal hospital for a bit, but he'll be fine.

"You were really good, up there. A born performer," Kai says.
"Oh you haven't seen nothing yet!" I say reminding myself about my second performance coming up. This one was more sexual, and seductive.
"I got to go, change for my next performance now, see yah!" I said then ran of to change. I met with the others backstage and we were all giggling and placing our bets on how many people will get seduced. I said maybe 5-10 people, well let's hope so. I really don't want to do the punishment. The curtain goes up and we start on out next performance.

As soon as we were done we started counting the people that were completely immersed into it......9.......10.......11.......12! Damn it I lost! Now I've got to do the punishment! Well, I'll spend my last few moments happily while I can. I look around spotting Kai once again, he was one of the people that were into the performance.

"That was amazing I didn't know you could move so... so-"
"Yeah if that the word. You were stunning". I smiled. We talked for an hour or so until everyone started heading to bed. Kai's pretty nice, he's funny and we get along well. I kind of miss talking to him even though it's been a few minutes. I went and took a shower, getting ready for the embarrassment of the next day.


The next morning

I get awoken by the sound of Heechul and the rest of the omegas banging the door down and rushing to my bathroom with bleach, hair dye and an outfit that I can't see what it seems to be.

I'm in so much trouble

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