Chapter 14 | Skeleton Flower

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Taemin will eventually leave the kingdom to live with Kai, Taemin will definitely help with the struggles there. See Taemin might be mischievous, but he was taught by Key, all the details about politics, how he would change and implement laws, how to gain trust from the public, what specific things to deal with before trying to change the social pyramid, etc. Taemin is intelligent and bright, he got that from his parents, when Taemin is dedicated and committed to something, he will accomplish it, even if he dies himself, that's just how he is.

A lot of people still question and have doubts about whether Taemin is experienced enough to rule a country, that's probably why people are so against his relationship with Kai, because "he's too wild." Jonghyun worries about who is trying to hurt Taemin and his child, if they will continue to hunt them down even when he moves to live in Exition and becomes king. Although he knows that Kai will be a good mate and never let anything happen to his baby, there is always a possibility of something happening on the travel between the two countries, or some other situations where you really can't do anything to help your mate.
He knows that Taemin will come visit him in the palace often. He'll probably miss his family and the palace and come visit the omega squad and all the bars he likes to visit. He'll probably take Jimin with him just so he isn't alone exploring a new country, and then try set Jimin up with a bunch of alphas that he chose out especially because they are either hot or sweet.
Jimin would keep him company, like always. Ever since Taemin had helped him years ago, Jimin's never left his side. It's quite pleasing to see that his baby has such a friend, one that will help, encourage and will always be next to him.
It's still worrisome, to see your child leave, and Jonghyun suspects that Key feels the same, even if they have yet to talk about it. It's a parents worry, worrying about whether your child will be able to survive on their own.


Taemin's P.O.V

"Soon I will have to go to the doctors. It's only for a little check up, so why am I so stressed?" I look into the mirror, my stomach the immediate place where my eyes are drawn to. Later on, the pup inside of me will grow, and I'll no longer have the flat stomach I had all my life. Hmmmm......I wonder, if I go on a diet, will that stop me from putting on weight? Maybe, but what diet? Well, I guess fasting may do the trick, a 3:18 ratio. That means I'd have around one meal a day? Sounds right, I should try it.
"What in the world are you thinking Taemin!? One meal a day! I've got a child in me, I can't have one meal a day!" I sigh. I really shouldn't, it's common sense that I need to eat. However, there is still the voices in my head whispering,
"Won't you get fat, you're starting to get fat already and the child hasn't even grown yet. It's not the child that's making you fat, it's just you eating too much food,"
Ugh! I hate this! Why can't it just be easy!
Before I knew it, tears had started to well and soon escape down the soft skin of my cheeks. I see myself in the mirror. Maybe I should start skipping a few meals, I am getting fat. I wipe my tears, going back to the bedroom. Their Kai was, on the bed, already done washing up.

"Hey, Minnie. You okay?" He looks at me concerned.

I guess I didn't hide the tear stains well enough, how pathetic of me.

"Minnie? That's new!" I put on a smile, the best I could muster. I climb in the bed next to him.
"I'm so tired! I'm going to sleep early, goodnight. I love you," with that I snuggle up to him and shut my eyes.

Soon Kai falls gently into the pool of dreams, his breaths slow, and his heartbeat calms. I sigh again. I can't fall asleep, I can't stop dreading tomorrow, tomorrow seems so haunting. It's a normal day like any other, yet I feel like at anytime, it will stab a knife through my chest, rip out my heart and constrict it until it turns to dust.

Who are the people who want to kill me? Why are they trying to kill me? When am I leaving here and having to go search and create a new kingdom to rule over? When will the last time I see my family be? When will I start getting fat? Will people notice if I don't eat anything?

All the questions arise, spinning and swirling across my mind, slowly encapsulating me in it's hold. It was a battle, me against my mind, logic against heart, black against grey. My chest grew heavy with each breath I took, shallow and quick, yet still calm enough that Kai didn't awaken from my restlessness. I couldn't close my eyes for more then two seconds, frantically scanning each crevice of the room, from the curtains to the door handle. I don't understand myself, why I'm so petrified. I try to get up out of Kai's arms, maybe get a glass of water. Yet my body wouldn't respond. The only part of my body that I had control over is head, the rest felt numb, as if it was just some weight tying me down to the mattress. I feel so heavy. Like a heavy blanket was cast over my body.

My mind was racing. I want to get up, why can't I get up? Why can't I move my legs? What do I do? The tears that I had wiped away earlier had arisen once more. I tilt my head slightly to the side so that they wouldn't spill onto Kai's clothes and wake him up.

I lay there silently, the teardrops never ceased as the hours passed, my breathing became ajar and angular, yet never seemed to calm down, even when I was about to faint from the lack of air reaching my brain. I had lost the sense of my body. It was already sunrise, I had stayed up all night. My breathing was still unsteady. I look at Kai. Help me Kai, please! I open my mouth, but no voice comes out, I cry even more, having to tilt my head to not ruin Kai's pyjamas. I try once more, holding my breath and trying to squeeze something out of my voicebox, without prevail. I try to move my fingertips, with no prevail. I try to stop my tears, with no prevail.

Kai starts to wake up, groaning and slowly opening his eyes.
"Taemin! What happened?!" I try to say something, finally something comes out of my mouth, yet it is nothing but a little squeak. He wipes my tears, clearly scared.
"Taemin! Say something, what happened?" More tears start pouring out of my eyes, getting caught by his fingertips.

"K..i," my voice was starting to reappear. Thank goodness!
"Kai," I try to move my fingertips once more, they slowly awaken, going to grip Kai's arms. Soon I got the feeling back into my body. I hop up and try walking, I got around 2 steps before my legs gave way underneath me, Kai's arms catching me quickly.
"Taemin what's wrong?! Why are you going?" I hug him tightly.
"I'm going to go to the doctors, take me there?" I say. He picks me up.
"Guide the way for me,"

He runs me down the halls, turning whenever I tell him to. We arrive at the doctors facility. Kai immediately lays me down on one of the beds. The doctor walks through the door.

"Taemin! What is the problem!"

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