Chapter 19 | Broken Shards

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Kai's POV

Taemin had fallen asleep in my arms, I'm so glad that he's eating now.  I pick him up slowly and carry him to our bedroom. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, so beautiful. I place him on the bed and kiss his forehead. Then I leave for training with Minho.

I met Minho in the corridor along the way to the soldiers. See over these couple weeks we have been training the soldiers together, using both my countries knowledge and his and we've seen major improvement in the soldiers capabilities. These will be the soldiers that will accompany Taemin and I back to my kingdom, so we've rounded up some of the best of the best, and started training them. I think that Taemin and I will be able to set off soon, judging by how much they've demonstrated.
Minho and I arrived, soldiers awaiting us in their assigned lines. I start a roll call, one person is missing. Apparently he had called in sick beforehand so we decided to continue.
First we started with a little play game of shooting the targets, Minho going around and fixing some soldiers hand positions. My country doesn't have guns, or they have very little so when Minho introduced me to them, my jaw had fallen to the ground.

Afterwards, they ran laps around the castle as they always do, I could hear the omegas giggling about it. I mean they run shirtless so it is expected. They usually run about 10 laps a day, just to improve their endurance during combat and field missions.
Then we did some one on one weapons practice where each person would choose a weapon they desired and face each other. During this training you were not allowed to hurt each other, otherwise you would be put on suspension or sometimes even expelled from the military.
Halfway during this schedule I started feeling nervous for some reason, a gut feeling perhaps. I thought nothing of it, but then it started rising more and more. Soon stress started encasing my heart, building walls around it at rapid speeds. I turn to Minho, "I'm going to check on Taemin, I'll be right back okay?" He nodded and off I went, speed walking towards out bedroom where I had seen him last. Dread had started stabbing right into my heart, twisting the knife around, my vision had started to become blurry as I walked with purpose. I had a feeling that these feeling weren't mine, and that was an issue. Maybe Taemin was having a nightmare, was what I kept telling myself. The castle was big, and it took a lot of time to travel from place to place, normally I don't mind, but right now I despised it with every single part of my body. The feelings he was having were so cruel and demonic, overwhelming so. They were starting to encase my entire soul as I stumble from poor vision and shaking legs. A sense of hopelessness I now had felt, I was almost there at the bedroom.
Anyone... please, anyone.. help me. Kaiiiiiiii!!!!!!!
The voice of my beloved had screamed in my head, louder than anything I have heard before. I casted away my blurry sight as well as my shaking legs and ran as fast as I could, I stumbled into things, what I would presume as vases smashed at the sides of my feet.
I finally made it to our bedroom door where I sensed Taemin's presence, distressed and fearful. I twist the door handle, finding that it was locked. I reverse a few steps back, and slam my shoulder into the door. It opened.
There my poor mate was on the bed crying, half of his clothes had been stripped off of him. The window was open, seems as if it had been smashed. Although, right now, a broken window was not my number one priority, Taemin was.

I rush to him and gather him in my arms, his face is tear stricken as he curls up in my arms and cry. I pat his head, entangling my fingers into his soft hair. His arms wrapped around me, pulling my body closer. I could feel his racing heart from here, his body was shaking vigorously.
"Are you hurt?" I whisper, his body shivered. He shook his head still crying. I sigh, that's a relief. I uncurl us, just to let him sit on my lap so that I could see his face. His eyes were bloodshot red, his nose was running and his lips were quivering. He just cried more, as I embraced him.
"You're gonna be okay, I'm here now," I rub his back. The tears slowly come to an end, and afterwards, all that remains is the light, ever so frequent sniffles coming from the person in my arms. He finally has enough strength to look up from my neck, the sight of him breaks my heart. His eyes are so full of hopelessness, it sears my heart into half's. His face now has a pink tinge to it, I could see that the air he was breathing in was not staying in.
To see him like this makes me a failure, as a mate and as a partner. I had promised that I would take care of him, that no harm was to be done to him, yet I keep failing over and over again.

"Kaiiiii," Taemin's voice was shaking, as his call was drawn out. My heart has now been smashed into tiny fragments of sorrow as the pain in Taemin's voice replayed inside my head over and over again.
"Taemin, I.....I'm so sorry. I should have stayed here with you, I should have been by your side. I'm a failure, I'm so sorry," my voice was also slightly quivering. He shook his head as he reached his hand up to play with the ends of my hair.
"No, it's not your fault, I should have tried better to stop them from overpowering me. I'm sorry Alpha," my eyes widened as he bowed his head to me. They broke him.
" Taeminie, my poor sweet Taeminie. It's not your fault, it's theirs. Sweetheart, I think you should get some rest, we'll talk about it later okay. Here I'm staying here, right next to you, okay?" He nodded as we went under the covers. I held him close, scared that if I let go he'll break. Even though he had slept before that whole situation, he fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

Taeminie............. My Taeminie.............they broke you

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