Chapter 17 | Chocolate and Vanilla

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"He's malnourished and deficient in iron, vitamins D & E and in Folic Acid. He, is also underweight, this can greatly affect the child. Unfortunately, these things increase the risk of problems in the pregnancy, or even miscarriage."

Hearing this Kai's fists balled, why would he do this to himself? He thought. Kai wouldn't lie, he had noticed that Taemin has only been eating breakfast for the last couple days, but decided to believe Taemin's excuses. And this is where it landed, Taemin unconscious, in their room, with a doctor listing all the different nutrients, that he doesn't have, but need.

"He'll wake up in an hour or so," the doctor sighs.
"But if he wants to continue in his pregnancy, he needs to consume these nutrients daily. You can't afford this going on for long. I'll assign a psychologist, for tomorrow, it's quite normal in young parents to be feeling worried or stressed," with that the doctor left.
All Kai could do, was wait for his mate to awaken, so he lay beside him, only hoping that his presence will calm Taemin's mind.

Yoongi was outside Taemin's room, when the doctor came out.
"What happened? Is he okay?" Yoongi was worried, Taemin had never shown that he had been stressed, so him passing out, was a big surprise to Yoongi.
He'd never even thought that Taemin had issues of his own, and now Yoongi was regretting never noticing. After all, Taemin had helped him so much, it was the first time that Yoongi felt was it felt like, to smile and laugh. Taemin and the other omegas were his source of happiness, one that he thought would always be there.
Tears streamed from his eyes as the doctor explained the same thing as he explained to Kai. Why hadn't he noticed that he almost never ate? Taemin always fed Yoongi mouthfuls upon mouthfuls of food, yet never had any himself. So how had Yoongi never noticed?
I'm such a bad friend, how could I not even notice that my friend wasn't eating well?
He thought back to the time that Taemin had a bit of fruit for breakfast. Had he not eaten anything else?
The thoughts were swimming in Yoongi's mind as the doctor left to tell the Kings what had happened. Taemin, why didn't you tell me?

1 hour later

Taemin's POV

I had awoken to my bed, with Jongin beside me, he had his arms wrapped around my torso. I could only sigh, he looked so worried, scared almost.
And it's all your fault, he's only like that because you let them find out.
I stroke his hair, as his eyes slowly open. When he sees that I'm awake, I expected to hear him scream at me, but all he did was pull my waist and tightly hug me. His scent was so calming, so sweet. I wonder if our child will be the same.
"Don't do that to yourself, you know that love you. Please don't hurt yourself like this," Kai's voice was scratchy, it sounded as if he's been crying. Taemin tightened the hug.
"I'm sorry," I said quietly. After all it was the only thing I can say. I can't promise him I'll never do it again, because I know that promise would be broken, I've always done this when I notice I have gained weight, it's basically become a habit. I sigh, I didn't think it would affect him this much, I thought he'd just scream at me, and that would be the end of that. I forgot he wasn't like the others.
We stayed in the hug for a while until he got up and smiled.
"Now, since your excuses won't work on me anymore. Let's go eat," he started laughing as he pulled my hand all the way to the dining room. Apparently, he had asked the chefs to prepare some food for them beforehand. He sat me down, sitting beside me, grabbed a chopsticks and went, "here comes the airplane, ahhhhhh," I opened my mouth seeing how relieved he looked that I didn't refuse. He had fed me some pork belly, it's been so long since I've had this. I pick up my own chopsticks and start piling it into my mouth, Kai laughs.
"Taemin, you'll end up choking if you do that," I turn to him,
"That's okay," I say between mouthfuls. I eat some vegetables as well, even though vegetables taste bad.
By the time I was done, my stomach had expanded by 3 sizes.
"The food babies I have a real," I say patting my stomach. I look at Kai and see him grinning so widely that his mouth was open. I contemplate whether to kiss him, or stuff some of the left over lettuce in his mouth. So I decide to stuff lettuce in his mouth, he starts choking on it. I laugh.
He turns to look at me, mischief in his eyes.
I run. Out of the dining room, with him chasing, I pass Minho, Ten and Lucas, they were training the soldiers, when they see me they smile before returning to their training. The soldiers seem to cheer up when they see us, even if it was for a short time.
By the time I reach the door of the library Kai catches me. I realize he's not even breathing heavily and slap his chest. "Yah, you made me run on purpose," I huff. He starts laughing as encases me in his arms and buries his face into my neck. His scent became sweeter, makes me crave brownies and vanilla ice cream. He kisses me, lightly. I chuckle, I love this person way too much.

Time skip to dinner time

Me and Kai enter the dining room together. I can feel the eyes of worry from Yoongi. Poor Yoongi, I passed out on him didn't I? I sit beside him and hug him, "I'm okay, don't worry. Here let me feed you."
"No, you are not feeding me until I know you'll eat yourself," he huffs. Oh no, my innocent Yoongi is picking up my habits.
"Fine," I say. I start stuffing my mouth with beef turning to Yoongi and start chewing near his ear.
"Ewwwww, fine, fine I'll let you feed me," he says as he pushes my head away. I pick up my chopsticks as feed him some, Kai's hand on my thigh, lovingly patting it.
"So it seems that my baby is feeling better," Key says.
"Yep," Jonghyun agrees.

Yet there is someone who doesn't like the idea of Taemin being better.

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