Chapter 9| Mating?

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Taemin POV

We all arrived back at the end of our shopping spree. I got Yoongi a sweater and some nice pants. Key also came back with two bags full with clothes, but he looks pissed off, and it wasn't even me this time. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow as Heechul has the creepiest smile on his face at the moment, it might be the first time I'm scared of someone buying me clothes. We head out to the car and Yesung gets a call, I catch a glimpse of who's calling him........Eunhyuk? Isn't he the prince of The Sujial Capital? How did he get Yesung's number? Somethings  you'll never understand.

We get home and Key immediately runs to the door, the knights opening the doors for him, he looks really angry. The moment he goes inside he shouts, man I can feel the vibrations and I'm still outside. I decide to go inside, just to catch Key screaming at Jjong.

"That Gucci shirt was one of 3 shirts made in the entire world and you just had to accidentally throw it into the fireplace! There is none left anymore and now I won't have my favorite shirt because you can't keep your dick in your pants when you see me!" Key goes off. That was to much information for my pure mind. I snuck past them knowing that I can't even try to save my father by this point, even I was not daring enough to touch Keys special limited edition Gucci shirt.

I went into the ballroom, in the corner was a piano that musicians play at whenever we decide to have a ball, but I like to play on it as well. I start playing a few notes, thank goodness it's not out of tune. I start playing a song, myself getting immersed into the keys being played as I glide my hands over each key pressing it down softly and then letting it ring out as if it was a silent cry, almost transparent. Suddenly, one of my fingers slip and it ruins the whole rhythm, I smile, well guess I got to work on it some more.

The door opens, and Minho comes in.
"Taemin, you're here again. I haven't talked to you in a long time, how are you, I see you've got a new look," he says sitting down next to me, smiling as usual.
"Scared, Heechul bought me new clothes and I'm going to have to wear them tomorrow. My parents brought a lot of princes to the palace as a chance to find someone I want to be mates with. They all seem cocky and rude, just in general, but what can I say they're foreign alphas that have been learnt to lord over any other race at the age of 1. I feel like I'm a gift to be given at anytime. Although, I can see that they all respect Jjong, I just hope that they'll follow his lead and not be know," I said getting reserved and sighing.

"I think that they will. I heard that Jonghyun took them all out to the alphas BBQ, and taught them a couple things. The king has an ability to get any message through to people, even if they are the most reserved person on earth and have built massive walls around their mind and heart. Remember that's where you got it from, remember when we first met Jimin. He was so badly hurt mentally that he didn't speak to anyone at all, but you could get through to him. You were the one that brought his smile and voice back, that gave him enough confidence to last him his entire life. You don't know how many people you have saved from themselves, Taemin," Minho said. I felt a bit better, but not a lot. After all, it's a fight with my own mind not someone else's, but I know that I'll win over myself.

I look outside of the window in my room, it was sunset. The bright, vast colors decorating the skies, the trees having a beautiful silhouette. I've always enjoyed sunsets, I find them to have a sense of tranquility to them, just seeing the sun disappear knowing that tomorrow it will be there again, to be your friend. The vibrant colors warm you, comforting you after a long day, clearing your thoughts. Within a half hour the sun fully disappeared from sight and all that was left to see was the moon, and the stars that peaked through the dark sky.


There was a rumor going around the palace that the alphas were going to put on a show tomorrow night. Huh, as if they could be better then us. It will sure be interesting to watch though. I head towards the dining room, hearing a bunch of chattering, that's one thing that has changed, ever since their parents left, the alphas have been a lot more chatty, before they would be silent. I make sure to cover myself with my jacket before I head in, it was getting more and more colder as we got closer to winter.

I open the door, greeted by the smell of chicken, I can see Onew eating a whole chicken already. The room was quite loud, the alphas were discussing something with my father while everyone else was chatting amongst themselves. One thing I noticed, is that Kai's eyes went straight to me, he was smiling happily. I must admit that that was heartwarming to see instead of his blank face. He seemed to be the only one that really payed attention to me so I sat down next to him.

"Hey Taemin, How was your day out?"
"Good. I heard you went with my father somewhere, was it fun?"
"Yes! We played a few rounds of uno, never thought that a simple card game would be that entertaining," I laugh, I can imagine them all playing uno, lucky that Minho wasn't there, they would never make it out alive. We start chatting about our days, me ranting yet again about Heechul to basically everyone I know and him trying to comfort me without laughing his face off. I see your smiles you can't hide it away from me Kai.

After a good hour or two I started loosening up towards him, it turns out he's really nice, but also very mischievous, oh man would Key have a hard time if we mated........wait did I just think about me and him being mated?! Now that I think about it, being his mate wouldn't be too bad, we'd be like best friends but just connected together by politics.

"What are you thinking about?" He pulled me out of my trance.

"What it would be like if we mated,"

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