Chapter 13 | Hope for the future generations.

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The day ended with anxiety. Taemin was looking around each corner, and constantly looking back. He couldn't help it, someone was after him and his child. No one knew who was after the two, but the more the couple payed attention they noticed that the guards' positions changed. There was a lot more of them now, and they seemed to be on high alert, looking at every shadow they see out of the corner of their eye.

Kai tried to reassure him that they would soon catch the group of people who objected their relationship, but there was still parts of both their minds that told them to look back over their shoulder.  Taemin's hand was almost always tracing circles on his stomach, as if trying to comfort his little white rose that it will be alright, even if he didn't believe it himself.

As he headed to the dining area for dinner, he started motive the details of the framing around the doors. The door frames were a dark grey with small embedded silver strings, as he kept his eye on the strings he noticed that they were embedded in many shapes. In the middle of all the shapes was a rose... a white rose. All of a sudden, Taemin knew what all those strings surrounding it meant. They were vines, vines that were trying to strangle the innocent flower, strangle and encapsulate its very being into something tainted, wilted. It wouldn't give up till the pure feathers of the flower darkened, and fell to the ground to get crushed. Taemin remembered that a white rose was in the countries coat-of-arms symbol, as a kid he never really cared about it, but now it was something that haunted him all his walk to the dining room where his mate will be waiting to see him. He'll probably have to make up a face, saying that he's not scared, that he's not stressed, that he's not mentally having a battle with doubts and contaminating negative thoughts.

When he sat down, he felt safer, people were all around him, chattering, smiling and doing their own thing. Kai however, had noticed that something was plaguing Taeming mind.
"Taemin, something wrong? What happened?" He asked, he noticed that Taemin had been getting really stressed the last day or so and he was worried.
"Nothing much, just a bit stressed, I'm alright," Taemin smiled, he couldn't help but smile back.
Dinner was joyful, Yesung and Eunhyuk had also mated and everyone noticed that there was a raspberry smell mixed into Yesung's normal red-current and lavender scent. Everyone was happy and the pair started talking delightfully about how they would decorate their child's room, what gender they think their child would be, etc  until Yesung asked one question that silenced the room,

"What do you think your parents will think about this?"

It was the first time that the group of heirs remembered their parents. They were so caught up in the fun and happiness that this palace influenced on them that they forgot that there was still this looming pit of rules, regulations and restrictions waiting for them back home. Bringing bake the memory that back home there was no one that they could talk to, ask for help or share their thoughts too, no one that would understand their kindness and trust towards omegas and betas. There was a silence that remained as the heirs remembered that they would have to depart home soon.

"I know how you guys feel, having to go back to a place where everyone wouldn't understand you. It's exactly how I felt after meeting my mate, then having to go back to this palace where I was ridiculed. My mate was the only one whom I could share mt honest thoughts and opinions with, he was the only one that didn't find me weird or ever discriminated me for having such. In fact he was the one who told me to share my thoughts and ideas to him whether they were good or bad. He was the one that inspired me to change the rules, make them more fair even if the world would sneer at me or talk about me. He was the one that helped me get rid of all those thoughts about whether it would or wouldn't work. Right now you're all probably thinking of whether you can change the rules, change the way people preserve you as, I'm here to say that you aren't the only ones that have those thoughts, I have been there, and look where I am now. I want you not to think about whether to not your family or the public will see it as good, but more about what you believe is right or wrong," the king shared his understanding.

Everyone was looking at him intently, paying special attention to every word he said. It was amazing how Jonghyun was able to inspire people by just telling them his story.
From his words the mood lifted and everyone started chatting, inspired by the way that the king had changed everything all by scratch, planning on how they themselves would do the same.
Sometimes you need to see or experience something to change the way you think about something, and it seems that hearing the kings speech was the experience they needed to push themselves out of their own barriers. They wished for the day that they would rule so they could also change things for the better.

For Jonghyun, he was hopeful, the far future looked brighter, more peaceful, he hopes that the future generations will be bright and won't have to go through the same thing that the parents had, that was his main goal. He decided to go down this path of struggle, changing the way the country saw omegas and betas, because he realized that if he didn't change discrimination to other races, then his kids would have to live with being looked down on.
Every time he looks at Taemin, he gets reassured that what he did was right, he can't even imagine what Taemin would be like, if he didn't, if he didn't allow omegas to have choices, emotions and a voice. He couldn't imagine what his baby would be like without his smile or his laugh or his mischievous plans.
He just hopes that all the other alphas would take his advice and follow through with it, with hope towards the future. He wishes for them to be able to get through what ever hardships they will have in the future on the adventure of their own rulings.

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