Chapter 3|Mission accomplished

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Taemin POV

I woke up at the stench of alphas in the palace..... were we getting attacked! No way. I looked out the window and there I saw carriages, that means that people from other countries are here, because only our country has cars. They're probably here because of me, I smile. I want to make this the funniest introduction ever. I should probably get dressed for morning tea, then I got the best idea. Step 1............

I messed up my hair wrinkled my pajamas, and went downstairs to the dining hall, they should all be there already, hmmm.......maybe I should wait for a bit. Time for step 2.

Outside the door I hear my parents fighting about cake and I almost can't stop my laughter. I'll go in now, messing up my hair I walk in.

There were many princes looking at me..... hey isn't that the guy I seduced at the pub?...oh well second meeting then. Many parents were looking at me in disgust and many princes were looking at me in per usual. I mentally smirked at all the eyes that were on me.

"Taemin, put some clothes on right now!" mother said. Time for the second step.......pissing off Key.

"No," I pouted just because I know it works every time.

"If this is about you stealing my clothes yesterday, then fine why don't you go into my closet and pick some clothes out, and for heavens sake fix your hair it looks like you've been drunkenly having sex. Now shoo fly," mother said. I smiled and went away happily. Time for step 3.............raiding mother's closet and making it look like a mess.

I went to his closet and started pulling everything out of the drawers and throwing them on the floor, I messed up his shoes and throwing them on top of the pile on the floor. Now I need to make him think I'm innocent until he comes into here and sees, so I grab some decent clothes make it look nice and head out, I look into the mirror pat my hair back down and put on some of key's lip tint. Step 4........go back looking innocent.

I go back to the dining room, mouths dropping at my appearance. My parents looked relieved that I didn't put on bad clothes. Yes it worked! I looked at them like I did nothing. I sat down knowing that all the princes were looking at me, but this isn't the time for teasing them. Now time for step 5......where is that cake?

Just as I said that the chefs brought the cake in. The thing with our cakes is that the chefs don't even try to make it look nice anymore, because it never lasts...Key looks at us pleadingly. We all stand up taking our stance as father starts to count down. I take a glance at the guests... they look confused. Let's put on a show! I hear key telling us to stop as he hides away... I think I can hear him mourning his clothes already. As soon as it hits 1 we start.

I grabbed as much of the cake as I could and started chasing father around with it landing it perfectly onto his beautiful face, I giggled. I saw Minho coming from behind him and give him space to slap him with icing. Father looks at me......I gotta run! He caught me before I could escape and soon my face is covered in icing. He started laughing as he went to go do the same to brother. Speaking of Onew, he slowly came to me...
"Hey baby bro!" Was the last thing I heard before I was getting attacked with mounds of cake again. We start laughing happily smiling. I look around the room for a weapon..... found it!

I grabbed the glasses on the side that was filled with water and started throwing them at Minho, once I got Minho I got back brother, then I got attacked by some cake. I turned to look at my father, our eyes playful, I started throwing water at him and he started throwing cake at me, it continued for a while. All of a sudden I was drenched in water, and a lot of it! I turn to find my next victim...........Minho. I smear some more icing onto him, and we all fall to the ground laughing.

The ground was soaked in water and decorated with icing. Key finally comes out from his hiding spot. He starts scolding us, especially me cause I'm wearing his clothes, and sits back at the table. We aren't allowed to go back so we just eat the cake off the floor. Onew gets a bit of icing from my face and eats it, he hums in delight. It was a good cake, quite tasty. But, now it was time for step 6............I turn to Jonghyun.

"Hey father, wouldn't it be funny to see mothers reaction to you hugging her?" I smiled. They all caught on and we started giggling loudly. Father winks at me. "Good idea". He sneaks behind mother and hugs him, being extra affectionate to really get the icing on him. I can hear him complaining already...... I spot my baby Jimin in the corner. I get up and hug him.....he only smiles......well that's a boring reaction. Then Ravi enters, I smile mischievously and as soon as Key stops talking I run to Ravi but get caught by Minho........... damn I wanted to put icing on Ravi. I get scolded by Minho and I pout.

Mother starts to leave........I guess he can do step 7 on his own. I follow after him, it's almost impossible to hide my smile by that point. We start walking up that stairs............time for step 8. I slip and fall down making sure not to hurt myself, see mother might be sassy but he still is my mother. I start groaning, and my eyes start tearing, Key rushes to my side worried. I make grabby hands towards him like a baby, I know he can't resist it when I do that.

"Oh you clumsy baby!" He says before picking me up and carrying me on his back like you do a drunk person. He becomes really tired as we reach the end of the staircase. Step 9. We reach the top and I climb down, wink at him and run to my room. I quickly change. Now all I got to do is wait for him to scream and come running at me with his pants. I started counting the seconds......3......2........1.....,TAEMIN! Step 10.......

As mother runs after me I run down the stairs quickly, father close behind raging mama bird carrying shoes, he's swinging his pants in one hand and throwing shoes in the other. I run through the rooms finally at the door of the room I need. Keys too angry to notice anything as I open the door to the.......................dining room.

I run in there and close the door. I hear mamma bird shouting through it. I look around to our guests each one of them as confused as the other. I smirk.....3......2.....1..... I let the door loose and Key breaks in with multiple shoes in one hand. He starts throwing them as I run around the dining table and soon he runs out of shoes to throw. He starts running after me with his pants like a whip, while screaming.........oh the faces here are hilarious. Finally, he runs out of steam and slowly deflates. Then, Onew, Minho and Jimin come into the room. They all high-five me laughing, while daddy bird takes mama bird to get dressed. Father looks at me and winks.

Mission accomplished

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