Speedrunning Upper Moons

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Shika's POV
Already knowing that I plan on having everyone jump Muzan with near full power is the plan, even if Ryōiki dies from Kaigaku, it should've left Zenitsu in a full powered state. Meanwhile I'm going to have a talk with the man who took Rengoku's eye, I'll think to it as revenge for trying to kill off a good character. But being surrounded by Muzan's mindless demons is gonna be a problem before I can reach Akaza. I counted at least 19 demons, I pulled out several of my knives and threw them towards the group, avoiding direct hits. Before they reached, I grabbed both of my blades, I haven't used my custom breathing in a long time but it's time to use it now. Hiraishin no Kokyū, San no kata: Jikū Shippū Senko Ren no Dan: Zero Shiki(Translation: Flying Thunder God Breathing, Third Form: Space-Time Hurricane Flash Sequential Steps: Style Zero). I successfully slaughtered the demons in my way, but at the moment of victory I felt a tremor, knowing it was only one person who could have caused, I teleported to Tanjiro and Giyuu.

"Hey Tanjiro, ima need you to avoid this area, same with you Giyu-san. Go group up with the other Hashira and take down Muzan, I can solo him." I said.

"Right Shika-kun." responded Tanjiro.

"Where do you think your go-" said Akaza.

I had already activated the most I can go with FC and punched Akaza in the stomach, sending him back a few meters before he landed unlike Sanemi.

"Hey that was a good punch, I think I have to hold back a little less since the last time I saw you." said Akaza.

"You should stop talking so much, your easily distracted." I responded.

I instantly dashed towards him, immediately attacking with a Detroit smash, but he was able to successfully block it in time. The force created a shockwave, and we began to engage in sparring, though neither of our blows actually landed, I could tell he's happy with the smile on his face. Both of us backed up, he has unlimited stamina and though I can only use FC to close those gap between us, since beheading him might not work in my favor, since I'm not gifted like Tanjiro.

"Hey Akaza wanna make a bet?" I said.

"Alright spill, and maybe I'll take this bet on." responded Akaza.

"If I can take off your head, you lose, and let me pass so others can defeat Muzan." I said.

"You got a deal, Ranshiki." responded Akaza.

A barrage of shockwaves were headed towards me, knowing that he accepted the offer, I can go all out against him. After activating 100% I swiftly dodged all of his attacks with my enhanced super speed, that only Kokushibou could follow, after appearing right behind him, lunging my fist back I used, 100% Texas Smash. Though I felt that I hit him, I deactivated 100% and saw his head on the wall or what's left of it, though his body was still standing, to make sure I equipped both of my swords and used Getsuga Tensho effectively severing his neck from his shoulders. After the light of the attack faded, I continued to watch since his body wasn't disintegrating at all in the slightest, I kept my guard up though.

"Come on you lost, it's time to let go, or are you going to go back on our deal." I said.

I received no answer and still wondered why, until the body moved into a stance, I instantly knew it was his technique deployment skill to track me while he slowly heals his entire head. I threw my Tanto towards him, but I wasn't aiming directly at him, he raised his fist ready to smash my head into the ground but jokes on him, I use Hiraishin no Kokyū, Shi no Kata: Rekkū Tenkō Zankūsen Reishiki(Translation: Flying Thunder God Breathing, 4th Form: Tearing Air Heavenly Light Slashing Flash Style Zero). Effectively bypassing his moves and wounding his body to end this battle as it seems he has no head to cut off. I'll just have to blow your body into atoms then, I held up my sword, channeling all of my energy.

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