I unlocked my First Companion

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Shika's POV
Tanjiro started speaking to Zenitsu's sparrow, while Zenitsu bothers a female demon slayer. Tanjiro picked up Zenitsu and berated him, intensely. I walked up to the female demon slayer, because I only remember a regular girl being bothered by Zenitsu.

"Sorry for him bothering you, so what's your name and what are you doing here?" I asked.

"My name is Moya Hokkaido and I am on a mission to slay demons." she answered.

It shocked me to what her name, then I remembered she suppose to be my companion on this journey, so all 4 of us have the same mission and the timeline is slowly being altered into my favor. Nice, I looked back towards Tanjiro and Zenitsu, still being loud and arguing.

"Hey you 2, we have a mission to accomplish, people can be in danger!" I said

"Oh right, sorry Shika-kun." responded Tanjiro.

Our journey towards the Tsuzumi Mansion has started, I took the lead as going in front towards that direction and noticed Moya following us. I know we'll meet Inosuke there, but the more the merrier, I seriously gotta get my kills up if I wanna be a Hashira, this Haori won't be a bluff sooner or later. I noticed Moya having a conversation with Tanjiro while avoiding Zenitsu, Tanjiro gave both of them a riceball/Onigiri, I should probably eat to, I reached for my pocket and ate one. Ruining my peaceful time was a crow telling us to hurry, I breathed in and out and began sprinting at an incredible speed, leaving Tanjiro and the others behind, but Moya quickly followed me, in surprised she could catch up so easily. I eventually arrived but to late, as I know that someone's gonna be flying out that window sometime soon. Moya arrived right behind me, she's nearly out of breath, Observe time to see what she's made off.

Name: Moya Hokkaido
Level: 30
Occupation: Demon Slayer
Rank: Mizunoe
Title: Tsugoku of The Mist Pillar
HP: 800
MP: 700
Strength: 40     Vitality: 70
Agility: 60     Breathing: 60
Sense: 30     Endurance: 45

Current Skills
Passive Skills

Active Skills
Mist Breathing[Lv:2]
MB 1st Form[Lv:2]
MB 2nd Form[Lv:Max]
MB 3rd Form[Lv:2]
MB 4th Form[Lv:2]
MB 5th Form[Lv:2]
MB 6th Form[Lv:Max]
MB 7th Form[Lv:Max]

Nichirin Katana(White with Lotus Hand Guard)

Nice, she's at least near my level, which means she won't be much of a problem, I looked back and saw Tanjiro and Zenitsu finally arriving, after sprinting after us. Tanjiro investigated the house and noticed and talked to the 2 bystanders standing by the house. The drums can be heard from the demon which name I believe is Ryōgai or Kyōkai, I don't remember, but he's the drum demon. The body flew out the window, but Moya caught him in time and Tanjiro came to his aid, only to have him died from his wounds. Suddenly a roar shook the area, I immediately thought it was a Hollow with a heavy amount of spiritual pressure, but this isn't bleach. I walked up towards the door ready to enter and waited on Tanjiro, Moya, and Zenitsu. He left Nezuko with the 2 siblings and all of us entered the mansion, Tanjiro discussed his injuries to the group and Zenitsu freaks out. The 2 siblings come inside and now Tanjiro and the girl are gone. I proceeded to dash off to somewhere in the house, soon Moya followed after me, this could be a chance to test her abilities against Demons. A emergency quest suddenly appeared, and I stopped in my tracks to check it.

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