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I woke up startled because I had been woken up by slabs of snow dropping on my head, and making it wet. The snow had come from a tree I was currently sitting under and now that I think about it I was surrounded by trees in a snowy forest. I must be on the mountain where Tanjiro lives at least and near his village. As I picked myself off the ground and started walking and searching for a indication of where I was going, I walked into the clearing and couldn't believe who I just happen to come across.

Tanjiro's POV
I was finally able to gather up enough sticks to make a fire. I was looking around the and in a clearing, I picked up a weird smell and tensed up ready to flee but as I searched some more in the direction of the smell I realized it was just a random person. He looked to be about my age and I was no longer worried as I walked up to him. I have to admit he was weirdly dressed, as he looked barely ready for winter with a short sleeve shirt on and no jacket.

"Hey, are you lost, I can show you the way back to town if you want?" I asked.

"In fact I am lost, I would really like your assistance to get back to the village." He replied

Shika POV
Alright objective complete now I get to get into Tanjiro's village and find a way to live there and then dip when his family gets slaughtered. Tanjiro turned in a different direction and gestured me to follow him. Finally after about 15 minutes of walking silently we arrived at the village. As we made our way to the town I suddenly remembered that it was the early 1900s, I guess I oughta get used to this for awhile.

"Do you know where you live and where your family is?" Asked Tanjiro.

"No, I have no family and no place to stay." I replied.

"Well I could ask my family if you can stay with us for awhile, would that be ok?" Asked Tanjiro.

"That would be great, it couldn't hurt to try." I replied

As soon as we arrived towards our destination, Tanjiro's house, I met his mom.

"Well hello there who might you be" Asked Kie Kamado.

"Hello, Mrs. Kamado, I'm Shika Akiyama" I replied.

"Where are you from and who is your family?" She asked.

"I don't know, everything is really a haze for me. All I could guess is that I'm from this village." I replied

I looked at her and saw sadness and pity in the mother's eyes.

"Well my child since you have no where to go would you like to stay here and become adopted by me?" She asked.

I looked at her with a wide smile on my face, but was extremely worried about future events to come.

"Yes, I would love to, Mrs. Kamado." I replied

"Good and as for your room, you can sleep with the boys, I think we have a extra bed around here somewhere, I'm sure Tanjiro and the others won't mind the company." said Kie.

Tanjiro was about to leave, but was stopped by his mother.

"Tanjiro why don't you show our newest member the village and everything about it." said Kie.

"Sure thing mom, Come on Shika lets go." replied Tanjiro.

Timeskip 2 hours later
After a good mapped out exploration of the village, Tanjiro and I were heading back home. I told him I needed to check something and he went ahead without me, after making sure the coast was clear, I tested my powers. I muttered the words Status then a screen appeared in front of me.

Name: Shika Akiyama
Level: 1
Occupation: None
Title: None
HP: 100
MP: 100
Strength: 1     Vitality: 1
Agility: 1     Breathing: 1
Sense: 1     Endurance: 1
One For All Damage Risk: 95%
Skill Points: 0

Current Skills
Passive Skills

Active Skills
One For All[Lv:1]
Occupation Skills


As I saw the status screen I admitted I was really weak. But then I noticed I had 2 skills, Observe and OFA. My instincts decided to test Observe on the Kamado Family. Shortly arriving at the house I muttered the words Observe and now I can see Tanjiro's status menu. All his stats were higher than mine and so was his level. I repeated this process on every member of the family, it only appeared Tanjiro to be the strongest of the family. I need to be at least level 5 before Muzan kills the family in  2 years from now. My plan is all set, now let's see how far I'll get before the first chapter even starts.

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