Attack of Spider Family

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Shika's POV
Upon arriving towards Natagumo Mountain, seeing no one on the path way, I was either early or late. I looked along the path and spotted footprints, they could be any of the 3, so I followed the direction hoping to find someone. It would be a shame to get lost, Zoro style, running through this deep forest is getting me the forest of death vibes but more deadly and dangerous. At this point I'll never find anybody, I can't find anymore foot prints to follow, looks like I got to use my gut and instincts to find the others, without using flying Raijin. At this time, Tanjiro should have already killed the mother spider, Zenitsu should kill the brother spider, At this moment I hav done nothing but run around, I'll take Rui's head instead of Giyu. No matter, Zenitsu will be ok and Shinobu will check up on him later before he turns into a spider. I've been running around so long I'm lost in thought... a lightning strike, that must mean Zenitsu succeeded, that must mean I'm close... oh a river, FINALLY. I could see Tanjiro and Inosuke encounter the Father spider, I also spotted the daughter spider getting away, I'll let her live. I seen Tanjiro and Inosuke get blown back by the father spider, as I draw my sword, I could not wait to get some action in.

"Tanjiro-kun,I'm here to assist. Inosuke, hows your condition." I said.

"Shika-kun, glad you're here, we need to work together to defeat him and Inosuke is injured." respondedTanjiro.

I dashed up towards the Father spider aiming for an instant kill but it blocked my strike with its arms. Upon contact Tanjiro and Inosuke rushes into battle, with my sword launched into one arm, both of them did the same successfully cutting one arm, going for another attack was the plan but I was pushed back along with everyone else. His defense is so tough, he's almost indestructible, I know Inosuke can't keep up with his current condition.

"Inosuke, follow me I have a plan, TANJIRO FIND A GOOD ANGLE TO CUT HIS NECK!" I said.

I started running towards the end of the river, along with Inosuke and Tanjiro on the sidelines, moments later a tree came crashing down into the Father spider. Tanjiro took this chance and so did I, both of us simultaneously going for the kill. Our attack was stopped by the tree Tanjiro cut down, both of us were launched into the air, I was to slow to actually kill him. As Tanjiro and I were falling down at a fast pace, I threw my sword towards a tree, while Tanjiro was coming up with a plan on landing, I used flying Raijin to safely get to the ground. Taking my sword out the tree and watching Tanjiro face plant into the tree, allowed me to prepare for my encounter with Rui AKA Lower Moon 5. As both of us approached Rui and his sister, Tanjiro gave his speech about siblings bond, a random demon slayer appeared and died with 15 seconds of his arrival.

"Tanjiro-kun can you detect the threads?" I asked.

"Yes, I can smell them." answered Tanjiro.

Rui commence an attack on us, I dodged but Tanjiro attempted to counter attack causing his nichirin sword to break. I can easily dodge his threads but Tanjiro current stamina can't keep up. Rui attempted to kill Tanjiro but Nezuko toke the attack instead. Then a conversation started between the 2, about family, I simply watched as the conversation went on until Rui snatched Nezuko. Both Tanjiro and I acted upon that action, only to dodge strings and see Nezuko ties up in the air. I can't attempt to cut the strings with my current strength, unless I use my quirk, Rui beat Tanjiro and I bare handed neither of us can put a dent in his neck. Rui started hurting Nezuko until she passed out, I watched Tanjiro get extremely angry, I watched him dash right past me with insane speed, he's using the 10th form of Water breathing, Tanjiro transitioned into the Hinokami Kagura Dance in a matter of seconds.

"GO TANJIRO!" I yelled

With each slash he got closer to Rui, causing him to step back, trying to escape Tanjiro, I could tell that Tanjiro was being slashed while moving towards him. As Tanjiro was going for the final blow, Nezuko activated her Demon Blood Art assisting Tanjiro in power, Tanjiro was able to cut Rui's head off. I knew that Rui wasn't dead and Tanjiro is defenseless, the same goes for Nezuko. As Rui's body got up and Tanjiro crawled away, I couldn't see the strings from afar, but this gave me prep time. I activated TCB and FC(10%) which I was able to master. I have to end it in one strike without him knowing. Hiraishin no Kokyū, Go no Kata: Shinsoku(Flying Thunder God Breathing, 5th Form: Godspeed). Rui was in the middle of talking to Tanjiro, as I appeared before him and cut his head off, it's a miracle how boosted my power is by OFA.

"I should've told you this before, but I'm they're adopted sibling, and you couldn't manage to finish one of us off, such a shame for the Lower 5 Moon." I said.

As Rui's head fell to the ground and started to disintegrate, I deactivated FC and sat down against a tree exhausted at using both it and TCB at the same time. Rui's disintegrating body walked towards Tanjiro and Nezuko, but couldn't make it as it fell to the ground still trying to make it only to stop right before the 2. I looked over and saw Giyu appear, and he started talking to Tanjiro in a split second I saw a 2 blades interact with each other, I looked over and saw the Insect Pillar Shinobu. I saw all 3 of them exchanging words, and then Tanjiro ran away with Nezuko in his hands. I got up and dashed after the 2, I caught up easily due to Tanjiro's condition, only to be knocked down by Kanao, who planned on attacking Nezuko.

"Run, Nezuko! Run! Make a run for it! Don't get caught no matter what!" said Tanjiro.

I clashed sword with Kanao, preventing her from getting past me with such ease, she was incredibly stronger and a bit faster than me. I think my wound from earlier reopened, Kanao toke the chance and tho led me back against a tree. Then a crow started Chanting as Kanao got close to Nezuko.

"Message! Message! KAW! I have a message from headquarters! Tanjiro, Shika, and the demon Nezukoare to be taken into custody and brought back to headquarters" said the Crow.

They stated descriptions of all 3 of us and then some Kakushi arrived, we were being carried and I looked and saw the rising sun.

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