The rage of Lightning

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Shika's POV
During a sparing match with Mujitsu and Moya, training them for the dependence of their lives. It was getting dark and I suddenly find Ryōiki and Zenitsu spending time together all of the sudden. I could only guess that she branded him as an annoyance but now I see them cooperating and encouraging each other, it was a rare sight for me to see. Moya is getting stronger as she progress she is getting better at her swordsmanship, while Mujitsu is good at multiple things but he is a little lacking in using breaths to the others though he's getting there slowly. Though it is nighttime, training them is more important than I can imagine, Tanjiro is doing fine because I had already taught him counters to Akaza. I taught Moya and Mujitsu what to do if they encounter Upper Moons 1 and 3 just in case they have to fight them, which we'll eventually happen.

Timeskip to Mansion Explosion
While lost in the track of meditating with my zanpakuto, a loud boom and burst of flames came from the direction of Ubuyashiki. I immediately grabbed my Zanpakuto and arrived right when Gyomei attacks Muzan who is trapped by Tamayo. The battle has been initiated and I have been prepared to take on Kokushibou for a rematch for last time. But I had an idea that I discussed with the Hashira previously if this situation was to happen, though there were some disagreements here and there, it was decided that I will take on the upper moons 1 and 3. As the battle had already begun, I have to focus on my current situation with being surrounded by the mindless monsters of lower moon demons.

Ryōiki's POV
Though through all I have been through I have never suspected Kaigaku to go all the way to become a demon.

"So Kaigaku, what have you been doing lately?" I asked.

"Oh you know, getting more power and all that, you should really be getting power to." answered Kaigaku.

"Tell me then, since you became a demon, are you ready to die by a slayer?" I asked.

"I know your strong Ryō-san but your not that strong. I'll have you realize I'm an upper moon." answered Kaigaku.

After that sentence I dashed straight towards him, while drawing my sword and aiming for his neck. But I was stopped in my tracks by my former ignorant friend, since he had also drew his sword, he was ready to die by my hand. I jumped back after that little interaction, only for him to unleash a breathing technique upon me so I countered it.

"Kaminari no kokyū, Ni no kata: Inadama(Thunder Breathing, 2nd Form: Rice Split)" yelled Kaigaku.

"Kaminari no kokyū, Shi no kata: Enrai(Thunder Breathing, 4th Form: Distant Thunder)" I yelled as Kaigaku unleashed his attack.

Though Kaigaku had almost gotten me, my power was enough to push him back into defense mode, even though he has the skill to master forms 2-6, I have the ability to master 1-8. I already taught Zenitsu form 7 just in case I died to Kaigaku. But I don't plan on falling, though he has gotten stronger, I have gotten stronger as well. Getting into first form stance, Kaigaku immediately attacked me again, knowing that I could end his life in this one technique if used correctly.

"I won't let you, Kaminari no kokyū, Go no kata: Netsu Kairai(Thunder Breathing, 5th form: Heat Lightning)" yelled Kaigaku.

"To slow, Kaminari no kokyū, Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen Niren(Thunder Breathing, 1st form: Thunderclap and Flash two fold)" I yelled back.

Though his attack did hit me, it didn't stop me as I rushed towards him only to get his leg, but the second step was easier as he couldn't block my strike in time, but I was only able to separate his body into 2. As I reached the ground, I readied my sword in the 1st form again before he could regenerate.

"I'll grow my legs back in no time, but before you strike, Kaminari no kokyū, Roku no kata: Dengō Raigō(Thunder Breathing, 6th Form: Rumble and Flash)" yelled Kaigaku.

In that moment I could dodge his incoming attacks but I noticed Zenitsu was defenseless in the corner of my eye. To make it in time I had to use my 1st form to get over there, though I still believe I can survive his attacks for more, Zenitsu won't be able to if he's not ready to fight.

"Kaminari no kokyū, Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen(Thunder Breathing, 1st form: Thunderclap and flash)" I said.

Upon reaching Zenitsu I couldn't block the attack in time so I had to tank it. Though I've been hit with this attack twice, the pain of my flesh burning cannot be ignored. By the time the attack was finished he was already on the move with new legs, I looked back to see Zenitsu worried about me, but looking back was a mistake as he came in fast.

"You've let your guard down worrying about that brat. Kaminari no kokyū, San no kata: Shūbun Seirai(Thunder Breathing, 3rd Form: Thunder Swarm)" yelled Kaigaku.

I blocked his strike with one arm, but my worry for Zenitsu increased, knowing this attack well, I grabbed hold of Zenitsu and took on the blows of each strike that was coming from a different directions. When it was over I attempted to swing but he dodged it anyway, though I can still progress further his Lightning enhanced attacks are gonna drain all my stamina and wear my body down. I began to chase after him, but my body refused to move sometimes, leaving me open, but I have to pull through. The more I slow down, the more attacks he hits me with, I'm in no condition to dodge but I can block and defend against them.

"You seem to take quite a lot of lightning from me, aren't you suppose to be tough, Kaminari no kokyū, Ni no kata: Inadama(Thunder Breathing, 2nd Form: Rice Split)" said Kaigaku.

"Thanks for unleashing my power and giving me this new form Shika, Kaminari no kokyū, Hachi no kata: Susanoo (Thunder Breathing, 8th Form: Susanoo)" I yelled.

Though this new technique has the drawback, which was the start up on it, though this is exclusively only usable to me, it takes all of my power and breathing to use it correctly. I gripped the handle of my sword and held the sheath steady by my side, as Kaigaku attack hit me, his sword was stuck in my shoulder giving me an even more big advantage, as I can't move from this spot.

Zenitsu's POV
I saw Kaigaku slash right into Ryōiki shoulder and he couldn't get it out, I've never seen her use this technique before but it felt as a very power one, as her dark purple hair was tied into a ponytail was suddenly rising and sprouting into different directions. The pressure of her stance felt different as the ground started trembling a little. But in an instant I heard the sound of a sword unsheathing and in the next second Ryōiki had already drawn her sword, the faint sound of Thunder was heard.

I saw Kaigaku's head fall and his shattered blade, along with a deep carving along the room that wasn't there before this fight started

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I saw Kaigaku's head fall and his shattered blade, along with a deep carving along the room that wasn't there before this fight started. I called out to Ryōiki but I think she couldn't hear me, as I went up towards her, I was worried she died in that final attack but until I heard a faint heartbeat coming from her. I calmly laid her on the ground, her sword dropped on the ground, the sudden surprise of a corps member got the jump on me, he took her to a group of the slayer Corp and told me to group up with the others to stop Muzan. Though if I had to lose Ryōiki the last of my family I would've certainly fallen into despair, I shall find the others and prepare to stop Muzan as this is the reason I exist as a demon slayer, for Gramps and for Ryōiki.

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