Moya Gaiden

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Moya's POV
I ran and ran through the forest, not looking back, focused on escaping my pursuer. I ran to the edge of the forest, seeing nothing but the dark sky and white scenery from it all. It was out of bounds area, I wasn't allowed to go past the edge of the forest. So I hid behind a tree, seeing my pursuers roam around looking for me. Holding my breath and staying still, once they left I ran from the tree, dashing through the forest to finally be free and reach salvation. To my carelessness I fell down a hill and ended up a dirty mess, but I kept moving, I reached a destroyed shack. There were several things I could have done, either go in it or keep going, my life was at risk and the cold was getting to me. I decided to head inside and hide, hiding under the rubble from the destroyed shack and wait. I heard footsteps and calmed my breath not knowing whether I had been found out or no, considering that I'm corner and have to pull off a miracle to escape. Looking from under the rubble I saw a man from my village, he walked in and took a seat down, I revealed myself. The man jumped at my sight and I shushed him to avoid making noise, right as I did a loud bang was heard, coming from the roof of the shack. I slowly grabbed a sharp stick and saw monstrous claws coming from atop of the doorway. I readied my arm back and waited till I saw a eye, in that instant I heisted the spear into the monsters eye and rushed out with the man as it wreathed in pain. I ran away from the shack band found a road, running down it with the man, seeing a person in front of me with a blade, killing another person. I stopped in my tracks as I looked back and heard a whistling sound and ran off the road. I looked behind me and saw the man skewered in the neck by the sharp stick from earlier, falling towards the ground as I saw the monster heading towards me and the swordsman. I knew I couldn't outrun both of them, and my chances of dying are very high, but at least I won't go down without a fight. I grabbed be stick and got into a defensive stance like it was a sword, the swordsman looked at me and the demon ran towards me, I aimed my stick at him and in an instant I saw his head fly off. I ducked to avoid the flying head and aimed at the swordsman, thinking I was next to die.

???: "I just saved your life from a demon, why are you thinking I'm the bad guy."

Moya: "Wait...that was a demon?"

???: "Yep, that was the last one I had to kill."

Moya: "So you killed all of the demons at the village?"

???: "Yep."

Moya: "What are you and who are you?"

???: "You'll probably never see me again. My name is Giyu Tomioka, I'm a demon slayer."

Moya: "How come I haven't heard of you guys before?"

Giyu: "We aren't official and most people who are apart of the corp are lead by other slayers."

Moya: "Can you lead me there?"

Giyu: "You'll die if you have no training."

Moya: "Can you train me then?"

Giyu: "No but I know others that will be happy to train you."

Moya: "So when do I get a sword?"

Giyu : "When you beat the final selection."

He started walking away and I began following him, I had no idea what was in store for me, but if it's to become strong enough to defend myself, I'll gladly take the chance.

Muichiro: "Kocho said you have the spirit but you lack composure. Rengoku said your style doesn't fit his though you meet the physical standards. Why did I get the leftovers?"

Moya: "Again Tokito, I'm going to master a breathing style, one way or another."

As I held up my wooden blade, dashing towards Tokito, attacking him endlessly until he one tapped me in my stomach. I fell down to the ground, clenching my stomach, I had not hit him yet. Kocho and Rengoku trained me for at least a month and I improved a little bit, but no match for this brat as he's very strong for his age. Compared to sparring with Rengoku, I have to focus more on offense then defense and I have alot of stamina to go against him. I stood up straight and practiced the breathing methods I learned over the last months, gripping the handle tight as I dashed towards him, my muscles on my arms tightened as so did my grip as I slashed at him 8 times in a quick succession, before kneeling down on the ground.

Muichiro: "That...was my technique."

Moya: "So watching you Hashiras and your breathing styles was worth it."

Muichiro: "I guess you have a talent for mist breathing."

Moya: "Can you personally teach me, Tokito?"

Muichiro: "Sure."

He then walked away as I fell unconscious in the training grounds, I had used up to much of my energy fighting him. At least I found a master to help me train, so that I can eventually take the final selection and pass with flying colors.

A few months have passed and the final selection was under way, as I was given a Nichirin blade to use by Rengoku. Upon my entry towards the wisteria forest, seeing them spark up like stars in the sky as it got dark. Seeing two girls as I was told that they were Oyakata~sama's children, bowing before the two out of respect as the other examiners looked at me with a strange expression. I waited till it was time for them to start as all of us were given our tasks, basically survive a week in the forest.

As soon as they let us in I scattered from the group of other examiners, crossing blue demon dash towards me, drawing my blade in an instant, I used Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash, cutting the demons head off before they have the chance to attack. Putting my sword back in my sheathe I began to walk around and watch my surroundings as my bloodlust would rise and I would waste more stamina to defeat demons.

It was the end of the exams, I had survived successfully and conserved my stamina throughout the entire week. Walking out with the remaining survivors of the final selection, receiving my Nichirin ore from the Master's children. Leaving the wisteria forest and going back to Shinbu's estate, waiting for the arrival of my blade since I have already been registered as a fellow member of the demon slayer. During my time after a quick rest from the final selection, I started training with Muichiro, whenever I had the chance as my sword didn't arrive for a few days. Upon getting my Nichirin blade, unsheathing it in front of Muichiro and Shinobu and the rest of the staff in the Butterfly house, seeing its regular color turn white. I gasped in excitement as I went outside of the butterfly house and began practicing with it in hand, performing all of the forms from most breathing and some freestyle in there. The enjoyment of using my very own blade filled me with bloodlust to slaughter some demons. Trying my outfit on and waiting patiently until my crow finally came, it was time to go on my very first mission. Bowing before the others in the butterfly house and my master before me, they all wished me luck on my first mission.

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