New Body who Dis

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I am the Player System that you have chosen to guide you through the world of Demon Slayer. First off, you will need a new name.

"What about... Shika, because it's it's similar to my favorite character, Shikamaru from Naruto. I don't want to be Nara, oh what about Akiyama."

Would you like to confirm your name: Shika Akiyama.


Now you'll be a human and start at the age of 13. Now for the rest of customization, what shall your hair and eye color be.

"I guess I'll take my original hair color, Black. For my eyes let's just make them... Hazel colored."

Hair color and Eye Color confirmed, moving on to combat style. Since my power slighty connected with your subconscious, I can only give you 3 skills that you have absolute knowledge of that is stored in your mind.

"Say less, but if I learn a breathing style, can I still choose 3 other powers?"


"First, when I graduate of becoming a demon slayer I want my nichirin sword to be a Zanpakuto, with obtainable Shikai and Bankai forms. Second I want the ability to use Flying Raijin on any object and living thing. Third and Finally I want quirk: One For All, to increase my strength, speed, etc."

Confirming... Confirming... Confirming... Added, Zanpakuto, Flying Raijin, and One For All as combat style. Caution: Zanpakuto will be a object that can be obtained later on and Shikai and Bankai forms can be used while using Flying Raijin and One For All. Flying Raijin seal can be used anytime upon receiving 15 in agility. One For All can be activated anytime and the risk of taking damage each second will start at 95%. To decrease risk, increase endurance points and the chance to take damage with using One For All will decrease.

"Grinding for my abilities should be easy, that's all I did back home."

Would you like to confirm all information displayed below?

Name: Shika Akiyama
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 13(Age starting in the first chapter in manga)
HC: Black
EC: Hazel
Combat Style: One For All, Flying Raijin, Zanpakuto Kenjutsu

"Huh, companions, hey system, what does companions mean?"

As you travel throughout your adventure, you may have companions with you. Though they will be given a random name, breathing style, and will meet you randomly on your journey. Would you like companions, 3 companions is the maximum amount.

"Yes please."

Generating... Generating... Generating... Companion 1 generated, look over information about Companion 1 and confirm to move onto Companion 2.

Name: Moya Hokkaido
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 13
HC: White
EC: Brown
Combat Style: Mist Breathing

"Confirm, Show Companion 2 please."

Name: Mujitsu Minobu
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 14
HC: Gray
EC: Silver
Combat Style: Wind Breathing

"Confirm, show me Companion 3 please."

Name: Ryōiki Hakumai
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 15
HC: Dark Purple
EC: Yellow
Combat Style: Thunder Breathing

"I would like to confirm all information given."

All information has been approved... commencing initialization sequence... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Sequence complete.

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