I see dead People

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Shika's POV
Tanjiro and I have been completing our training by Urokodaki for awhile. Both of us have been getting faster going down the mountain, but I have been faster. I increased my sense and it really comes in handy dealing with these traps, even though they have become more lethal overtime. Both of us eventually transverse down the mountain with a sword, I had no problem but Tanjiro on the other hand, got caught a lot. This then went on into sword swinging, Tanjiro has more stamina then mine, so my arms became really sore by the time I got to the 600s. The fact that this continued everyday to the point my stats went up every time I was finished with it. We soon got to the point where Tanjiro and I would try to kill Urokodaki. I didn't want to show my Flying Raijin abilities yet so I just used 1% of One for all. To be honest... I failed at even touching him, I was close one time, but I ended up on the ground in the matter of 2 seconds flat. We finally decided to work on the breathing and forms, finally learning Total Concentration Breathing, the skill turned up in my menu after one day of training with it. After that we were sent to the waterfalls, to this day I could feel the water rushing down on top of my body.

6 Months Have Passed
Tanjiro and I are still descending down the mountain with our swords everyday. My senses are fast enough to easily dodge any trap that Urokodaki can throw at me, I didn't even need to use my sword.

6 More Months Have Passed
Urokodaki told us that he had nothing to teach us, in my mind I knew that it was time for the Giant Boulder challenge. We followed him into the snowy forest and saw the boulder, it looked bigger in person. After awhile I got daily quest form the system, this would make my training easier as I would get stat rewards every time. I already knew I wouldn't be able to slice the boulder super quickly, I'll get my stats to at least over 60 before the final selection.

6 More Months Have Passed
6 months have passed since we began the boulder training, today we meet Sabito, or Sabito's ghost, I don't really know. Tanjiro challenged Sabito and just how I expected, he got his butt beat to pieces.

"I'll challenge you next!" I said.

"Oh? Are you approaching me? Instead of running away your coming right for me? Even though your friend, Tanjiro, got beat in no time flat, like an exam student scrambling to finish the problems on the exam until the last moments before the chime?" said Sabito.

"I can't beat the crap out of you without getting closer." I replied.

"Oh Ho! Then come as close as you like." said Sabito.

Sabito and I got closer to each other until we both stopped and looked at each other. I know I couldn't beat him, so I cheated and said OFA FC and TCB activate and in that instant both of our swords clashed. The shockwave from the clash blew dust around us away. Sabito backed away and jumped on the trees and started to spring around, I could follow his movements so I do the same with my boosted speed. Our swords clashed midair multiple times until we clashed on the ground, we both backed away only for our swords to cross each other multiple times. I didn't notice it until now but using both Full Cowling and Total Concentration Breathing was draining my stamina fast and I won't be able to keep up if I run out. It was time to test my Flying Raijin abilities, I put a seal mark on my katana and backed away, either I win or lose, those are my only options. I threw my blade at him, it spinning so, I really hope he would dodge it. I got my hands in a swinging motion and twisted my body so I'd be facing him when I grab it. Sabito dodged my blade and before he could reach me I disappeared before him. With both of my hands on my katana I swung for his head, but he ended up ducking instead, I only cut his hair. Was he toying with me, was he not showing his true power, my stamina went out and I was hit with a 12 hit combo by Sabito. I could barely move after it, I soon lost consciousness to recover my energy.

Short Timeskip
I awoke a little bit later than Tanjiro and with my stamina recovered I was ready to start training when I spotted Makomo. Thus my training and daily quest continued for the next 6 months that were to come after this encounter.

The last 6 More Months of this Chapter
It was the day before Tanjiro beat Sabito, I challenged him and told him to bring a real blade, as today would be the day that I would beat him. I used TCB and didn't use Full Cowling and used my own Breathing technique. Hiraishin no Kokyū, Ichi no Kata: Hiraishingiri(translation: Flying Thunder God Breathing, First Form: Flying Thunder God Slash). My own breathing style to finish him, before he could even more his blade to strike me. After that the daily quest stopped and that surprised me the most out of this fight.

Tomorrow arrived and I stood by a tree as snow fell, I watched as Tanjiro and Sabito were beginning there battle. In the instant that he won, snow blew from behind the sliced boulder, reminding me of when Giyu first attacked Tanjiro and Nezuko. Urokodaki soon arrived after Tanjiro sliced the boulder, we were finally able to participate in the Final Selection. All 3 of us walked back to Urokodaki's house and we ate a hot pot together. I watched as Tanjiro cut his hair, I then noticed that my hair had grown exponentially long to. Urokodaki talked about demons, I gave myself a haircut and went to sleep to prepare for tomorrow.

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