The Future of My Outcomes

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Author's Note: This will be mostly dialogue between characters and all in 3rd person

Shika's POV
"Congratulations you successfully completed the whole story, what do you wish to do now?" said Eris-sama.

"I wish to see what the future/final chapter would be like after I've done everything I did." I responded.

Timeskip to the future of The Timeline
3rd POV
"Come on, wake up already, you'll be late for school. I said the same thing 28 times now. Just wake up already, Sumihiko." said Kanata.

"I'm awaaake..." responded Sumihiko.

"That is such a bad lie that it shocks me. You're dead asleep." said Kanata.

"What a drag, just leave him if he wants to sleep in let him sleep in. Even though you woke me up I'm most likely going to end up going back to sleep in class again." said Shikamaru.

Somewhere in Modern day, Tokyo
"Oh Wow!! Whoaaa!!! Awesome they all beat the demon boss!! That's Amazing!!" said Yoshiteru.

Yoshiteru was kicked in his back and his book was stolen.

"AGH!" yelled Yoshiteru.

"You're reading Great Grandpa's book of lies again!?" said Touko."


"YES AUNT RYUKO, IM SORRY!!" responded a Scared Yoshiteru.

Timeskip on their way to school
'Even though every single women in our family was so gentle and mild, Touko and Aunt Ryuko are the only Abnormal ones.' Thought Yoshiteru.

"I doubt you believe in reincarnation anyways." said Yoshiteru in a sorrow tone.

"Huh!? The hell are you saying!! Did your brain snap!?" responded Touko.

"I'm sorry. Well, I believe in it. I'm sure everyone reincarnated and are living happy lives. Every single person who fought the demons and lost their lives for peace." said Yoshiteru.

"Ahhhh Wowww! He got the gold medal in gymnastics for Japan!" said Touko.

"Listen to me." responded Yoshiteru.

"That Uzui is so cool!" said Touko.

"But apparently he sticks his middle finger and strangled reporters. He's so rude." said Yoshiteru.

"But that's because those people were at fault." responded Touko.

"So you're allowed to do anything if your handsome. Huh what's this news?" said Yoshiteru.

They continued on their walk to school encountering 2 boys, Kanata and Shikamaru on their way to school.

"Hi Kanata!" said Touko.

"You curled your hair today! So cute!" said Kanata.

"So I don't get a Hi?" asked Shikamaru.

"Oh Shikamaru, I didn't see you." Answered Touko.

"What a drag." said Shikamaru.

"Anyway where's Sumihiko-kun?" asked Touko.

"Doing what I wish I was doing." I answered.

"So sleeping." said Touko and Yoshiteru.

"He's gonna be late today for sure." said Kanata.

"We only have school in the morning today. So how about we go to that meal place on our way back?" asked Touko.

"If your talking about that place with the snake ornaments and large servings, don't bother. Yoshiteru was looking at the braided pink hair ladies boobs and her husband noticed and threw a knife at him." said Shikamaru.

"You little..." said Touko in a menacing voice.


Meanwhile with Sumihiko
Sumihiko had woken up, nothing he was gonna be late he rushed to get dressed and dived out the window of his apartment. Carefully jumping then landing on another building, he quickly made his way down, going for a perfect attendance award. Even trespassing through others yards, and carefully getting around kids on the streets that were in his way. As he kept running the stoplight turned red, but that didn't stop him as an oncoming police car started driving, Sumihiko hopped over the car and continued running.

"I'm so sorry." Yelled Sumihiko.

"That's gotta be the Highschool kid we got seven reports about." said Sanemi Reincarnation.

"Yeah." responded Genya's reincarnation.

"I thought we actually hit you, you little dumbass..." said Sanemi Reincarnation.

"If he's going to school we can just wait him out, do you not have the patience for that?" said Mujitsu's reincarnation.

"Your a detective, you have no say in my job. Let's get him." said Sanemi Reincarnation.

Sumihiko kept running eventually running into Toujuro who also woken up late.

"What a nice morning!! Sumihiko!!" said Toujuro passionately.

"Toujuro-kun, morning. It's rare for you to be late" said Sumihiko.

"Yeah I stayed up until 4am since I got way into the zone during practice! I couldn't hear anyone until my dad slapped me!" said Toujuro.

"Ok, hang on there, high school boy" said the of the officers.

"Why don't you join the kendo club with your cousin, Moyaka, Sumihiko? Actually it doesn't have to be mine, just join a sports team!" asked Toujuro.

"Stop right there, black haired boy." said the officer from before.

No no, I don't want anything to cut into my sleeping time." responded Sumihiko.

"Hey, don't say that! It's just for a short while! I think your completely meant for sports!!" said Toujuro.

"Stop your damn feet for a second!" said the officer from before.

The two boys continued on their sprint to school complete ignoring the police. But the principal didn't want to let them in even if there's on 3 minutes left before the tardy bell. The gates were closed but that didn't stop the boys as they launched themselves over the gate. The police didn't want to give up on their chase as they approached the gate with angry faces wanting to speak with the principal. Meanwhile at home, Sumihiko's mother got a phone call that he has caused some trouble.

In the world between Life and Death
Shika's POV

"Now that your reviewed the future what do you wish to do now since you fulfilled your task. Oh I almost forgot to do this to you while your here." said Eris-Sama.

"I'm back in my original form, with my original looks."

"Yes I have returned your former self before you entered the world of demon slayer [Y/N]." said Eris-Sama.

"The thing is I don't know what to do, I never really had a backup plan to all this. Wait I got it, can you I give me the ability to roam the worlds the others choose to go to with my powers I received in Kimetsu No Yaiba."

"Well  since you completed your task I guess I can let you. Though I will say you have to undergo the name 'Shika' as a alias to complete your request. I'll also grant you the ability to change into your Kimetsu No Yaiba form whenever you want to, have fun meeting others in their worlds." said Eris-Sama.

"I will, thank you the Goddess of Fortune, Eris." I said.

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