A Ronin Demon

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Shika's POV
I head out before Tanjiro and the others, but as I am leaving the Inn, Moya appears to be waiting for me, but she is also lacking sleep. I only got 6 hours of sleep, but this'll do, I done 2 hours and still performed decent in school during my past life.

"Shika Akiyama and Moya Hokkaido head towards North North-East. There is a rumor rogue Demon slayer turned Demon there, KAW" said Crow.

The crow left and I looked at Moya and nodded, she started running towards the direction, started stretching before dashing out right past her. Leaving her in the dust before I past her I touched her shoulder, placing my Flying Raijin mark on her. I arrived first, I'm guessing she'll arrive in 6 minutes or less, depending if she's still running, it was the afternoon. Not the perfect time for one to come out, guess I'll wait for Moya to get here before investigating the town for clues. Moya gets here a little earlier than I expected, she's completely out of breath and since I kinda pity her for following me so far nonstop I let her rest for awhile.

"We'll wait for Nightime to strike, that's where they'll mostly likely be out to feast, I suggest we wait awhile before starting our investigation." I said.

"Sure you got it, just stop leaving me behind when you run off ahead ok." responded Moya.

Moya and I waited till Dusk right before the sun went down and before heading around the town, we came across a thug mugging a women. I let Moya handle this one then all of the sudden a man suddenly jumped out of the alleyway only to feast on the mugger, Moya drew her sword and went to attack the demon only to have it blocked. The demon fleed, but I didn't plan to let it escape, TCB, Hiraishin no Kokyū, Go no Kata: Shinsoku(Flying Thunder God Breathing, 5th Form: Godspeed). In that instant as he tried to get away, I slashed open his stomach with my nichirin blade.

"Now why go through all that trouble for a mugger?" I asked.

"Master said «eat only bad and crooked people»" responded The Demon.

"Ok let's say, that mugger was trying to provide for his family and you killed, doesn't that make you extra bad." I said

I got ready to deliver the final blow but my sword was blocked by another and it wasn't Moya. It was a man similar to my height with yellow demon eyes and a ripped demon slayer outfit.

"Oh so you come out of hiding, Ronin Demon." I said.

"I will gladly ask you two to leave before I take your lives with my blade." He said.

"Over my dead body, MOYA NOW!" I shouted.

With my speed I appeared behind Moya and she used Mist Breathing, 2nd Form: 8 layered mist to attack the Ronin Demon, but the demon managed to dodge them all. I clashed swords with the Ronin demon only to be disappointed in myself, he was demon so he is strong, but I'm faster. I dodged his attacks only to knick him several times, I managed to get behind him and attempt to slash his neck but he pierced his sharp fingers into my stomach, causing bleeding. I back up catching my breath, looks like I have to try harder, Moya decided to take him on, she was clearly no match for him but she barely held her own, I activated TCB to boost my power. Moya used Mist Breathing, 6th Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist, it barely landed, as she was in the air I teleported to her.

"HOW DID YOU GET UP HERE?!" asked Moya.


She launched me towards him with all her might, with blade in hand And TCB still active I used, Hiraishin no Kokyū, Ni no Kata: Ni no Dan(Flying Thunder God Breathing, 2nd Form: Second Step). The demon threw his blade at me with accuracy and I did the same, the only difference was that I teleported to my blade which was right above him, with my strength I slashed majority of his upper torso off. I looked him in the eyes with a menacing look that only demons fear.

"That was a good fight you had me scared for a minute." I said before slicing his head off his remaining torso.

My attention turned towards Moya who was still in the falling motion with the demon's blade lodged in her abdomen. I jumped up high and caught her, I saw a twinkle in her eye as the moonlight shined upon us, I landed on the street with her in my arms, I threw my blade at the demon I couldn't finish off leaving him stuck there on the street while his master disintegrated. I searched the streets for a doctor and took her there, I waited while the doctor bandaged the wound up, now a crow barged in telling me to go North-west from here and help other demon slayers at Natagumo Mountain and told Moya to go towards the direction the butterfly mansion is for a full recovery.

"Crow have you been there before?" I asked.

"Affirmative" answered The Crow.

"How long will it take for you to get there?" I asked

"It will only take 5 minutes." answered the Crow.

"I'll meet you there." I said

After Moya got bandages up, I carried her on my back and started sprinting towards Mount Natagumo, carefully you make sure she doesn't get whiplash or falls off, or bleeds more. I picked up my sword and killed the remaining demon, I didn't notice till now that my wound was still not cared for or healed and kept sprinting with pain filling my body. I used TCB to stop the bleeding and soon I arrived at Mount Natagumo, I can already guess Tanjiro and the others are already there, Moya is unconscious and I teleport to my crow which is displayed on the doorstep to the butterfly mansion, I knocked on the door and Aoi answered, I quickly faced Moya to her and teleported out of there.

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