The Doctor and The Simp

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Shika's POV
I was minding my business with Nezuko, now Tanjiro is getting yelled at by the owner of the udon shop. This man really ate 2 bowls in 1 minute, I am really surprised, I started following them and ran into Yushiro. Well I guess it's time to go see Tamayo, and now Tanjiro is yelling because he called Nezuko an Eyesore. I following both of them while being embarrassed at how loud he was yelling, we soon arrived towards the Harry Potter Wizard wall and I instantly walked through I couldn't handle Tanjiro yelling anymore. When we I entered the house I stayed a good distance against Yushiro the simp, Tamayo greeted us and decided to tell us information about demons. I sat near Nezuko, who keeps distracting me with her adorable shenanigans, and Tanjiro keeps getting hurt someway by Yushiro.

There I was vibing and chilling then a ball burst through the wall and I had to dodge like I had Ultra instinct. Yushiro's head just got popped off, Nezuko is saving lives, and now I have to fight Yahaba and Susumaru. The balls are basically indestructible to me, I can't unless my most effective form inside of this house, the only thing I can do is slash them enough to disappear. Upon Nezuko arriving I was already outside, ready to run they fades, Nezuko instantly threw hands with Yahaba and Tanjiro was able to cut Susumaru's arms off. I felt useless, because these 2 are doing something and I'm just chilling. I saw Nezuko get folded by Yahaba and both do them traded targets. I guess I'll go after Susumaru, Tanjiro got this, even though in the distance he's getting folded by arrows I can't see. I ran up towards Susumaru and her balls ain't got aim on me. I activated TCB and used another one of my techniques, Hiraishin no Kokyū, Shi no Kata: Rekkū Tenkō Zankūsen Reishiki(Translation: Flying Thunder God Breathing, 4th Form: Tearing Air Heavenly Light Slashing Flash Style Zero). This technique slashed through her arms and parts of her body, but I didn't let up just yet. Hiraishin no Kokyū, Shichi no Kata: Ren no Dan(Translation: Flying Thunder God Breathing, 7th Form: Sequential Steps). As Susumaru landed back on the ground in a wounded state, Tanjiro was flying all over the place, I cut off her legs and knicked her face several times waiting for her limbs to grow back so I can cut them again.

"I can kill you, but I wanna see what the others will say first. Yushiro, Tamayo, what should we do to her?" I asked.



"Since I tortured her for a bit and there's lots of blood around, hey guess what, we don't need you anymore." I said.

I proceeded to decapitate her, her head rolled away from me and near Tanjiro's who crawling on the ground. Alright that's enough slaying today, Tanjiro let's go, your doing that mourning thing again. I knew she wasn't part of 12 Kizuki, if I get as strong as Giyu, then the lower moons won't be a problem for me. I went inside the basement with the other demons and received a hug from my non blood related demon sister who lives in a box. Nezuko then shows affection towards Tanjiro and then Tamayo and Yushiro, she's so adorable when she's not in killer demon mode. Tamayo asked to have Nezuko stay with them, but Tanjiro denied the request, I knew this was going to happen but feeling this experience in person makes me happy.

"Tanjiro let's hit the road already, you forget we have jobs to do Idiot" I said

All 3 of us started to head out on the road again, with Nezuko sleeping in the box and it's back to Tanjiro and I just traveling. Oh no here comes a crow, man why can't I just get a day off, we almost died a few hours ago. The crow yelled at both of us to head towards Southeast, oh yeah where the former Lower moon 6 is. Now I hear yelling, oh boy I didn't think I prepared myself to encounter Zenitsu yet on this journey.

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