New Pillar who Dis

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Shika's POV
I waited for Tanjiro to wake up, I looked at all lthebother pillars knowing my strength isn't compared to there's. Tanjiro finally woke up after a while, Gyomei is more tall in person than I originally thought. All the Hashira spoke towards Tanjiro and I, except Mitsuri, Muichiro, and Giyu, Sanemi is out of the picture for now. Shinobu started questioning Tanjiro and now Tengen already wants to kill us. Tanjiro gave his explanation and Obanai starts instigating.

"Hey, why don't you stop talking Snake Boy" I said. That was meant to stay in my head.

"How dare you talk to me, a Hashira like that, I'll kill you right here and now." replied Obanai.

"Oh, he has some spark in him, he must have some flamboyance in him, I like that." said Tengen.

The talking between the Hashira and Tanjiro continued until Sanemi appears, now I know shit is about to hit the fan. He stabs Nezuko and now Tanjiro is rattled, Tanjiro charged at him without a second though and I decided to charge with him because he'll rely on me to protect Nezuko to. Though I didn't attack Sanemi, I did watch him get Head butted by Tanjiro, man it's funnier in person when the giant thud is loud as hell. The Master finally arrives and I bowed to him, before someone would make me, Tanjiro saw me and still got pushed down.

"If I may, Master Before we start the Hashira Meeting, would you mind enlightening us about these 2 swordsman, Tanjiro Kamado and Shika Akiyama, accompanied by a demon?" said Sanemi.

"Right. I apologize for startling you all. About Tanjiro, Shika, and Nezuko, I've sanctioned their situation. And I'd also like all of you to accept it." replied Kagaya.

"Even if it's what you desire, Master, I cannot agree to it." said Gyomei

"I'm flamboyantly opposed, as well! A demon slayer traveling with a demon is unacceptable!" said Tengen.

"I shall do whatever you wish, Master!" said Mitsuri.

"I'm fine either way... since I'm going to forget anyway" said Muichiro.

"I won't trust them, I wont trust them. In the first place, since I loathe demons." said Obanai.

"Although I respect you with all my heart, that's an incomprehensible notion, Master! I oppose it with everything in I've got." said Rengoku.

"The demon slayer Corps' mission is to annihilate demons. I request that you penalize Kamado, Akiyama, and Tomioka!" said Sanemi.

One of Kaguya's daughters read an abridged version of Urokodaki's letter that was sent for when we joined the Demon Slayer Corp. We were told that Urokodaki and Tomioka would atone by seppuku if Nezuko would devour humans. Kagaya told us that Tanjiro has encountered Muzan and now every Hashira is amazed and asked questions, only to have none of them answered and be silenced by Kagaya. Sanemi still being a prick right now, tries to prove that Nezuko isn't a good demon, he opens a wound on his arm and lets the blood drip into the hole of the box, Obanai stayed to do it in the shadows and Sanemi took to that suggestion. He stabbed the box again, causing Tanjiro to outburst again, Tanjiro looked at me and I responded with a nod, using FC to break the ropes and appear before Sanemi.

"Sorry but I can't let you hurt my step sister, any more." I said.

He instantly swung his sword at me, I dodged it easily and at the perfect angle, I unleashed an counterattack, 10% Detroit Smash. Knocking him out of the Master's home and into the ground, he flew quite a distance from where I punched him. Nezuko came out of the box only to be staring at Tanjiro and the other hashira, from the distance I could see Sanemi being very enraged towards my actions. I deactivated FC and gently petted Nezuko, calmly keeping her in the box like a cat because she would freak out at Tanjiro's condition with Obanai. Kagaya kept talking about how good this is for us, and then Shinobi agreed to keep Tanjiro at the butterfly mansion, with the clap of her hands, the kakushi captured Tanjiro and Nezuko and sprinted before Tanjiro arrived again trying to head butt Sanemi again, but getting knocked out by Muichiro with rocks. It wasn't until this moment that I realized that I'm still here.

"Um, what am I suppose to do?" I said.

"Attend the Hashira Meeting of course, you did stay the Lower Fifth Moon after all." responded Kagaya.

"NANI!!!!" said Every Hashira except Giyu.

I attended the Hashira meeting, I clearly didn't know anything upon becoming a Hashira just recently, only listening to others opinions on the matter at hand. It appears that the Demon Slayer corps are completely getting weaker, and know I feel like this foreshadowed the horrible training that we are suppose to do in the future, since I'm the only Hashira that can't do Constant Total Concentration Breathing, that is my next goal other than unlocking my Shikai and Bankai. As the meeting was dismissed I talked to Shinobi and asked if I can come to her mansion with the others, she agreed and now I have a place to stay.

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