First Mission

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Shika's POV
So there I was, flexing my new demon slayer sword then a crow comes in talking about a mission.

"Shika Akiyama, head west from here, there may be a demon that is responsible for the disappearance in people who have high power in society." said the Crow.

"Alright at least let me get dressed first, before I go on a killing spree." I responded.

"You said that so casually, why?" asked Urokodaki.

"Because I'm confident that I'll succeed this mission unless it's super powerful." I responded.

"Shika, I made a custom Haori for you." said Urokodaki.

"Thanks, I'll wear it every time I'm slaying demons." I said

I got dressed and wore the Demon slayer outfit, I then put the custom haori over it, I noticed that it was exactly like Minato's Hokage cloak, except the 4th Hokage written on the back it was 10th Pillar written in kanji. I looked kinda badass now that I think about it, I left the house before Tanjiro and started heading towards the direction the crow told me to. I could tell that this was going to be a long trip, since it mentioned people with power, then that means it'll probably be a big town, with lots of concessions stands and what not.

My crow was on my shoulder to make sure I was heading in the same direction, it was really annoying listening to this birdbrain every time I made a mistake going a different way.

Short Timeskip
I finally arrived in this town, not gonna lie, it's smaller than I imagined, but still pretty big either way. The sun was about set and I just so happened to spot a ramen shop, I mean what's a little ramen gonna do. As I walked in, the owner began talking to me with an attitude, well he's a sore thumb.

"Hey kid, it's about to be nighttime, make it snappy so I can go home and not get eaten by the demons." said The Ramen Shop Owner.

"So you know about the disappearance of powerful people in this town?" I asked.

"Of course I do, anyone that makes a living here is destined to die, that's why I plan to leave this place in just a few days, I plan move to Tokyo." responded the Ramen Shop Owner

"That's good and all, but I think you should stay, demons don't live very long now a days." I said.

"Oh really, how about you Guard my shop then. I just recently got hired to go to Tokyo for having the best ramen in town, now everyone's been getting some of my ramen for the past few days. I'm making lots of money right now, my life is finally going up." said The Ramen Shop Owner.

"Alright then, if I see any demons, I'll make sure they won't wreck your shop, also I'll have a Medium large bowl of Miso extra Chari pork." I said.

"Coming right up, bodyguard, if you survive you don't have to pay." said The Ramen Shop Owner.

After my ramen finished cooking and I was relieved with the smell of delicious food, I said "Itadakimasu" before scarfing down the bowl, I ate all the ramen within a minute and drank the miso as a finisher. I set the bowl down, with a full stomach I can fight any demon unless there one of the 12 Kizuki. I walked out the shop and saw a man walked in, his face was covered so I couldn't tell who he was, I gripped my sword ready to unsheathe if he's a demon... 15 seconds later I heard a scream, I grabbed the mysterious man by the collar and threw him onto the street. Turns out he was a demon good for me, as I unsheathes my sword I walked towards the demon with killing intent.

"Your a demon slayer aren't you, you'll know good and well, that 9 other demons and I have been kidnapping rich humans and eating them." said the Demon.

Son of a birdie, he said 9 others, that means that's 10 in total, my lucky day.

"9 you say, where are they, you seem to be lying, I guess your afraid of a single human huh?" I taunted.

"Well then follow me, if you can catch up and I'll show you to them." said the Demon.

The demon dashed off but I can still follow, because he didn't know that I had a seal on him the second I tossed him. I waited 30 seconds before using the Flying Raijin ability, I teleported inside of a large building right behind the demon.


All of the sudden the other 9 popped out from, the walls and the ceilings, I was surrounded by 10 demons, what else could I use for this perfect occasion to try out my technique and progress to become a Hashira. With sword in hand, I used TCB and used my Breathing style, which I developed on my own. Hiraishin no Kokyū, Roku no Kata: Rasen Senkō Chō Rinbukō Sanshiki(Translation: Flying Thunder God Breathing, 6th Form: Rasen Flash Super Circle Dance Howl Stage 3). In that instant all the demons were dead.

"Crow, report that I have killed 10 demons on this mission." I said.

"Kaw" responded the Crow.

The crow flew off my shoulder and dashed towards the direction of where Kaguya's mansion is. I left the building and used Flying Raijin to get back to the ramen shop, upon my entrance I sheaths my sword letting him know the deed is done.

"You killed that demon?" asked The Ramen Shop Owner.

"Yep your shop is now safe and so is the town, your headed to Tokyo right, I plan to go to Asakusa to meet a friend. If you want to come with nows your chance, I'm about to leave in a little bit." I responded.

"Hold on I'm packing up, I'll go with you." said The Ramen Shop Owner.

I know I probably have to protect him from demons along the way, but we'll be fine as long as the 12 Kizuki don't show up. After he closes down his shop in this town for good, he brought a giant bag with him.

"Come on let's get going, my new boss will be waiting for me." said The Ramen Shop Owner.

"We don't have to rush, we'll be there in a jiffy." I responded.

Short Timeskip
We both arrive in Asakusa and we part ways, I instantly use my flying Raijin, knowing that no one is going to notice, the second I teleport, Tanjiro is running through the streets, probably looking for Muzan, I see the bench he left Nezuko in and go to order the same ramen I had yesterday.

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