The Second Training Arc Part 1

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Shika's POV
I woken up at the butterfly house, the last thing I remember was taking that dive after holding off that wood clone of the upper moon. Old man Zangetsu manifested besides my bed and I asked him what happened to me.

"Shika your endangering your life when you use all 3 of your abilities at once." said OMZ.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Since you haven't mastered your 'Full Cowling' you are already using your stamina to heal your wounds that it does to you. When in Bankai form and you use the Kuroi Getsuga you are using even more energy leaving for your wounds to cause more stress and damage to your body. You are for now on forbidden to use FC once in Bankai state, but I have a compromise for you." said OMZ.

"I probably won't care and accept right away but tell me what it is first?" I asked.

"We are going on a 12 Kizuki Hunt, everyone will know your gone and no one is coming with you." answered OMZ.

"Alright let's do this, I already know that my injuries are healed." I said.

I sneakily left the butterfly estate and ventured off into the unknown, knowing that whoever I find will not be a easy battle, but I can only sense due to Old Man Zangetsu's purpose this will either negate the one drawback I have or make me stronger in some way. I could tell it had been only a day since the battle at the swordsmith village with upper moons 4 and 5. As the journey continued it had been nighttime and I'd encounter weak demons that wouldn't put up a challenge against me. I had been traveling for a while, but even I should get some rest, all I hope is that there's a town around here that I can stay at for a few hours.

2 Hours have Passed
I had still been traveling and I still haven't found a town to go to, I may be lost but I sense a powerful presence around me. As I kept walking forward I kept sending the powerful presence even more, at this point I was cautious, this is more power than Akaza from way back. I grabbed my sword knowing that it's either Douma, Kokushibou, or at the worse Muzan, I stopped walking acknowledging that I know someone was watching me and I was right.

"Oh you noticed my presence, your quite skilled like other Hashira." said the Mysterious voice.

"Who are you, I won't hesitate to cut you down upon sight!" I said cautiously.

A figure stood out from the tree and walked towards the path I was following, his eyes were closed and one by one they slowly opened up except for the middle 2. He wore a purple Kimono and also held a sword, his black hair with red tips on the end gave me even more fear. As his middle 2 eyes opened I looked and saw the Kanji for Upper Moon One, my suspicions were right but this may have been my best option to survive. Without a choice I activated Bankai and dashed towards him hoping to catch him by surprise, but in that instant I got close in a flash he pasted me.

"I didn't expect you to come at me full force with such intent, you do realize I'm upper moon one of the 12 kizuki right. If so did you really think you could fight me with a surprise attack, for such a bad decision I'll take your arm." said Kokushibou.

As I slowly noticed my right arm being gone I deactivated Bankai and switched to FC and used 80%, at this point I can fell my body about to shred to pieces upon breathing. I saw the demon look at me with surprise and as I arched my leg back, I was ready to destroy my body to live to see the next day. Releasing my leg into a Vertical roundhouse kick, I unleashed St. Louis Smash Air Force against Kokushibou, causing a cloud of smoke and feeling intense pain in my leg causing me to kneel in extreme pain.

"That was a nice attack you have their, you created a mini wasteland from just that attack alone and managed to push me back a fair distance. I see your in pain, are you taking this seriously over a arm, I'm not gonna kill you in an instant I want to talk." said Kokushibou.

I dashed over to Kokushibou in an instant and used a 100% Detroit Smash on him, I could feel my fist breaking through his sword and colliding with his body and pushed through. After the hit landed his body was sent through a forest smashing through several trees until stopping. My arm was damaged to the point of no longer working, but I had to continue and grabbed my sword and dashed towards him with my enhanced speed. Before he can regenerate his bones fast enough I switched to Bankai and used my Hollowfication mask and an instant I took my blade and with my existing power I went to slash at the upper moon with a Kuroi Getsuga only to have my blade break halfway through. I couldn't believe that Tensa Zangetsu had broken upon contact with his neck, I had known I lost but I rather die trying to battle the strongest of the 12 kizuki. The upper moon had already regenerated his wounds and walked over to me, I could barely move my right leg and I have one arm available, I'm about to die via blood lost and I have a broken arm and blade.

Kokushibou's POV
I was planning on getting information on him but that's not gonna be useful if he's having trouble standing and losing blood by the second. I stopped the blood flow to his arm, he tried to cut my neck when I got close but it didn't even come close to piercing my skin, looks like he's helpless and I could proceed with plan. I feel he'll die in seconds, I had no choice so I opened his mouth, I planned to give him some of my blood to turn him into a demon but a sudden burst of energy came out of him, it even frightened me enough to stand back. The boy's body stood up straight, he had skin white as snow and he had grown claws along his arm had regenerated and his mask evolved further, it had horns and it was more fused to the face, his hair had grown longer as well and grew red puffs of hair around his wrist and neck. He called to his sword and it came to its master, the sword's edge crumbled into a perfectly fine cutting blade. I pulled out my blade and used Hachi no kata: Getsuryū Rinbi(8th Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail). Only to see a red light come from his horns, I didn't want to find out what that would do so I avoided his direction only to see it being fired past me, carving it's destruction onto the ecosystem. The attack he fired was so dangerous it could even challenge Lord Muzan in power, so this boy really is a demon, I want to avoid him as much as possible but as I looked towards him he was right behind and he slashed towards my direction and severed my top half in an instant. As I laid on the ground filled with fear a door opened up and I quickly got inside as the monster slowly walked towards me, as he about to unleash another blow the door closed saving me from the death of a second Muzan.

Moya's POV
I had been sent on a mission with Mujitsu to discover want happened at a certain area not to far from the butterfly estate it's only a few hours away b it we left early in the morning. As we kept going I spotted something on the ground like a carving it was huge.

"Hey Mujitsu-san we should follow this and see where it leads." I said.

"Good idea let's go." responded Mujitsu.

It was extremely large and seemed like it burned through trees that were supposed to be here, could it be a flame breathing user or a flame breathing demon was here last night, time will tell what I find. It's been a couple of minutes and soon we find where our tracks stop only to find some more, it seemed like I seen some cracks in the ground, like large vertical straight cracks, Mujitsu and I followed quickly. Our tracks stop at the middle of the forest only to see nothing but a sword left behind, it seemed shorter than our regular swords and gave a specific color like a nichirin blade, it donned upon me that this was Shika's sword.

"This is Shika Akiyama's blade and its broken, he was here and probably fighting a demon." I said.

"He battled that Upper Moon 4 wood demon right, the one that the Love pillar was struggling with and his sword wasn't broken. If I'm correct he was battling someone stronger than upper moon 4 to this much damage to the wasteland." Mujitsu said.

"Mujitsu let's see if we can find any trace of him around him, if he blade broke he could be wounded or worse?" I asked.

As we searched around the forest I saw strands of dark colored hair and followed it to a tree to see a beaten up Shika, he had me worried and he's in a condition where I could see faint blood trails and his clothes were torn. I felt his heartbeat and I for some reasons small tears flowed from my eyes.

Mujitsu's POV
I had found Moya crying over Shika being alive to my relief I sighed since he could survive a battle that affected the land like this. I picked him up and Moya and I started to head back to the Butterfly estate to see if he's ok considering why he went awol in the first place.

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