The Second Training Arc Part 2

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Shika's POV
I had woken up in the butterfly estate, I could've swore I was battling Kokushibou in a forest. Was I rescued by the Hashira somehow? Or did I never leave the butterfly estate at all? Was all that a dream or did I predict a future battle that I must face. I looked to see my arm which I was sure it was gone, as I tried to get up but my body looked liked it wasn't ready for that stage yet. As I fell someone came to my aid it was Shinobu who I as glad I was awake.

"Hey Shika-San, when the others found you, you have appeared to be in a great battle. You were even out for 5 whole days. When I inspected you, you had a broken leg and several broken bones, but you have not suffered any blood lose." said Shinobi.

"But wait where's my sword and who came to my rescue?" I asked.

"Well it was none other than the Tsugoku of the Mist and Wind Pillar. By the way Tokito and Kanroji have already left, but I'd be glad to assist you." Answered Shinobu.

"Assist me with what?" I asked.

"Well we are having a meeting and I don't think you can get their by yourself without struggling." answered Shinobu.

"I would like that thank you." I said.

Timeskip to the Hashira meeting
Shinobu sat me down next to her, I could finally see the other hashira, Mitsuri and Muichiro are doing better than I am. It still feels like my body is under the effects of ofa usage, because I can't master it better enough. Then a women came in, I immediately identified her to be the wife of Oyakata-sama, since his illness is getting worse by the day. She told us that Nezulo had conquered the sun and Muzan will put 100% effort into obtaining her so he can be 100% immortal. Then she explained what demon marks were, which increase a demon slayers power and haven't appeared since the Sengoku era. Kanroji tried to explain but no one understood her, Muichiro explained 2 conditions for unlocking a mark. Now all of us have to participate in training even though I have no ability to gain the Mark in the first place. When she left, the meeting was concluded and Giyuu was about to take his leave, which caused a argument between Sanemi.

Timeskip To Pillar Training
My bones have finally healed from my recent injuries, I was assigned visualization training, since I told the Hashira I can do my best to mimic the fighting styles of the 1st and 3rd Upper Moons. I know Kokushibou uses Moon Breathing but I can use bankai to mimic it, for Akaza, mimicking Destructive kill style is gonna be a pain. So far no Demon slayers have passed Gyomei's training which means no gonna is gonna get to my training. Though I still have to participate in the other Hashira training, except Shinobu, I joined Tengen's regiment and passed on the 4th day, Ryōiki passed on the same day, Moya on the 7th, Mujitsu on the 6th. Zenitsu and Inosuke had already passed and Tanjiro just finally recovered so I just gotta wait for the others to catch up. Next was Kanroji's regiment, She greeted Ryōiki and I, I refused to wear her training suit, but I did have to dance and have to go through the hellish stretching. Next was Muichiro, he greeted me kindly also, I passed day one when I landed a hit in him while deflecting his attacks, the students were in awe as they have been here for awhile, and so will Ryōiki. Next was Obanai's training, he stared at me fiercely and explained that I had to make it through without hitting the obstacles, by the way his face looked upon seeing me made me think it would take awhile. I passed on day 3 when I finally, the moment I left Ryōiki and Moya had arrived. As I arrived to Sanemi's training, it was an unwelcome arrival since he's also disgusted with me, but he already wanted to train. After 2 days I finally got to pass, he probably wanted to keep beating me more, but I've made it this far, as I arrived to Gyomei's training he told me to do 3 things, survive the waterfall, carry 3 logs on my shoulders, and finally push a Boulder through a town. I'm gonna be here for awhile and I guess I'm going to see the others pretty soon.

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