CHAPTER FORTY; another christmas

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Sorry for the wait, I've been busy. Thank you for 34K!

~Y/N's POV~

"Hey Y/NNNN! It's Christmas..." Hermione whispered in my ear the next morning. "Get up!"

"Fine 'Mione. Gerroff me." I pushed the giggling girl off of the bed as I yawned.

"Come onnnn! I want to slap Ron!" Hermione pleaded.

"Fred said he'd talk to him but I don't think he did." I laughed. "Slap him if you want, I guess."

"Just get up!" Hermione then left the dorm and ran downstairs. I heard voices and before I knew it I was being squashed against my bed.

Laugher was heard from whoever was lying on me and I sighed.

"Harry get off!" I tried to push my brother off but another person jumped on top. "LEE JORDAN GET OFF!"

The two boys laughed as they quickly ran out of the dorm. I finally got off and joined them downstairs in the common room.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Lewis rolled his eyes sarcastically and I poked my tongue out at him.

"Git. At least you weren't murdered by Harry, Lee and Hermione!" I glared at the three who were still laughing in the corner.

"Who murdered who?" Fred and George came downstairs with messy hair and in pyjamas.

"I think Y/N is going to murder Lee, Harry and Hermione." Angelina giggled.

"No it was the other way around." I corrected her. "They woke me up."

"Oh no. You guys better run." George said to Lee, Harry and Hermione. "She will actually kill you."

"No I won't. Not Hermione or Harry at least." I answered.

"Awww Y/N, you wouldn't hurt me. You love me too much!" Lee gushed.

"Can we open presents now?" Lewis begged like a five year old. "Pleaseeeee!"

"Yeah, please!" Fred joined in.

"Well come on then!" Alicia exclaimed and we all handed each other presents.

I tossed Lewis a big wrapped up box with a grin. He opened it and the two of us burst out laughing. The rest of the group looked at us confused. I had wrapped the box he gave me last year which now had a few pictures like stick figures drawn onto it, my personal favourite being a picture of Lewis falling down the girls dormitories stairs.

"Wow, I love the box Y/N/N. Thank you." Lewis snickered.

"Boxes are very useful." I quoted him from the previous year as everyone else still looked at us confused.

Everyone was tossing presents to each other, talking, laughing and eating. Ron was rather quiet though, talking to no one but his brothers and Harry.

I picked up a rather lumpy package and tossed it at Ron. He unwrapped it and found the ten chocolate frogs I had wrapped for him. He smiled gratefully and opened one of the frogs, which jumped up and hopped around the room with Stanley the toad.

"Y/NNNNNNN!" Fred pulled me up off the floor and up onto the couch next to him. "Here."

I opened the gift and was immediately drowned in glitter.


"Y/N." Fred mimicked me and laughed as I wiped glitter off of my face and out of my hair. "Look."

I looked down at the gift. It was a grey and blue, leather-bound book. I looked at Fred puzzled until I opened to the first page to see a moving photo of the Gryffindor Quidditch team back in third year. Fred and George had those awful bowl cuts and Harry was very short. I laughed at the picture before flipping through the pages. Fred made me a photo album. I turned the page again to find a picture of Fred and I cuddled on the couch from last year.

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