Recruiting Steve Rogers

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I enter the worn down gym, staring at the built man as he punches a boxing bag aggressively. I lean against the entrance wall and just watch him in awe. He looks just as amazing as he did when I had found him in the middle of the street of Times Square. He begins to punch the bag even harder until his final punch sends it swinging away from him and off of the chain. 

"Wow," I finally say, making my way to the tall man as he goes to put up another punching bag. "What did that thing ever do to you?"

"Mae," He looks me up and down, breathing heavily as sweat drips down his forehead. I am grateful that I stand tall in my uniform with my hair now hanging loose over my shoulders. I had purposely touched up a little makeup, having not seen the attractive man in months. 

"Steve," I finish walking up to him, focusing most of my attention purposely on the punching bag so I don't have to look at him in those gorgeous blue eyes with a hint of green. "It's late. Trouble sleeping?"

"I slept for seventy years," He reminds me. 

"I kinda did too," I say. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks. "I thought I made it clear to leave me alone."

*Flashback months ago*

I stare as the man I haven't seen in almost seventy years runs out of the building, looking around in confusion and fear. I know it must be a huge adjustment. 

"Steve," I finally bring myself to say as I feel my eyes water. 

"Maeve?" He looks at me with squinted eyes and I can see the little relief in his muscles as he recognizes someone he knows. 

"I can't believe you're alive," I force myself not to cry as he engulfs me in a tight hug. 

"What's going on?" He asks after pulling away, looking at my agent uniform in even more confusion. 

"Steve, you need to remain calm," I begin. "You had disappeared into the ice and we all thought you were gone. It has been many years and we had to move on and-"

"What year is it?" He interrupts me and I know he's not going to take this well. 

"It's 2011," I sigh before taking his hand. "Why don't we go to the bar?" I suggest, forcing him to walk across the street with me. 

"What?" He is too distracted to realize we are in a bar and I have sat him down. "How are you here?"

"I took the serum," I answer truthfully. 

"You what!?" He stands up abruptly and I can tell he is angry. 

"Sit down," I smile at the customers as if nothing is wrong, taking his hand once more. "Bucky was dead. I thought you were dead," I bite my lip, remembering the pain of losing them. "I wanted to be a soldier and Peggy told me I could be the best."

"Peggy?" He asks. 

"Yes," I fight to not make it sound like I am jealous of her. "I took it and they preserved me in ice. This is the ninth time I've been let out on a mission."

"I'm your mission," He states matter of factly. 

"Yes, Steve," I smile, grateful to have him with me again. "You're alive."

"No," He moves his hand away from me. "You aren't supposed to be here. You're supposed to have gone to college. You're supposed to have fallen in love and gotten married. You're supposed to have grown old."

"I never wanted college and marriage," I tell him, hurt that he doesn't want to see me. 

"You're not supposed to be this," He stands up again and goes to leave. 

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