Germany Deja Vu

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"It looks brand new," I admire Steve's Captain America suit and shield that is locked up safely behind glass as I take him to it. 

"Yeah," He stares at it, stopping. "What are you wearing?"

"Hmm?" I look up at him. "Oh, I'll just change my shirt or something and get my weapons."

"Your weapons?" He asks curiously. 

"My knives," I say, smiling slightly as I know how good my knife work is. "I'm quite good with them."

"Maeve?" He looks at me. 

"Yes, Steve?" I keep my smile forcefully on. 

"I need to change," He says. 

"Okay," I say slowly, not really processing it as I remain still. "Oh, right! Sorry," I quickly go to exit the room. But, not before I hear him laugh at me. 

"That's dangerous territory," I hear Fury say from behind me as I begin to go to my room where I need to change. 

"Excuse me?" I turn around to face my boss. 

"Don't get me wrong, I think it's good to have a love-life," Fury stands up straight, hands linked behind his back. "But that man in there is still adjusting. It's not as easy as it was for you."

"It was never easy for me," I tell him grimly. 

"I'm just saying, Maeve," Fury only ever calls me by my name when no one is around. He like someone else I know is similar to a parental figure to me. "He cares about you, but he sees you as a child. And wasn't there that Agent..."

"Carter," I finish for him because he can't remember. 

"Right," Fury nods, placing a hand on my left shoulder. "I don't need you getting heartbroken, okay? I need you in this fight headstrong."

"Okay," I nod before turning back to go to my room. 

Once I enter, I sit on the full bed as I breathe heavily. I grab the silver necklace with a circle locket by my bedside and open it. On one side is a picture of my brother in his soldier uniform, and Steve is on the other side wearing his Captain America suit. I quickly wipe away a tear escaping my left eye and close the locket. "Get yourself together," I then take my shirt off and put on the black shirt I always wear and buckle my holster, placing my gun and knives in it. I tie my hair into a ponytail before leaving. 


Steve blocks the old man from getting hit by the blue light with his shield right when we arrive in Stuttgart, Germany. 

"Are you okay, sir?" I ask the old man as Steve stands up straight. 

"Yes, dear," He nods, a smile of gratitude plastered on his face. "Go kick his ass now."

"I will," I smirk before walking towards Loki with Steve beside me. 

"You know, the last time I was in Germany," Steve says in his suit, making it clear for everyone forced to kneel for Loki to hear. "And saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing."

"What was the result of that, Cap?" I ask him with a grin, wiping away a stray curl that has escaped my ponytail. "He lost, right?"

"The soldier," Loki snarls at Steve before resting his eyes on me. "And who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare," I grin innocently. 

"I bet, beautiful," Loki smirks and I notice Steve's jaw tense through my peripheral vision. 

I hear Natasha arrive in the jet behind us before she speaks on the PA; "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down."

Loki tries to shoot the blue light at the jet, but Natasha swiftly tilts it so he misses and Steve throws his shield at him. I run up and kick him in the chest. Steve throws me his shield and I block Loki's scepter from hitting me. He shoves me away and I throw back Steve's shield to him. Steve charges at Loki but the other man knocks him to his knees. 

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