We're Not in The 40s Anymore

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"Mmm," I mutter out once I gain consciousness

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"Mmm," I mutter out once I gain consciousness. 

"Thank God," Steve has a small smile plastered on his face, relieved that I am alive. 

"How'd I get down?" I ask them as the rest of The Avengers come into view. "Anyone kiss me?"

"He caught you," Thor point at the Hulk. 

"Thanks, big guy," I nod at Hulk as I slowly move to rest on my elbows. "Ah."

"Here," Steve carefully moves me so I can rest my upper body on him, too weak to fully stand up. 

"Nobody kissed me right?" I smirk at them all and Steve blushes. 

"You're the only one doing the kissing around here," Natasha smirks down at me. 

"Everyone saw that?" I ask him. 

"Yep," He nods with a small smile. "We won."

"We won," I state happily before groaning from soreness. 

"She looks like she can use a day off," Tony says. "There's some shawarma joint about two blocks from here. We should all try it."

"We have to take care of something first," Thor looks up at the Stark Tower where the Hulk has left a beaten up Loki. 

"We can get shawarma after," I promise Tony. 


I stand beside Steve as we all face Loki when he turns around, laying weakly back on the stairs. We are all suited up, angrily looking down at him. 

"If it's all the same to you," Loki begins, looking at Tony. "I'll have that drink now."

"Drink this," I push Clint out of my way and punch Loki square in the face. "That felt amazing."


I walk across the street with Steve, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, and Clint as we follow Thor holding his brother tightly. Loki has chains keeping him from fighting back and a mouth guard keeping him from speaking. 

Steve wears his typical khaki pants with a blue dress shirt and his brown leather jacket. The rest of us also wear typical, casual clothing while Tony wears a fancy nice silver suit. I just wore my favorite leggings, a black long sleeve shirt under my black leather jacket, and boots. 

"Maeve," Thor looks at me as he and his brother grab onto each side of the container that holds the Tesseract. "If your was anything brother like you, he must have been a good man. Not much I can say for mine," I laugh at how annoyed Loki looks. "Don't join him yet, though. I quite enjoy my favorite human's company. Behind Jane of course."

"I do too," I chuckle at him before the two brothers twist the handles and blue light from the sky transports them back to Asgard. 

"I need a suit now," Tony tells me after he shakes Steve's hand. 

"I'll pay you back when I become a billionaire, playboy, philanthropist," I say with a grin plastered on my face. 

"I'll get you some notes, kiddo," He hugs me before heading to his car. 

"Sorry about the eye, again," Clint apologizes to me once again. 

"Don't worry about it," I reassure him for what seems like to be the millionth time. "My new one lets me shoot blasts out of my wrists. Though, you can buy me food every time we train."

"You're coming back to S.H.E.I.L.D.?" Natasha asks as she nods to where Steve remains seated on his motorcycle. "Didn't they finally let you out?"

"I guess," I shrug. "But, won't you miss me? We were each other's only friends at S.H.E.I.L.D.," I see Barton's offended look. "Besides Barton I unfortunately guess."

"You have someone out here for you," Natasha then engulfs me in a hug. "I'll see you around, Mae."

"You too, Nat," I wave goodbye to them both as they hop in her car. 

I am about to turn to where Steve waits for me when I get a call from Fury. 

"Nick," I say once I answer the call. 

"Maeve," His voice says from the other side of the phone. 

"Need me back so soon?" I ask. 

"No," Fury responds. "I'm sorry that I never told you about what we were planning to do."

"No hard feelings," I assure him. 

"I know you," Fury begins. "You are married to your duty as a soldier and as an agent. But the only thing that ever holds you back is that one man. Now, he's wasting all of our time not making a damn move but he'll see it one day. I see it and that's why I'm not sending you back here."

"I don't follow," I look back at Steve who is now looking down. 

"You're my favorite, damn it," I grin at Fury's words. "And I want you to be happy. We don't need you here right now so go be happy. You don't have to wait for another eighty-eight years."

"Copy that, sir," I say before hanging up. 

"Took you long enough," Steve looks up as I stand in front of his motorcycle. "I was afraid you were gonna run away again."

"I let you go once. You're not getting rid of me that easily, Cap," I smirk. "Besides," I round his motorcycle and hop onto the back. "There's a whole new world out there that we need to explore. We're not in the forties anymore."


"Good shawarma," I comment as I sit with The Avengers in our uniforms at the Shawarma joint the next night. 

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